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• Dilmah, one of the worlds popular and leading Sri Lankan tea brand.
• Founded by 1988 by Merrill J. Fernando, as he started to passion and objective element
to make tea a sustainable industry.
• Dilmah has an unparalleled reputation for natural and ethical production of Sri Lanka’s
finest quality tea
• presence along the entire value chain including ownership in several of Sri Lanka’s
finest tea gardens, factories, printing and packaging facilities. Supported by an
extensive global distribution network, over 3000 products are sold in 100 countries
• The Dilmah Group is the only producer owned tea brand that is a fully vertically
integrated tea company, with presence along the entire value chain including
ownership in several of Sri Lanka’s finest tea gardens, factories, printing and packaging
facilities. Supported by an extensive global distribution network.
• Marketing contain one of the noble activities of the adopted by
organization in an effort to make awareness of value for its product and
• When the creation of Dilmah Pure Ceylon tea brand in 1988 in market.
During this period, the Australian tea market had many other competing
brands at multinational and national level. These brands included “Lipton,
Lanchoo, Harris and Twining.
• In an attempt to develop a successful marketer it is crucial to conduct a
proper analysis in market. But the proper marketing structure is help to
the achieve goal. and the extreme concern of the Dilmah making right
now operating over 3000 products in 100 countries.
1. Core marketing concept
Dilmah pure Ceylon tea is a large Needs, wants
surface business in tea market in and demands

worldwide. considering their

marketing sectors they analsying
to Core Marketing is a social and transactions
Products and
and relationship
managerial process by which
individuals and groups obtained
what they need and want through
creating, offering and exchanging
products of value with others to Value and
1.1 Needs, Wants and demands

• 1.1.1 Needs-: to anticipate the • Dilmah drives to serve

aspirations of consumers and to consumers in the unique and
the respond creatively and significant way to attract and
competition with branded improve with develop highly
products and services which talented people, who are
raise the quality of life. excited, empowered and
committed to delivering
organization growth.
1.1.2 Wants
• Wants are the option of the
satisfy human with a specific
need. Dilmah offers an option
of tea lovers to gentle lingering
infusion of flavor that enhances
the whole tea drinking
• Its products include:- 1.Ceylon tea with chocolate and mint
2. Rose with French vanilla leaf tea
3.Ceylon cinnamon spice tea
More then 68 favorable tea product have in DILMAH.
1.1.3 demands
• Demand is a situation where the person is willing to buy a products
and has to ability to pay for it.
• When Dilmah produced tea this are demand mainly forcues to
establish this thing Produced to meet consumer preferences while
aiming to maintain the sector’s long-term sustainability by requiring
agricultural practices that enable climate resilience, prevent soil
erosion, lower pesticide use, increase profitability for smallholders,
and improve workers’ conditions, such as providing the right to
collective bargaining and access to sanitation and clean drinking water.
1.2 Products and Services

product may be in form of activities, person, idea or organization that

can be provide any kind of services that satisfy some needs and want.
1.3 value and satisfaction
• Value reflect some of tangible
and in tangible benefit and cost to
customers. It is mainly
combination of quality, service
and price.
• Satisfaction reflect a person
judgement of the product
performance in relation to

• Dilmah values influence

decision, action and ultimately
the overall performance of the
1.4 exchange, transaction and
• Exchange is the base of
• Transaction is the deal that
take place between the
parties of the exchange
namely buyer and seller.
• It is bonding of consumer
and marketer.
1.4 Market
• Market is the place where buyer or
seller establishing the exchange
2. Identifying SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and threat)
to internal analysis in Dilmah Pure Ceylon tea strategy marketing

Dilmah is the one of widest known tea brands in the world. Dilmah strategy
has to keep all ways to the customers keeping their prices premium with
unique term of the variety of tea it has and experimented different variants of
each customers needs.

• Swot analysis is the main stage

function of the examine company's
strategies and plans.
• Components to relate 2 internal
environment (strengths, weakness)
2 external environment
(opportunity, threats)
2.1 strengths
•Dilmah has establish well-recognized brand in over 100
countries worldwide.
•Unique aroma
•Strong brand heritage
•Heathy concern
•Tea experts
•Dilmah has to offer for tea lovers with range of
products and varieties flavors to server new and
exciting markets.
•Modifying to blend with around the world
•Having proper online marketing
•Rich taste and floavor
•Good advertising
•Good packing
•Specilialist marketing experts
•100% original Ceylon tea
2.2 Weakness
• Dilmah doesn’t have their own companies
other countries so therefore rely on their
international distribution.
• Advertises for the certain class of people.
• Dilmah is sold some of the countries in
slightly higher price its competitors. Like
(Canada, America and some of the Europe
• Due to the climate changes in Srilanka
region, growing to tea may be harm
therefore increasing budget to produce tea.
• Dilmah only considering to produce tea not
trying for coffee or any other products.
2.3 Opportunities
• There is a global surge in demand for specialty teas
especially in western countries. Moreover to
marketing of green tea as weight reduction option has
to be increased the demand for green tea globally.
• Most of the western countries always preferring
coffee over tea. But currently tea is slowly increasing
in a comparison to the coffee primarily because tea is
seen as a healthier option.
• Nowadays people buying in products over to the
internet as they have current pandemic situation and
their busy life style and also lot of them much more
• The current global situation Dilmah would shifting
over to the healthier side of food and beverage
2.4 Threats
• far worse result in 2020 due to the outbreak of COVID-19. As per the IMF world economic.
• Due to the extreme popularity of coffee in the world over tea, coffee considering to be the dominating
drink in hot drinks market.
• Its direction competition there are including just producing the sectors where as in-direct in
competition consists of several fast-food chains.
• High cost of labor expenses and basic material expenses is increasing current situation day by day.
• Production of tea requiring specific environmental are agriculture, so changing government regulation
can big affect of the growing of tea or it can be affect the import and export of tea from one country to
another. There is always threat to the brand like Dilmah.
3. Dilmah External environment using PESTLE analysis

• Dilmah using the worldwide

marketing analyze as to monitor Political

the framework or tool to

analysis the various macro- Environment Economical

environment or external
marketing to focus that have to PESTLE
reflective impact of the
organization called as PESTEL Legal Social
3.1 Political
• Dilmah is present in more then 100 countries.
As the produced of tea in the certain
environment factors of agriculture, there can be
always having a risk of changing government
regulation. This can be affecting of export and
import of Dilmah tea across of the world.
• This area of concerning in international taxes,
risk of the unpredictable tax exposures. Being
with operating in so many countries in
worldwide, the brand has always to take care of
the political situation in particular companies.
• Srilankan government in 2019 has to
concessionary rate of 14% is the applicable for
the taxable income of the company in mainly
engaged in the business of exporting tea.
3.2 Economical
• Currently Dilmah is having huge
opportunity to tap the of capital
markets and grow further. When
the brand is faces of the
economic risk in instability that
could be adversely affect the
consumers demand, decline in
sales and profits.
3.3 Social
• Dilmah tea is always to finding
innovative ways to engage with
consumers. This act as immense the
success factors to the Dilmah pure
Ceylon tea.
• Brand is engaging to the social
factors when they had to states that
the advent of the tea bags, green
tea and herbal tea products was a
instant result of to trends towards
convenience the healthy lifestyles.
3.4 Technology
• Dilmah has to managing the
product to delivering in the
international market that need of
the embracing technology in
organization of the chain
supplies and logistics.
• Dilmah management team
having to handle gigantic size of
information of relating to
purchases, sales, and even more
of the workforce data.
3.5 Legal
• Dilmah is subjects to the national
and international laws in many
areas like production, safety
environment, claims, trademarks,
copyrights, patents, competition,
environment, etc.
• The change of laws and rules has to
be potential affecting of the cost of
doing business in multiple countries.
• Many firms produce fake products
and similar logos. This type of sell at
very low prices. This raises similar
make to the risks of the Dilmah.
3.5 Environment
• Dilmah having huge problem for
the environment element.
• Climate changes could make the
serious environmental threats of
the Dilmah in many ways.
1.shortage water
2. component of the
plantation of tea
• Current corona pandemic this are
the sectors that lead to decline in

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