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Reviewed by Amelia Yuni Saputri (2023022011)
Importance carbon cycle

To maintain the balance of carbon

in nature. Since atmospheric
carbon dioxide determines the
rate of photosynthesis by the
producers, which acts as the
primary source of food production
on earth, the carbon cycle helps
to sustain life on earth.
Human Activities
Industry Agriculture

Use natural resources, leading to

Deforestation Over-fishing Pollution
Effect of DEforestation

Soil erosion Desertification

Flooding Climate Changes

Harmful Fishing Methods


Dredges Cyanide Explosiv

Water Pollution

01. 02. 03. 04.

untreated excessive use inorganic insecticides
of inorganic waste
sawage fertillsers
Untreated Excessiv
sewage e use of
Sewage is watter carried
waste matter from homes or
industries c
Rapid increases in fertiliser
Rapid increase in
algae growth
bacteria numbers
Untreated sewage

Sewage is watter carried waste matter

from homes or industries

Rapid increases in bacteria numbers

Organism such fish die due to lack of
oxygen in water

submerged algae and water plants die due

to lack of sunlight. the dead algae and
water plants are decomposed by aerobic
bacteria and fungi
1. Waste water containg poisonous metals
is discharged into the water body
2. Poisonous metals are absorbed by the
water plants in the water body
3. The water plants are eaten by fish
4. Fish caught from the sea contain high
concentrations of poisonous metals
5. Villagers who eat the fish are poisoned

Insecticides are substances used to kill insects

DDT (Dischlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) is an insectiticide

Bioaccumulation is the accumulation of substances in the body of an


Bioampllification or biomagnification is the process of results in the

insecticide being passed along food chains, increasing in concentration in
the bodies of organisms along the trophic levels.

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