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Endocrine System:

Chemical Messengers of the Body

Angelo Carlo D. Pilapil

Endocrine System:
The system of glands that
secrete hormones.

Structures in the body that
secrete substances.
Chemical Substances, produced
by endocrine glands, that
influence internal organs.
It is directly regulated by the
brain, particularly the
Some of it are chemically
identical to some of the
Aid the nervous system’s ability
to control the body by activating
many organs during physical
stress or emotional arousal and
by influencing such things as
metabolism, blood-sugar level,
and sexual functioning.
Endocrine Glands (pg. 63)
Pituitary Gland- largely
controlled by the hypothalamus.
Thought as the master gland
because its secretions help
regulate the activity of the other
glands. Functions- blood
pressure, thirst, growth, breast
Endocrine Glands (pg. 63)

Adrenal Gland- two glands on

the kidneys, which are involved in
physical and emotional arousal.
Releases, epinephrine,
norepinephrine & cortisol.
Explains difficulty to feel calm.
Endocrine Glands (pg. 63)

Islets of Langerhans- endocrine

cells in the pancreas that regulate
the level of sugar in the blood.
Releases two hormones,
Glucagon and Insulin.
Endocrine Glands (pg. 63)
Thyroid gland- located below larynx,
plays important role in the
regulation of metabolism. It does so
by releasing thyroxin. Importance
includes proper mental
development. Deficiency in
childhood might result to cretinism.
Add. Goiter
Endocrine Glands (pg. 63)
Parathyroid glands- secrete
parathormones, which are
important in the functioning of the
nervous system. Parathormones
controls the excitability of the
nervous systems by regulating ion
levels in the neurons.
Endocrine Glands (pg. 63)
Pineal Gland- secretes Melatonin
which is important in the regulation
of biological rhythms, including
menstrual cycles and daily
regulation of sleep and wakefulness.
Add. Moods, Seasonal affective
Endocrine Glands (pg. 63)
Gonads- sex glands, ovaries and
testes. It produces the sex cells.
Also secrete hormones that
contribute to the development of
so-called secondary sex
characteristics. Most important
sex hormones are estrogen and

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