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Shakespeare and Elizabethan Times

• This presentation on Shakespeare and Elizabethan Times is

presented by Rahul, Jada, Sukhveer, and Ernie
• Where I talk about the queens history and weapon use, and
Jada about sources of the play and beliefs, then Sukhveer
talks about the events and language, lastly Ernie speaks
about clothing and life of Shakespeare
• Here I present the information about the Queen and the
weapon use during her reign.
• Some things such as her parents, her birthplace, the type of,
and what weapons used, and the deadliest weapons
Intro- Jada
• My topic is going back in time to the Elizabethan era. It is
about what they believed in and looking further into finding
out about characters and the different humors along with
diverse types of playhouses
• There were a lot of weapons used such as swords, rapier,
broadsword, and cutting swords.
• The battle axe or normal axes.
• The mace- an armour fighting weapon.
• They were made out of metal and wood.
• Trained soldiers and people who worked for the queen carried
the weapons
• The deadliest weapon was the rapier
About the Queen
• She was born at Palace of Placentia
• Her parents were Henry VIII of England, and Anne Boleyn
• She became queen when her father died in February 1952
• Her advisor was William Cecil for most of her reign
• Yes she married Robert her childhood friend
• Mary was the queens half sister and was her biggest enemy 
• She had reigned for 44 years
• What they believed: In Shakespeare’s time people believed in witches. They were people who had made a pact with the Devil in exchange for supernatural powers. If your cow was ill, it was easy to decide it had been cursed.

• Who is Dionysus: A nature god of fruitfulness and vegetation, especially known as a god of wine and ecstasy .

• The four bodily humors were part of Shakespearean cosmology, inherited from the ancient Greek philosophers Aristotle, Hippocrates, and Galen.

•        Choleric
• Humor: Yellow Bile
• Element: Fire
• Season: Summer
• Age: Childhood
• Qualities: Hot & Dry
• Organ: Gallbladder
• Planet: Mars

• Melancholic          
• Humor: Yellow Bile
• Element: Fire
• Season: Summer
• Age: Childhood
• Qualities: Hot & Dry
• Organ: Gallbladder
• Planet: Mars
• Sanguine
• Humor: Blood
• Element: Air
• Season: Spring                                          
• Age: Adolescence
• Qualities: Hot & Moist
• Organ: Heart
• Planet: Jupiter

• Phlegmatic
• Humor: Phlegm
• Element: Water
• Season: Autumn
• Age: Maturity
• Qualities: Cold & Moist
• Organ: Brain
• Planet: Moon
Plays and Acts
• Famous actors from Elizabethan time are:
• William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616)
• Christopher Beeston (1570 - 1638) etc.
• There were two diverse types of playhouses indoor ones and outdoor too.

• This a modern-day theatre:

• Yes, the playhouses differ from present day theatres because now a theatre will “run” a play
for weeks, months or even years which is much longer than back in Elizabethan times.
• In those times the top seats were the most luxurious seats ever. Meanwhile now in 2018 the
most expensive seats are the fronts.
• The queen was very powerful and reigned for a long time she
had a lot of good weapons such as a rapier and had enemies
very close to her such as her half sister.
• Conclusion: In conclusion I have realized that the Elizabethan
era and in the 21st century today are very different from each
other and while conducting all of this information my
knowledge about the Elizabethan era has increased from

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