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Compress It

What is it?
A compression program that turns a file of 10 Gigabytes to 1 Gigabytes.
Meaning, compression is done with 90% efficiency.
That’s a big number, and hasn’t been achieved by any
compression product yet.
The highest compression rate practically achieved, is by
RAR type files with 31% efficiency including data loss.

Compress It guarantees no data loss

How does it
The product functions
using the octa middle
out algorithm. Which
means, compression
with respect to 8
dimensional axes.

The first rule of any technology
used in a business is that
automation applied to an efficient
operation will magnify efficiency.

- Bill Gates
How can this product be beneficial to the common people?

◎ Here

How can this product be beneficial to the business units?

Our expectations from investors:

Funding: Promotion of
An initial funding
our Progam:
amount of 5 lakhs for Formal and informal
the aid, research and promotion of our
development of the product.
Post on company’s
(Negotiable) Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram hadlets to try
out Compress IT

Flyers to be handed to
every visitor at the
company’s reception
Our initial outreach target:

our office
What we offer our

Equity in the company

Seats in the board of directors of the company
out of 5 (which include the CEO, CTO and
CMO of the company)
We are also planning soon to start
work on our
Android project
And, ofcourse
Won’t leave out our iOS fans
as well

We care for everyone 

Any questions?

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