For Dynamic Web Pages: By:-Pankaj Ladhar Computer Science B.TECH (7 Semester)

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For dynamic web pages




 Company Profile.
 Introduction of ASP.NET.
 Architecture of ASP.NET.
 Advantage of ASP.NET.
 Tour of Visual Studio.
 Web Controls & Validation Controls.
 Introduction of MS-SQL Server 2005.
 Working & modules of project.
 Snapshots.
 Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited
was born in 1981.
 Joint venture between the Government of
India and Government of Rajasthan.
 Conferred the status of “MINI RATNA” in
 Certified as an ISO 9001 firm on 31st
 REIL has its Headquarters and Works at
Jaipur, Rajasthan
20+ languages One Framework
One IDE One debugger

C++ Visual Basic C#

Delphi Mondrian Component Pascal
Pascal Haskell Python
Ada Perl
Oberon RPG JScript Scheme
Java Smalltalk Eiffel Oz Mercury
Cobol Fortran C Objective Caml ML APL
 Next generation of ASP (Active Server Pages)

 ASP.NET is a new internet programming technology.

 It applies an object oriented approach.

 These application can either be used on intranet or can

be made accessible on the internet.

 ASP.NET is not a scripting language or a programming

 It can mix script and html.
 Web clients
communicate with
 IIS communicates

with ASP.NET engine

 The ASP.NET engine

communicates with
the .NET Framework
 No Browser dependence.

 Compiled code

 language compatibility.

 New Integrated development environment.

 User authentication.

 Easy Deployment.

 Separation of code from presentation logic.

Three Views Design Window Solution
Explorer Properties
Controls Description
Label The Label control is mainly used to display the text.
Text Box The Text Box control permits the user to enter some values.
Button Displays a standard HTML form button

Image button Displays an Image form button

Link Button Displays a hypertext link on a button.
Hyper Link Displays a hypertext link.
Check Box Provide a way for user to switch multiple options.
Radio Button Use to select only one option from list of options,
Drop Down Allows users to select only one item from a pre define list.
List Box Allows users to select one or more items from a pre define
Validation Controls Function
RequiredField To check whether the user has entered any data in a
Validator control at all or it is left blank.
CompareValidator Compares the value entered in an input control to a
value present in another input control or to a fix
RangeValidator Its checks whether the value entered is within range
RegularExpression Used to check that the entered value matches the
Validator pattern as defined by the regular expression.
CustomValidator This control is used for the developers to write their
own validation code for customized conditions.
ValidationSummary This control displays a summary of all the errors that
are generated by all the validation controls present
on the page.
Microsoft SQL Server 2005
 Successor to SQL Server 2000.
 Manage XML data in addition to relational data
 Main feature is Common Language Runtime
  Defines a new extension to XQuery, called XML
DML , that allows query-based modifications to
XML data
 SQL Server 2005 introduced "MARS" (Multiple
Active Results Sets)
 Recommended with ASP.NET as they improves
User id

Crime Station Administrator
Within the Hands of safe

 View current news
 Find Lawyers
 Apply for registration
 View Frequently Asked

 Add Complaint
 Add Crime Report
 Add Missing Person
 View Missing Person
 View MostWanted Person
 Edit Account
 Edit Complaint
 Add Feedback
 Add Lost Article
 Change Password
 Add new Admin
 View and reply User complaint
 View and delete user’s feedback
 Add, delete and view MostWanted Person
 Add and View criminal register
 Add, delete and view missing person
 Change password
 Edit Account

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