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Unit 2:

Chemistry Assignment 1
Module 2:
methods and
Spectroscopic methods of analysis
What is spectroscopy?
Spectroscopy is a technique which involves
using instruments to examine radiation emitted,
absorbed or reflected by chemicals
(electromagnetic radiation), giving information
about their molecular structure. The
information obtained from spectroscopy is
called a SPECTRUM.
What is a
A spectrum is a
plot of the
intensity of
detected versus
the wavelength
or frequency of
the energy.
Objective 4.1:

explain the nature of electromagnetic radiation;

Calculations using the equation
are required.
Electromagnetic radiation
Electromagnetic radiation can be descried in terms of
photons which are:
- massless
- travels in a wave-like pattern
- moves at the speed of light
- possess energy
Each photon contains a certain amount of energy and
all electromagnetic radiation consists of these
Radio waves,
visible light, X-
rays, and all the
other parts of the
spectrum are
fundamentally the
same thing,
Electromagnetic radiation can also be described
as the emission and transmission of energy in the

- An electromagnetic wave has the same

wavelength () and frequency (v) and hence
the same speed (c), but they travel in mutually
perpendicular planes.
• Frequency (v) is measured in cycles per second
(which is called a Hertz).
• Wavelength () is measured in meters.

• Energy (E) is measured in electron volts.

• The speed of light (c) in a vacuum (empty
space) is 3 x 108 ms-1 .
spectrum can be
expressed in
terms of energy,
wavelength, or
• The speed of the wave (distance travelled per
unit time) must be the product of the
wavelength (distance between maxima) and the
frequency (number of maxima passing per unit

 (1)
• Planck gave the name quantum to the smallest
quantity of energy that can be emitted (or
absorbed in the form of electromagnetic radiation.
The energy E of a single quantum of energy is
given by:

 (2)

Where h is Planck's constant with the value

6.63 x 10-34 J.s
• Using equation 1 and 2, where we substitute 1 into 2
we can get the expression for a quantum of energy:
c = λv       (1)
E= hv (2)

Sub 3 into 2 for a Quantum of energy

E= hc/λ

Thus the shorter the wavelength (the higher the

frequency) the more dangerous they are since would
posses a greater quantum of energy.
Objective 4.2:

State the approximate wavelength ranges of the

X- ray, UV/VIS, IR and radiofrequency regions
of the electromagnetic spectrum; relative
energies and dangers associated with exposure
to high energy wavelengths.
The electromagnetic spectrum

Diagram showing the wavelengths, frequency and an

example of the approximate size of the wavelengths.
• The lower the frequency the longer the
wavelength, for example radio waves and infra
• The higher the frequency the shorter the
wavelength the more dangerous they are, for
example gamma rays and X rays.
Typical X- Rays Ultra violet Visible Infra-red Radio waves
Wavelength 10-10 m 10-8m 5 x 10-7m 10-5m 10-3m to 103m

e.g. X-ray Very hot Hot objects, Warm or hot Radio
Sources tubes. objects, sun, fluorescent objects, sun, transmitters
Very sparks, substances, irons, fires, including radar
dangerous! mercury lasers. grills, and TV
lamps. toasters. transmitters
Dangerous! Microwave
Photographic Photographic Eyes, Skin Mobile phone,
Detector film film, causes photographic radio or TV set
sun tan, film
Dangers associated with exposure too
high energy wavelengths

The exposure of high energy wavelengths are

dangerous and poses treats to human lives i.e.
(the shorter the wavelength or the higher the
frequency the more dangerous it is to humans).
Everyday we are exposed to electromagnetic
radiation which can be found in the basic items
we use at home such as:

• X rays- has a high frequency and short
wavelength therefore it is very dangerous and
causes cancer, damages living tissues resulting
in birth defects and mutations.

• Ultra violet (UV) rays- also has a high

frequency and short wavelength and is also
dangerous. UV rays causes tissue effects, from
as slight as sunburn to as major as skin cancers.
The UV rays could also damage the retina of
the eyes causing impaired vision!
Objective 4.3

Recall that energy levels in atoms and molecules

are quantized.
Energy levels!

• The electrons in free atoms can be found only

in certain discrete energy levels! These energy
levels are associated with the

orbitals or shells of electrons in an atom for

example the hydrogen atom.
Bohr predicted:
• When energy is added to an atom, an electron in
the ground state (lowest energy state) absorbs a
quantum of energy and moves to an orbit with a
higher energy level (excited state) which is
further away from the nucleus.

This is known as ATOMIC EXCITATION!

Excitation by absorption of light and de-excitation by emission of light
Bohr prediction cont’d:
• The excited electron in the orbit with a higher
energy level cannot maintain its position for a
long time and therefore emits a quantum of
energy, returning to the lower energy level.

This is known as ATOMIC DE-EXCITATION!

Note: the energy absorbed or emitted is

equivalent to the difference in energy levels.
Nuclear motions in energy levels
Each energy level has discrete nuclear motion:
• Vibrational: the nuclei can move relative to one
• Rotational: the entire molecule can rotate in space.
Electronic energy: Increases the energy of one (or
more) electrons in the molecule.

These movements vibrational and rotational ONLY

occurs in molecules NOT atoms.
• Atoms within a molecule (e.g. HCl) can rotate
and vibrate about an axis through the centre of
gravity of the molecule.

• Electronic, vibrational and rotational energy

types quantised and are associated with a
specific region of the spectrum of
electromagnetic radiation.
The table below shows the regions of the
electromagnetic spectrum associated with the
energy levels!
Associated region
Energy (level)
of electromagnetic
Visible and ultra-
violet radiation
Vibrational Infrared radiation
• The energy difference between electronic (E),
vibrational (V) and rotational (R):

• Chemistry in context
• Chemistry for Cape
• AS Chemistry. Carol Hibbert

For further information read Chemistry for Cape

by Susan Maraj.

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