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 Lee Kuan Yew 

became Singapore's first Prime Minister.

 Current Prime minister is Lee Hsien Loong since 2004.

 Singaporean politics have been dominated by the People's Action

Party (PAP) since 1959 till date.

 The Workers' Party (WP) is the main opposition party along with

Singapore Democratic Party (SDP)
 Singapore is highly developed & free market economy.

 Singapore had an annual growth of 3.9% in the GDP in the June

quarter 2018

 In 2015, Singapore became the first ASEAN country to sign a Free

Trade Agreement (FTA) with the European Union

 The country’s per-capita income is the highest in ASEAN.

 Some constraints on Singapore’s economic performance are the

Labor shortages
Rising labor costs
 Singapore is a wonderful mix of east and west.

 Singapore has a very high literacy index.

 Singaporeans don’t like to do Blue collar jobs.

 Singapore has world class research facilities.

 Singapore government has committed $19 billion to the research

and development.

 The penetration rate for household broadband internet is over


 The government is also moving towards an electronic government

 Key problem of pollution in Singapore’s urban areas is due to

 Carbon emissions decreased from 0.7 to 0.1 kg carbon dioxide

emitted per dollar output.

 Major concerns for Singaporeans is that they don’t have

enough water to support their needs.
 GST or Goods and Services Tax was adopted in 1986.

 E-commerce program was launched in 1996.

 Laws were passed to provide basic legal and technical

infrastructures to support & secure e-commerce.

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