EMUnit 1

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Unit 1

2 marks
• What is force? Mention its characteristics.
• Explain principle of transmissibility.
• State lami’s theorem
• Mention the conditions of equilibrium of a
particle in 2D.
• Difference between resultant force and
Define Force.
A force may be defined as an action in the
form of push or pull exerted by one body on
another body. Force tends to move a body in
the direction of its action.
What are the characteristics of a force?
The characteristics of force are magnitude,
direction and point of application.
State the principle of transmissibility of force.

According to principle of transmissibility of

force, the force can be transmitted from one
point to another on it is line of action without
causing by any change in the motion of the
State Lami's theorem.
If a particle acted upon by three forces
remains in equilibrium then, each force acting
on the particle bears the same proportionality
with the since of the angle between the other
two forces”. Lami‟s theorem is also known as
law of sines.
The necessary and sufficient conditions for
static equilibrium of a particle in two
dimensions are:

The algebraic sum of horizontal components of

all forces acting the particle must be zero.

The algebraic sum of vertical components of all

forces acting the particle must be zero.
What is the difference between the resultant
force and equilibrant force?

When a number of forces acting on a particle

are replaced by a single force which produces
the same effect as that of all give it forces, then
such a single force is called resultant force. The
force which brings the set of forces in
equilibrium is called an equilibrant.
• State law of parallelogram of vectors.
• State triangle law of forces.
• Write the conditions for equilibrium for a
particle in space.
• Define scalar and vector quantity
• What is resolution of a force?
• State Newton’s Law of Gravitation.
State law of parallelogram of vectors.

If two vectors are represented in magnitude

and direction by two adjacent sides of a
parallelogram, their resultant is represented in
magnitude and direction by the diagonal of the
parallelogram drawn from the common point
State triangle law of forces.
If three forces acting a point be in
equilibrium then they can be represented in
magnitude and direction by the three sides of
a triangle taken in order.
Write the conditions for equilibrium for a particle
in space.

Algebraic sum of horizontal is zero

vertical forces is zero

algebraic sum of moments is zero.

Define scalar and vector quantity
Scalar: Quantities which have only magnitude
and no direction. Eg. Mass, distance

Vector: Quantities which have both direction

and magnitude. Eg. Velocity, displacement.
What is resolution of a force?

Finding the components of a force in two given

directions is called as resolution of forces.
Define coplanar and non coplanar forces,
collinear and concurrent forces.
Coplanar forces: Forces acting on a same plane.
Non coplanar forces: Forces have their line of
action on different planes.
collinear and concurrent forces.
Collinear forces: Forces which have the same
line of action.
Concurrent forces: Forces whose line of action
intersect at a common point.
State Newton’s Law of Gravitation.

Newton's law of universal gravitation states that

a particle attracts every other particle in the
universe using a force that is directly
proportional to the product of their masses
and inversely proportional to the square of
the distance between them.

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