Unit-3, 4 and 5

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• Verilog is a hardware description language. It was developed in the mid-1980s and later transferred to the
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).

• The language is formally defined by IEEE Standard 1364. The standard was ratified in 1995 (referred to as
Verilog- 1995) and revised in 200 1 (referred to as Verilog-2001).


• Four basic values are used in most data types:

• 0: for logic 0 or a false condition

• 1: for "logic 1, or a true condition

• z: for the high-impedance state

• x: for an unknown value .

Data types groups

• Verilog has two main groups of data types: net and variable.

• Net group:- The data types in the net group represent the physical connections between hardware
components. They are used as the outputs of continuous assignments and as the connection signals between
different modules. The most commonly used data type in this group is wire. As the name indicates, it
represents a connecting wire.

• The wire data type represents a 1-bit signal, as in

• wire p0, p1 ; // two 1 – bit signals

• When a collection of signals is grouped into a bus, we can represent it using a one-dimensional
array (vector), as in
• wire [7:0] data 1 , data 2 ; // 8 - b i t d a t a

• wire [31:0] addr ; // 32- bit address

• wire [0:7] revers - data ; // a s c e n d i n g i n d e x s h o u l d be a v o i d e d

• A two-dimensional array is sometimes needed to represent a memory. For example, a 32-by-4 memory
(i.e., a memory has 32 words and each word is 4 bits wide) can be represented as

• wire [3:0] mem1 [31:0] ; // 32-by-4 memory

• Variable group:- The data types in the variable group represent abstract storage in behavioral modeling
and are used in the outputs of procedural assignments. There are five data types in this group: reg, integer,
real, time, and realtime. The most commonly used data type in this group is reg and it can be synthesized.
Two Main Data Types
• Nets represent connections between things
 Do not hold their value
 Take their value from a driver such as a gate
 Cannot be assigned in an initial or always block

• Regs represent data storage

 Behave exactly like memory in a computer
 Hold their value until explicitly assigned in an initial
or always block
 Never connected to something
 Can be used to model latches, flip-flops, etc., but do
not correspond exactly
 Shared variables with all their attendant problems 4
Data Types: Variables
• Variables are instances of two basic families
of data types: Nets and Registers
• Net variables – e.g. wire
• Variable used simply to connect components
• Usually corresponds to a wire in the circuit.
• Register variables – e.g. reg
• Variable used to store data as part of a
behavioral description
• Just like variables in C language.
• Can be thought as hardware wires
driven by logic
• Equals z when unconnected
• Various types of nets
–wand (wired-AND)
–wor (wired-OR)
–tri (tri-state)
Net data type
• Different ‘net’ types supported for
 wire, wor, wand, tri, supply0, supply1
• ‘wire’ and ‘tri’ are equivalent;
 when there are multiple drivers driving them,
the outputs of the drivers are shorted
• ‘wor’ / ‘wand’
 inserts an OR / AND gate at the connection.
• ‘supply0’ / ‘supply1’ model power supply
connections. 7
Y wire Y; // declaration
B assign Y = A & B;
wand Y; //
assign Y = A;
Y assign Y = B;
wor Y; // declaration
assign Y = A;
assign Y = B;

Register data type
• Different ‘register’ types supported:
 reg, integer
• The ‘reg’ declaration requires explicit
specification of the size.
reg x, y; // single-bit register variables
reg [15:0] bus; // 16-bit bus, bus[15] MSB
• For ‘integer’, it takes the default size,
usually 32-bits.
 Synthesizer tries to determine the size.
Design Methodology

Two Main Components of
• Behavior
Concurrent, event-triggered
• Structure:
Wires, interconnection, etc.

Structural vs. Behaviorial Verilog

• Structural verilog:
 Module instances and their
interconnections (by wires) only. 
• Behavioral verilog:
 The use of regs, explicit time
delays, arithmetic expressions,
procedural assignments, and other
verilog control flow structures.
Concept of Verilog “Module”
• In Verilog, the basic unit of hardware
is called a module.
 Modules cannot contain definitions of
other modules.
 A module can, however, instantiate
another module.
 Allows the creation of a hierarchy in a
Verilog description.
Basic Syntax of Module Definition

module module_name (list_of_ports);

input/output declarations
local net declarations
Parallel statements

Example 1 :: Simple AND gate

module simpleand (f, x, y);

input x, y;
output f;
assign f = x & y;

Verilog Half Adder
module half_adder_v(x, y, s, c);
input x, y;
output s, c;

assign s = x ^ y;
assign c = x & y;

Verilog Full Adder
module full_adder_v(x, y, z, s, c);
input x, y, z; Mixing structural and behaviorial
output s, c; code.

half_adder_v HA1(x, y, hs, hc),

HA2(hs, z, s, tc);
assign c = tc | hc;

Verilog Operators
• Arithmetic operators
*, /, +, -, %
• Logical operators
!  logical negation
&&  logical AND
||  logical OR
• Relational operators
>, <, >=, <=, ==, !=
• Bitwise operators
~, &, |, ^, ~^
• Reduction operators (operate on all the bits
within a word)
&, ~&, |, ~|, ^, ~^
 accepts a single word operand and
produces a single bit as output
• Shift operators
>>, <<
• Concatenation {}
• Replication {{}}
• Conditional
<condition> ? <expression1> : <expression2>
Bitwise Operators
| OR
~| NOR
^~ or ~^ XNOR

Concatenation and replication operators
• The concatenation operator, { }, combines segments of elements and small arrays to form a large array.

• Example-1

• Example-2
Conditional operators
• [signal] = [Boolean_exp] ? [true_exp] : [false_exp]; .

• The [Boolean_expl is a Boolean expression that returns true ( 1'b1) or false (1'b0). The [signal] gets
[true_exp], if it is true and [false_exp] if it is false. For example, the

assign max = (a>b) ? a : b ;

• The operator can be thought as a simplified if-then-else statement:

• Basic syntax and behavior

• The [sensitivity_list] term is a list of signals and events to which the always block responds (i.e., is
"sensitive to"). For a combinational circuit, all the input signals should be included in this list. The body
is composed of any number of procedural statements. The begin and end delimiters can be omitted if there is
only one procedural statement in the body. The @([sensitivity_list]) term is actually a timing control
construct. It is usually the only timing control construct in a synthesizable always block.
• Example- 1 bit comparator
• Since the eq, p0, and p1 signals are assigned within the always block, they are declared as the reg data type.
The sensitivity list consists of i0 and i1, which are separated by a comma. When one of them changes, the
always block is activated. The three blocking assignments are executed sequentially, much like the
statements in a C program. The order of the statements is important and p0 and p1 must be assigned values
before being used.
• What is blocking assignment and non-blocking assignment?
• Within procedural statement.

• A procedural assignment can only be used within an always block or initial block. There are two types of
assignments: blocking assignment and non-blocking assignment. Their basic syntax is

• In a blocking assignment, the expression is evaluated and then assigned to the variable immediately,
before execution of the next statement (the assignment thus "blocks" the execution of other statements).
It behaves like the normal variable assignment in the C language. In a non-blocking assignment, the
evaluated expression is assigned at the end of the always block (the assignment thus does not block the
execution of other statements).
• Example- 1 bit comparator
• A general thumb rule,

• Use blocking assignments for a combinational circuit.

• Use non-blocking assignments for a sequential circuit.

Difference between always and assign block
• It is a circuit that performs an and operation over
a, b and c (i.e., a & b & c).

• The inferred circuit is shown in Figure a.

• In left side code, each continuous assignment

infers a circuit part. The three appearances of y
on the left-hand side imply that the three outputs
are tied together. The corresponding circuit
diagram is shown in Figure (c) and it is clearly not
the desired circuit.

• When synthesized, the if statements infer "priority routing" networks.

Example • Example-2

• Example-1
• When A case statement is a multiway decision statement
that compares the [case_exprl expression with a number of
[item] expressions. The execution jumps to the branch whose
[item] matches the current value of [case_expr] . If there are
multiple matched [item] expressions, execution jumps to the
branch of the first match.
Example 2 to 4 decoder
• There are two types of routing structures: priority routing network and multiplexing network, which are inferred
by an if-else type statement and a parallel case statement, respectively.

Priority routing network

• A priority routing network is implemented by a sequence of 2-to-1 multiplexers. The diagram and truth
table of a 2-to-1 multiplexer are shown in Figure a. An if-else statement implies a priority routing network.

• The conceptual diagram of the statement is shown in Figure (b). The two 2-to-1 multiplexers form the priority
routing network and other components implement various Boolean and arithmetic expressions. If the first
Boolean condition (i.e., m==n) is true, the result of a+b+c is routed to r. Otherwise, the data connected to port 0
is passed to r. The next Boolean condition (i.e., m>n) determines whether the result of a-b or c+l is routed to the
Similarity between case and if-else statement
• It can be translated to.
Multiplexing network
• A multiplexing network is implemented by an n-to-1 multiplexer. The desired input port is specified by the
selection signal and the corresponding input is routed to the output. The diagram and functional table of the 4-to-1
multiplexer are shown in Figure a.

• The conceptual diagram of this statement is shown in(b). The sel variable can assume four possible values:
00,01,10 and 11. It implies a 4-to-1 multiplexer with sel as the selection signal. The evaluated result of a+b+c is
routed to r when sel is 00, the result of a-b is routed to r when sel is 10, and the result of c+l is routed to r when
sel is 01 or 11.
• The always block is a flexible and powerful language construct. However, it must be used with care to infer
correct and efficient circuits and to avoid any discrepancy between synthesis and simulation.

• Assign a variable only in a single always block.

• Use blocking statements for combinational circuits.

• Use @* to include all inputs automatically in the sensitivity list.

• Make sure that all branches of the if and case statements are included.

• Make sure that the outputs are assigned in all branches.

• One way to satisfy the two previous guidelines is to assign default values for outputs in the beginning of the
always block.

• Describe the desired full case and parallel case in code rather than using software directives or attributes.

• Be aware of the type of routing network inferred by different control constructs.

• Think hardware, not C code

• One good design practice is to replace the "hard literals" with symbolic constants.

• In Verilog, a constant can be declared using the localparam (for "local parameter") keyword.
• Adder using a hard literal. • Adder using constants.
• Verilog provides a construct, known as a parameter, to pass information into a module.
• Adder using a parameter.
• Adder instantiation example.
Hexadecimal digit to seven-segment LED decoder

• On the prototyping board, the seven-segment LED is configured as active low, which means that an LED
segment is lit if the corresponding control signal is 0.

• A hexadecimal digit to seven-segment LED decoder treats a 4-bit input as a hexadecimal digit and
generates appropriate LED patterns, as shown in Figure (b).

• For completeness, we assume that there is also a 1-bit input, dp, which is connected directly to the
decimal point LED. The LED control signals, dp, a, b, c, d, e, f , and g, are grouped together as a single 8-
bit signal, sseg.
Sign-magnitude adder
• An integer can be represented in sign-magnitude format, in which the MSB is the sign and the remaining
bits form the magnitude. For example, 3 and -3 become "0011 " and " 1011 " in 4-bit sign-magnitude

• If the two operands have the same sign, add the magnitudes and keep the sign.

• If the two operands have different signs, subtract the smaller magnitude from the larger one and keep
the sign of the number that has the larger magnitude.

• One possible implementation is to divide the circuit into two stages. The first stage sorts the two input
numbers according to their magnitudes and routes them to the max and min signals. The second stage
examines the signs and performs addition or subtraction on the magnitude accordingly. Note that since the
two numbers have been sorted, the magnitude of max is always larger than that of min and the final sign is
the sign of max .
Sign-magnitude adder
Sequential Circuits
• A sequential circuit is a circuit with memory, which forms the internal state of the circuit. Unlike a
combinational circuit, in which the output is a function of input only, the output of a sequential circuit is a
function of the input and the internal state.

• The synchronous design methodology is the most commonly used practice in designing a sequential
circuit. In this methodology, all storage elements are controlled (i.e., synchronized) by a global clock
signal and the data is sampled and stored at the rising or falling edge of the clock signal.

• Block diagram of Synchronous system

• State register: a collection of D FFs controlled by the same clock signal.

• Next-state logic: combinational logic that uses the external input and internal state(i.e., the output of
register) to determine the new value of the register.

• Output logic: combinational logic that generates the output signal

• D FF without asynchronous reset. • D FF with asynchronous reset.
• D FF with synchronous enable.

• A register is a collection of D FFs

that are controlled by the same clock
and reset signals.

• Like a D FF, a register can have an

optional asynchronous reset signal
and a synchronous enable signal.

• The code is identical to that of a D

FF except that the array data type is
needed for the relevant input and
output signals. For example, an 8-bit
register with asynchronous reset is
shown in code.
Register File
•  A register file is a collection of
registers with one input port and one
or more output ports.

• The write address signal, w_addr,

specifies where to store data, and the
read address signal, r_addr, specifies
where to retrieve data.

• The register file is generally used as

fast, temporary storage. The code for
a parameterized -by-B register file is
shown here.

• Two parameters are defined in this

design: W specifies the number of
address bits, which implies that there
are words in the file, and B specifies
the number of bits in a word.
• A free-running shift register shifts its
content to the left or right by one
position in each clock cycle. There is
no other control signal. The code for
an N-bit free-running shift-right
register is shown here.
Universal Shift-Register
• A universal shift register can load
parallel data, shift its content left or
right, or remain in the same state. It
can perform parallel-to-serial
operation (first loading parallel
input and then shifting) or serial-to-
parallel operation (first shifting and
then retrieving parallel output).

• The desired operation is specified by

a 2-bit control signal, ctrl. The code
is shown here.
Free-running binary counter
• A free-running binary counter
circulates through a binary sequence
repeatedly. For example, a 4-bit
binary counter counts from “0000",
"0001 ", . . ., to " 1111" and wraps

• The desired operation is specified by

a 2-bit control signal, ctrl. The code
is shown here.
Universal binary counter
• A universal binary counter is more
versatile. It can count up or down,
pause, be loaded with a specific
value, or be synchronously cleared.
Its functions are summarized in Table

• Note the difference between the reset

and syn_clr signals. The former is
asynchronous and should only be
used for system initialization. The
latter is sampled at the rising edge of
the clock and can be used in normal
synchronous design.
Mod-m Counter
•  A mod-m counter counts from 0 to
m - 1 and wraps around.

• It has two parameters: M, which

specifies the limit, m; and N, which
specifies the number of bits needed
and should be equal

• The next-state logic is constructed by

a conditional operator. If the
counter reaches M-I, the new value is
cleared to 0. Otherwise, it is
incremented by 1.

• Inclusion of the N parameter in the

code is somewhat redundant since its
value depends on M. A more elegant
way is to define a function that
calculates N from M automatically.
Combinational Network Delay
 • Combinational delay is measured along paths in the logic, generally paths from a primary input to a primary output.

• We will close with some notes on how physical design placement and routing affect delay

Delay Specifications
Slack and criticality
• The term slack is commonly used in optimization to refer to the noncritical part of a measurement. In delay analysis, the
timing slack along a path is the difference between the longest delay through the logic block and the actual delay along
that path.

• If the slack is zero, then that path is critical and helps determine the maximum delay.

• If the slack is greater than zero, it refers to the extra time between when the signal finishes propagating and the longest
delay for the block.
Gate and Wire Delay Contd.
• Figure shows a logic element being driven by
another logic element. We will break the total
delay from the input of the first logic element to
the input of the second one into two components:

• Gate delay (tg) - This is the delay through the

circuits in the logic elements themselves. This
delay is usually substantial because FPGAs use
complex logic elements.

• Wire delay (tw) - The delay through the wire

connecting the two gates. This delay clearly
depends on the length and other characteristics of
the wire.

• The total measurements is made from the input of

one logic element to the input of the next logic
element. By measuring tg and tw for each segment
of a path, we can determine the total delay along
that path.
Fanout Contd.
Fanout reduction by buffer insertion
• When we generalize our delay model, the next
problem we run into is fanout, or driving multiple
logic elements from a single logic element.

• As the number of logic elements being driven

increases, the load on the output gates increases,
slowing it down. That capacitance may come from
the transistor gates or from the wires to those
Path Delay Contd. Static timing analysis
• We need a concise model of the combinational  • We could use a logic simulator which models
logic that considers only delays. We can model the delays to compute the delays through various
logic network and its delays as a directed graph paths in the logic. However, system performance
that is sometimes called a timing graph. is determined by the maximum delay through the
logic, the longest delay from any input to any
• Each logic gate and each primary input or output output for any possible set of input values.
is assigned its own node in the graph. When one
gate drives another, an edge is added from the • To determine the maximum delay by simulation,
driving gate’s node to the driven gate’s node; the we would have to simulate all possible input
number assigned to the edge is the delay required values to the combinational logic. It is possible,
for a signal value to propagate from the driver to however, to find the logic network’s maximum
the input of the driven gate. delay without exhaustive simulation.

• The simplest delay problem to analyze is to • Timing analysis builds a graph which models
change the value at only one input and determine delays through the network and identifies the
how long it takes for the effect to be propagated to longest delay path. Timing analysis is also known
a single output as static timing analysis because it determines
delays statically, independent of the values input
to the logic gates.
Critical path Contd.
• The longest delay path is known as the critical A graph model of delays through a logic network
path since that path limits system performance.
We know that the graph has no cycles, or paths
from a node back to itself, a cycle in the graph
would correspond to feedback in the logic

• As a result, finding the critical path isn’t too

difficult. In Figure, there are two paths of equal
length: i2 → B→ C → D → o2 and i3 → B → C
→ D → o2.

• Both have total delays of 17 ns. Any sequential

system built from this logic must have a total
delay of 17 ns, plus the setup time of the latches
attached to the outputs, plus the time required for
the driving latches to switch the logic’s inputs
Power and Energy Optimization Contd.
• Power consumption is important whenever heat • Second, leakage contributes to energy
dissipation is a problem; energy consumption is consumption in more advanced VLSI fabrication
critical in battery-operated and other low-power processes. The traditional CMOS transistor has a
systems. very high off resistance and very little current
leaked through the channel.
• CMOS gates exhibit several energy consumption
mechanisms; each suggests its own mechanisms • However, as transistor geometries increase,
for minimizing energy consumption. leakage current increases. Leakage occurs even
when the logic is idle. The only way to eliminate
• The first and largest source of energy consumption leakage current is to disconnect the power supply
is caused by transitions on gate outputs. Driving a from the logic.
gate’s load consumes considerable energy.
• This can be done when it is known that the logic
• The energy consumption can be reduced by will not be needed for some time. It generally
reducing the number of times the gate’s output takes a considerable period, longer than a clock
changes. Proper logic design can, in some cases, cycle, to reconnect power and let the circuits
reduce glitching. stabilize.
Glitching Analysis and Optimization Contd.
• One important way to reduce a gate’s energy
consumption is to make it change its output as few
times as possible.

• While the gate would not be useful if it never

changed its output value, it is possible to design
the logic network to reduce the number of
unnecessary changes to a gate’s output as it works
to compute the desired value.

• Figure shows an example of energy-consuming

glitching in a logic network. Glitches are more
likely to occur in multi-level logic networks
because the signals arrive at gates at different
times. In this example, the NOR gate at the output
starts at 0 and ends at 0, but differences in arrival
times between the gate input connected to the
primary input and the output of the NAND gate
cause the NOR gate’s output to glitch to 1
Glitching Analysis and Optimization Contd.
• Often the most effective way to minimize glitches
is to keep unnecessary transitions from
propagating. A logic block’s inputs may change
even though the output of the logic is not used.
Consider, for example, an ALU in a CPU. The
ALU output is not used on every cycle.

• If the ALU’s inputs change when the ALU is not

in use, then energy is needlessly consumed in the
ALU logic.

• As shown in Figure , we can use gating logic to

guard against unnecessary transitions. The control
signal selects whether data is allowed to pass to
the logic or whether the previous value is held to
avoid transitions in the logic block.
Number Representations Contd.
• The most commonly used number representation
in computers is twos-complement. • Write the value in twos-complement
• Let us assume that we have an n-bit binary word
for representing numbers. We often refer to the • N=5.
most significant bit (MSB), bit n-1 in this case,
and the least significant bit (LSB), bit 0 in our • N=-5 (when n= 4)
• Range
• We want to put the number N in binary form.
Then if N is positive, we have.

• (1). Evaluate, 10101-00101

• (2). Evaluate, 11001-11100

• We can test for a negative number by testing the
most significant bit, with an MSB of 1 indicating • The basic adder is known as a full adder. It
a negative number. computes a one-bit sum and carry from two
addends and a carry-in. The equations for the full
• We can form the ones-complement of a number by adder’s functions are simple:
taking the Boolean complement of each bit.

• We can perform by negating b and then adding. If

we write the ones-complement as ones(), then we
must compute a + (ones(b)+1) .
• A half adder accepts two input bits rather than the
three inputs of a full adder. It produces the sum
output and the carry output.
Serial adders
• Serial adders present one approach to high-speed
arithmetic—they require many clock cycles to add
two n-bit numbers, but with a very short cycle

• The data stream consists of three signals: the two

numbers to be added and a least-significant bit
signal that is high when the current data bits are
the least significant bits of the addends.

• The addends appear LSB first and can be of

arbitrary length—the end of a pair of numbers is
signaled by the LSB bit for the next pair.

• The adder itself is simply a full adder with a

register for the carry. The LSB signal clears the
carry register. Subsequently, the two input bits are
added with the carry-out of the last bit.

• the serial adder is small and has a cycle time equal

to that of a single full adder plus the register delay.
Ripple-carry adder
• The n-bit adder built from n one-bit full adders is
known as a ripple carry adder because of the way
the carry is computed.

• The addition is not complete until the n-1 th adder

has computed its n-1 output; that result depends
on Ci input, and so on down the line, so the
critical delay path goes from the 0-bit inputs up
through the Ci’s to the n-1 bit.
Carry-lookahead adder
• The carry-lookahead adder breaks the carry
computation into two steps, starting with the
computation of two intermediate values. The
adder inputs are once again the ai’s and bi’s; from
these inputs, P (propagate) and G (generate) are

• If Gi = 1, there is definitely a carry out of the ith

bit of the sum—a carry is generated. If Pi = 1,
then the carry from the i-1th bit is propagated to
the next bit. The sum and carry equation for the
full adder can be rewritten in terms of P and G
Carry-lookahead adder
• The unit takes the P and G values from its four
associated adders and computes four carry values.
Each carry output is computed by its own logic.
The logic for ci+3 is slower than that for ci, but
the flattened ci+3 logic is faster than the
equivalent ripple-carry logic.
• At each step, we multiply one digit of the
multiplier by the full multiplicand; we add the
result, shifted by the proper number of bits, to the
partial product. When we run out of multiplier
digits, we are done.

• Single-digit multiplication is easy for binary

numbers—binary multiplication of two bits is
performed by the AND function.

• The computation of partial products and their

accumulation into the complete product can be
optimized in many ways, but an understanding of
the basic steps in multiplication is important to a
full appreciation of those improvements
Serial-Parallel Multiplier
• The n-bit multiplier is fed in serially (LSB first)
while the m-bit multiplicand is held in parallel
during the course of the multiplication.

• The multiplier is fed in least-significant bit first

and is followed by at least m zeroes. The result
appears serially at the end of the multiplier chain.
A one-bit multiplier is simply an AND gate. The
sum units in the multiplier include a
combinational full adder and a register to hold the

• The chain of summation units and registers

performs the shift-and-add operation— the partial
product is held in the shift register chain, while
the multiplicand is successively added into the
partial product
Bit-serial multiplication
• We can use the serial-parallel multiplier to build a
bit-serial multiplier. Rather than present the bits of
the parallel multiplicand in parallel, we shift them
in serially and perform the multiplication. This
multiplier requires a controller in order to
sequence the shift-in, multiply-add steps, and
Logic Implementation for FPGAs
• A logic implementation optimized for whatever goals are appropriate to our project.

• Logic synthesis uses optimization algorithms to rewrite the logical description in order to improve some non-
functional metric such as performance, size, or power consumption.

• We may have several different goals when designing logic: small size, high performance, low power or energy

• In general, we are interested in several of these goals. Unfortunately, the goals often conflict (though high
performance designs often use less energy).

• Tools can help us optimize designs but some amount of engineering judgment may be required to achieve all our

• First, we need to briefly describe ways in which we can capture the logic description from our HDL mode.
Syntax-Directed Translations
• Syntax-directed translation is a standard method in
compilers for the early stages of compilation. It is used to
extract the logical functions from an HDL description.

• Figure shows a simple Verilog expression and a schematic

for equivalent gates.

• We can build the logic from the expression by traversing

the expression and assigning gates at each operator and
wires from the gate’s inputs to the subexpressions that feed
the operator

Syntax-Directed Translations
• Figure shows an if statement in HDL and some equivalent
logic for it.

• These gates implement a multiplexer that selects which

value is assigned to x.

Logic Implementation by Macro
• FPGAs provide a rich structure to map onto logic. Most modern FPGAs offer features that help implement common or
important functions.

• A key example is the adder. Addition-oriented structures are a prime example. Adders and counters are very common in
digital logic and the carry chain determines the speed of the adder for even a small number of bits in the addend.

• Many FPGA fabrics offer specialized logic and interconnect for faster carry chains. However, the fabric must be properly
configured to use these features, which means that the logic that maps into the features must be identified.

• Macros give a name to a piece of an implementation of a design.

• A macro for an adder would describe how to configure the adder into the FPGA fabric using the appropriate features.
Macros are a form of design using intellectual property (IP). The macro is a predesigned element that can be
incorporated into a larger design.

• Macros may be hard macros or soft macros.

Logic Synthesis
• Logic synthesis (or logic optimization) creates a logic gate network which computes the functions specified by a set of
Boolean functions, one per primary output.

• While we could get a gate implementation for a function by directly constructing a two-level network from the sum-of
products specification, using one logic gate per product plus one for the sum, that implementation almost certainly won’t
meet our area or delay requirements.

• Logic synthesis helps us explore more of the design space to find the best gate implementation, particularly for relatively
unstructured random logic functions.

• Synthesizing a logic gate network requires balancing a number of very different concerns: simplification from don’t-
cares; common factors; fan in and fan out; and many others.

• Technology-independent logic optimizations operate on a model of the logic that does not directly represent logic gates.

• Technology-dependent logic optimizations improve the network’s gate-level implementation.

• The transformation from the technology-independent to the technology-dependent gate network is called library binding
• Figure shows a Boolean network, which is the standard technology-
independent model for a logic network.

• Nodes in the network are primary inputs, primary outputs, or functions; the
function nodes can be thought of as sum-of-product expressions.

• Edges show on which variables a node depends (each node is referred to by

a variable name).

• The Boolean network has a structure reminiscent of a logic network, but

the function nodes are more general than logic gates: they can have an
unbounded number of input variables and express an arbitrary Boolean

• The real set of logic gates we have to work with may be limited in several
ways: we may not have gates for every function of n variables; we may
have several different gates for a function, each with different transistor
sizes; and we definitely want to limit the fan in and fan out of a gate.
• We can create the overall structure of the logic network using the Boolean network, ignoring some details of the gate
design, then fine-tune the implementation using technology-dependent optimizations on the gate network.

• A few definitions are helpful: a function’s support is the set of variables used by a function; the transitive fan in of a node
is all the primary inputs and intermediate variables used by the function; the transitive fan in is also known as a cone of
logic; the transitive fan out of a node is all the primary outputs and intermediate variables which use the function.
Technology-Independent Logic Optimization
• Technology-independent optimizations can be grouped into categories based on how they change the Boolean network:

• Simplification rewrites (hopefully simplifying) the sum-of-products representation of a node in the network; most of the
improvement usually comes from taking advantage of don’t cares.

• Network restructuring creates new function nodes that can be used as common factors and collapses sections of the
network into a single node in preparation for finding new common factors.

• Delay restructuring changes the factorization of a subnetwork to reduce the number of function nodes through which a
delay critical signal must pass.

• How do we judge whether an operation has improved the network? We can estimate area by counting literals (true or
complement forms of variables) in the Boolean network.

• Counting the literals in all the functions of the Boolean network gives a reasonable estimate of the final layout area each
literal corresponds to a transistor if the functions in the network are implemented directly.

• Delay can be roughly estimated by counting the number of functions from primary input to primary output
Technology-Dependent Logic Optimizations
• Technology mapping transforms the Boolean network into a
network of logic elements. We can optimize for both area and
delay during technology mapping.

• The logic network is divided into three logic elements. Each LE

has four or fewer inputs so each block of logic will fit into a
typical LE.

• The NAND gate at the top of the logic network feeds two other
gates and its functionality is replicated in both LEs.

• This costs nothing so long as the total function fits into the logic

• One method for technology mapping into lookup table

architectures is a two-step approach [Research Publication].
First, the technology-independent network is decomposed into
nodes with no more than k inputs. This provides a feasible
mapping onto lookup tables.

• The number of nodes is then reduced; various methods can be

used to map nodes onto special features of the logic elements.
Logic Synthesis for FPGAs
• lookup table architectures can implement any function of n variables, where n is the number of inputs to the LUT, but that
each function in the Boolean network can have no more than n inputs.

• The problem, therefore, is to cover the Boolean network with the minimum number of nodes, each of which has no more
than n inputs

Flow Map
• The Flow Map algorithm [Con94, A RESEARCH PUBLICATION ] is a technology-mapping algorithm for LUT-based
FPGA fabrics that optimizes for delay.

• The key step in Flow Map is to break the network into LE-sized blocks by using an algorithm that finds a minimum-height
k-feasible cut in the network.

• This algorithm uses network flow algorithms to optimally find this minimum-height cut.
• The number of inputs to a block does not monotonically increase as we add logic to the block; this makes the computation
of the feasible cut challenging.

• By finding a series of these cuts, Flow Map divides the network into blocks that can be fit into logic elements. It uses
heuristics to maximize the amount of logic fit into each cut in order to reduce the number of logic elements required.
Physical Design for FPGAs
• To be able to configure an FPGA we must place the logic into logic elements in the fabric and choose paths for each of the
nets that must be implemented.

• Clearly, the way we do these steps helps determine whether our logic will fit into the FPGA.

• It also has a big effect on the delay and energy consumption of our logic

Placement and routing

• Placement determines the positions of the logic elements and I/O pads.

• Routing selects the paths for connections between the logic elements and I/O pads.

• One placement of the logic may not be routable whereas a different placement of the same logic can be routed.
Evaluating physical design quality
• We are interested in using several different metrics to judge the quality of a placement or routing. Size is the most obvious
metric. Ultimately, we are concerned about whether we can fit our complete design into the chip.

• In FPGAs, size is closely tied to routing. The number of logic elements required is determined by logic synthesis. If we
cannot find a legal routing for a given placement, we may need to change the placement.

• This won’t change the number of LEs used, but we may have to spread out some LEs to find a less crowded wiring area.

• Delay is also a critical measure in most designs. Delay is measured relative to the specifications—slack is the actual
measure of interest. A long delay that is not critical is not important, whereas a relatively short delay path that is critical
must be carefully considered.
• The separation of placement and routing immediately raises an important problem: how do we judge the quality of a
placement? Because the wires are not routed at the end of placement, we cannot judge the placement quality by the two
obvious measures: area of the layout and delay.

• We cannot afford to execute a complete routing for every placement to judge its quality; we need some metric which
estimates the quality of a routing that can be made from a given placement.

• One way to judge the area of a layout before routing is to measure the total distance between interconnections. Of course,
we can’t measure total wire length without routing the wires, but we can estimate the length of a wire by measuring the
distance between the pins it connects.

• When straight lines between connected pins are plotted, the result is known as a rat’s nest plot.
• Figure (Top figure) shows two placements, one
with a longer total rat’s nest interconnection set
and one with shorter total interconnections.

• While rat’s nest distance is not absolutely

correlated to chip area, we would expect that a
placement which gave much longer rat’s nest
connections would eventually result in a larger

• There are several ways to measure that

distance as shown in Figure (Bottom figure).

• The Euclidean distance of the direct line

between the two; we can also measure the
Manhattan distance, also known as the half

• Manhattan distance is more reflective of final

wire length; it is also easier to compute
because unlike Euclidean distance it does not
require computing a square root.
Clustering vs. partitioning

• There are many algorithms for partitioning but

these algorithms can generally be divided into
two different approaches: bottom-up and top-

• Bottom-up methods are generally referred to as

clustering methods—they cluster together
nodes to create partitions.

• The growth of cluster is shown in Figure.


• Top-down methods divide the nodes into

groups that are then further divided. These
methods are known as partitioning methods.

• Figure shows how a placement can be

constructed by recursively partitioning netlist
(the connections between components are not
shown for clarity)
Placement by Partitioning
• The partitioning process for a min-cut,
bisecting criterion is illustrated in Figure.

• The circuit is represented by a graph where

nodes are the components and edges are
connections between components. The goal is
to separate the graph’s nodes into two
partitions that contain equal (or nearly equal)
number of nodes and which have the minimum
number of edges (wires) that cross the partition

• With A and B in their positions in the before

configuration, there are five wires crossing the
partition boundary. Swapping the two nodes
reduces the net cut count to one, a significant
Unit V
Finite State Machine (FSM)
• An FSM (finite state machine) is used to model a system that transits among a finite number of internal states. The
transitions depend on the current state and external input.

• Unlike a regular sequential circuit, the state transitions of an FSM do not exhibit a simple, repetitive pattern.

• Its next-state logic is usually constructed from scratch and is sometimes known as "random" logic. This is different from
the next-state logic of a regular sequential circuit, which is composed mostly of "structured components, such as
incriminators and shifters.

• The main application of an FSM is to act as the controller of a large digital system, which examines the external commands
and status and activates proper control signals to control operation of a data path, which is usually composed of regular
sequential components
Mealy and Moore outputs
• The basic block diagram of an FSM is the same as that
of a regular sequential circuit and is repeated in
Figure. It consists of a state register, next-state logic,
and output logic.

• An FSM is known as a Moore machine if the

output is only a function of state, and is known as
a Mealy machine if the output is a function of state and
external input.

• Both types of output may exist in a complex FSM, and

we simply refer to it as containing a Moore output and
a Mealy output.

• The Moore and Mealy outputs are similar but not

identical. Understanding their subtle differences is the
key for controller design.
FSM representation
• An FSM is usually specified by an abstract state diagram or ASM chart (algorithmic state machine chart), both capturing
the FSM's input, output, states, and transitions in a graphical representation.

• The two representations provide the same information. The FSM representation is more compact and better for simple

• The ASM chart representation is somewhat like a flowchart and is more descriptive for applications with complex transition
conditions and actions.
State Diagram
• A state diagram is composed of nodes, which represent
states and are drawn as circles, and annotated
transitional arcs.

• A single node and its transition arcs are shown in


• A logic expression expressed in terms of input signals

is associated with each transition arc and represents
a specific condition. The arc is taken when the
corresponding expression is evaluated true.

• The Moore output values are placed inside the circle

since they depend only on the current state. The Mealy
output values are associated with the conditions of
transition arcs since they depend on the current state
and external input.
• A representative state diagram is shown in Figure The
FSM has three states, two external input signals (i.e.,
a and b), one Moore output signal (i.e., y1), and one
Mealy output signal (i.e., y0).

• The y1 signal is asserted when the FSM is in the s0 or

s1 state.

• The y0 signal is asserted when the FSM is in the s0

state and the a and b signals are " 11 ".
• An ASM chart is composed of a network of ASM

• An ASM block consists of one state box and an

optional network of decision boxes and conditional
output boxes.

• A representative ASM block is shown in Figure.

• A state box represents a state in an FSM, and the

asserted Moore output values are listed inside the box.
Note that it has only one exit path. A decision box
tests the input condition and determines which exit
path to take. It has two exit paths, labeled T and F,
which correspond to the true and false values of the
condition. A conditional output box lists asserted
Mealy output values and is usually placed after a
decision box. It indicates that the listed output signal
can be activated only when the corresponding
condition in the decision box is met
• A state diagram
can easily be
converted to an
ASM chart, and
vice versa. The
ASM chart of
the previous
FSM state
diagram is
shown in
• The procedure of developing code for an FSM is similar to that of a regular sequential circuit. We first separate the
state register and then derive the code for the combinational next-state logic and output logic.

• The main difference is the next-state logic. For an FSM, the code for the next-state logic follows the flow of a state
diagram or ASM chart.

• For clarity and flexibility, we use symbolic constants to represent the FSM's states. For examples, the three states in
previous slide Figure can be defined as

• During synthesis, software usually can recognize the FSM structure and may map these symbolic constants to different
binary representations (e.g., one-hot codes), a process known as state assignment.
FSM with merged combinational logic
FSM with merged combinational logic
Rising-edge detector
• The rising-edge detector is a circuit that generates a short one-clock-cycle tick when the input signal changes from 0 to

• It is usually used to indicate the onset of a slow time- varying input signal. We design the circuit using both Moore
and Mealy machines, and compare their differences.
Moore-based design Contd.
• The state diagram and
ASM chart of a Moore
machine-based edge
detector are shown in

• The zero and one states

indicate that the input
signal has been 0 and 1
for a while. The rising
edge occurs when the
input changes to 1 in the
zero state.

• The FSM moves to the

edg state and the output,
tick , is asserted in this
Moore machine-based edge detector (CODE)
Mealy-based design Contd.
• The state diagram and ASM
chart of a Mealy machine-based
edge detector are shown in

• The zero and one states have a

similar meaning. When the
FSM is in the zero state and
the input changes to 1, the
output is asserted immediately.
The FSM moves to the one state
at the rising edge of the next
clock and the output is de

• Note that due to the propagation

delay, the output signal is still
asserted at the rising edge of the
next clock (i.e., at t1).
Mealy machine-based edge detector (CODE)
• Whereas both Moore machine- and Mealy machine-based designs can generate a short tick at the rising edge of the input
signal, there are several subtle differences.

• The Mealy machine-based design requires fewer states and responds faster, but the width of its output may vary and input
glitches may be passed to the output.

• The choice between the two designs depends on the subsystem that uses the output signal. Most of the time the
subsystem is a synchronous system that shares the same clock signal.

• Since the FSM's output is sampled only at the rising edge of the clock, the width and glitches do not matter as long as the
output signal is stable around the edge.

• Note that the Mealy output signal is available for sampling at t1, which is one clock cycle faster than the Moore output,
which is available at ta. Therefore, the Mealy machine-based circuit is preferred for this type of application
Direct Implementation
• Since the transitions of the edge detector circuit
are very simple, it can be implemented without
using an FSM.

• We include this implementation for comparison

purposes. The circuit diagram is shown in
Figure .

• It can be interpreted that the output is asserted

only when the current input is 1 and the previous
input, which is stored in the register, is 0.
• An FSMD (finite state machine with data path) combines an FSM and regular sequential circuits.

• The FSM, which is sometimes known as a control path, examines the external commands and status and generates control
signals to specify operation of the regular sequential circuits, which are known collectively as a data path.

• The FSMD is used to implement systems described by RT(register transfer) methodology, in which the operations are
specified as data manipulation and transfer among a collection of registers.

Single RT operation
• An RT operation specifies data manipulation and transfer for a single destination register. It is represented by the notation.

• where rdest is the destination register, rsrc1, rsrc2, and rsrcn are the source registers, and f (.) specifies the operation to be
performed. The notation indicates that the contents of the source registers are fed to the f (.) function, which is realized by a
combinational circuit, and the result is passed to the input of the destination register and stored in the destination register at
the next rising edge of the clock. Following are several representative RT operation
• A single RT operation can be
implemented by constructing a
combinational circuit for the f (.)
function and connecting the input
and output ofthe registers. For
example, consider the operation.
The f (.) function involves a
subtractor and an incrementor. The
block diagram is shown in Figure.
For clarity, we use the reg and next
suffixes to represent the input and
output of a register. Note that an RT
operation is synchronized by an
embedded clock. The result from the
f (.) function is not stored to the
destination register until the next
rising edge of the clock. The timing
diagram of the previous RT
operation is shown in Figure.
ASMD Chart
• A circuit based on the RT methodology specifies which RT operations should be executed in each step.

• Since an RT operation is done on a clock-by-clock basis, its timing is similar to a state transition of an FSM. Thus, an FSM
is a natural choice to specify the sequencing of an RT algorithm.

• We extend the ASM chart to incorporate RT operations and call it an ASMD (ASM with data path) chart.

• The RT operations are treated as another type of activity and can be placed where the output signals are use .
• A segment of an ASMD chart is shown in Contd.
Figure . It contains one destination register,
r1 , which is initialized with 8, added with
content of the r2 register, and then shifted left
two positions. Note that the rl register must be
specified in each state. When rl is not changed,
the rl to rl operation should be used to maintain
its current content, as in the s3 state. In future
discussion, we assume that r to r is the default
RT operation for the r register and do not
include it in the ASMD chart. Implementing
the RT operations of an ASMD chart involves a
multiplexing circuit to route the desired next
value to the destination register. For example,
the previous segment can be implemented by a
4-to- 1 multiplexer, as shown in Figure. The
current state (i.e., the output of the state
register) of the FSM controls the selection
signal of the multiplexer and thus chooses the
result of the desired RT operation.
Traffic light Control
• The highway will generally have more traffic, and we
want to give it priority; however, we do not want to
completely block traffic on the farm road from crossing
the highway.

• To balance these competing concerns, we install traffic

sensors on the farm road at the intersection. If there is
no traffic waiting on the farm road, the highway always
has a green light.

• When traffic stops at the farm road side of the

intersection, the traffic lights are changed to give the
farm road a green light as long as there is traffic.

• But since this simple rule allows the highway light to be

green for an interval too short to be safe (consider a
second farm road car pulling up just as the highway
light has returned to green), we ensure that the highway
light (and, for similar reasons, the farm light) will be
green for some minimum time.
Traffic light Control
• At least one light must be red at any time; lights must always follow
a green → yellow → red sequence; and a light must remain green
for the chosen minimum amount of time.

• The system consists of a counter and a sequencer. Both are finite-

state machines, but each serves a different purpose in the system.

• The counter counts clock cycles, starting when its reset input is set
to 1, and signals two different intervals—the short signal controls
the length of the yellow light, while the long signal determines the
minimum time a light can be green.

• The sequencer controls the behavior of the lights. It takes as inputs

the car sensor value and the timer signals; its outputs are the light
values, along with the timer reset signals.
Traffic light Control
• The highway light remains green until cars arrive at
the farm road (as indicated by the sensor) and the
minimum green period (specified by the long
timeout) is met.

• The machine then sets the highway light yellow for

the proper amount of time, then sets the highway
light to red and the farm light to green.

• The farm light remains green so long as cars pull up

to the intersection, but no longer than the long
timeout period.

• Inspection also shows that the state transition graph

satisfies all our assertions: one light is always red
each light always changes colors in the green →
yellow → red sequence; and each light, when it turns
green, remains green for at least the period specified
by the long timer
Verilog model for the sequencer
Verilog code for counter
• Let us assume for the moment
that the long counter is 4 bits
and the short counter is 3 bits;
These are short times for the
final implementation, but they
allow us to use shorter
simulation sequences to
simulate the system.

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