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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Automatic speed control and accident avoidance by using multi

Under the guidance of : Presented By:
Somashekar L S
1)Bhushan H K 1RN19ME405
Assistant Professor
Dept. of M. E. 2)Puneeth S 1RN18ME072
R.N.S.I.T 3)Girish 1RN19ME421
4)Lakkana D S 1RN19ME430

The Objective of this project is to develop a system to keep the vehicle secure and protect it by the
occupation of the intruders. the project to develop a system automatic speed control of vehicle and
accident avoidance using eye blink sensor and ultrasonic sensor .whenever any obstacle is
detected in running vehicle depends on distance automatically control the speed of vehicle. The
driver in sleeping /drowse position the eye blink sensor detects the eye blink is not more than 30
sec eye closed vehicle stop the automatically, it is not manually
3 Problem statement
Due to number of vehicles the number of accidents are increasing. In the world many lives and
millions of rupees have lost related with the accidents most of the vehicle accidents in driving is
with unlimited speed and carelessness of drivers. In Ethiopia number of cars in the city is more
than roads available even some drivers cannot control the vehicle of sudden obstacle faced in front
of them.

1. Many accidents at High-ways are taking place due to the close running of vehicles,
all of sudden, if the in front vehicle driver reduces the speed or applied breaks,
then it is quite difficult to the following vehicle driver to control his vehicle,
resulting accident.

2. To avoid this kind of accident, the warning system, which contains alarm and
display system can arrange at rear side of each and every vehicle.

3. If any short circuit occurs in engine part smoke sensor detecting and give alert to
driver and stop the vehicle.
5 Working
Initially, the color sensor located below the bumper on chassis, recognizes the color of the
road to get the system activated. The hall sensor calculates the speed of the vehicle in rpm
& display it on LCD. The system compares the actual speed of the vehicle with the
specific speed assigned to detected color. If the value is not same, then the vehicle is
restricted to the particular threshold speed. This system, limit the speed of the vehicle to
increase beyond the specified limit. Therefore, by using this topology the speed limit for
various zones can be set.
Block diagram

Circuit Diagram
8 Interior prototype
Materials Used
• 230 input step down transformer
• 9 volts AC Bridge Rectifier Filter Capacitor(750 regulator)
9 • Audrina UNO R3
• 16x2 LED Display
• MQ2 gas smoke sensor
• Ultrasonic sensor
• DC motor
10 Tabular column

Sl No Part Description Quantity

1 Microcontroler 1

2 Ultrasonic sensor 2

3 Smoke Sensor 1

4 Eye blink sensor 1

5 LCD display (16x2) 1

6 Buzzer 1

7 D C Motor 1
Estimation of cost
Components Price

1. Audrina UNO Rs. 1200

2. Ultrasonic sensor Rs. 600

3. Smoke sensor Rs. 700

4. LCD display Rs. 500

12 Conclusion
This approach is very much useful, as it will reduce the probability of road accidents and also the death due
to accidents. As majority of road accidents are due to rash driving or poor judgment of driver. During our
experiment the color detection was done properly and efficiently by color sensor. Also, hall sensor
calculated the speed of the vehicle using principle of Hall Effect and further specific speed was assigned
according to the type of color painted on the road. Also the implementation and future development of the
system is feasible.

Future Enhancements
• By wearing power bands finding irregular heart beats with steering sensored finding out the chances of
sudden incaliber of driver and avoid accidents.
• By using motion sensors we can remove eye blink sensors.


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