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Great Inventions

• The Wright brothers invented and flew the first airplane in 1903,
recognized as "the first sustained and controlled heavier-than-air
powered flight". ... Airplanes had a presence in all the major battles of
World War II. The broad spectrum of uses for airplanes
includes recreation, transportation of goods and people, military, and
research. Most airplanes are flown by a pilot on board the aircraft, but
some are designed to be remotely computer-controlled such as drones.
Aircraft can be constructed from wood, fabric, many types of metal, or
even composite materials (e.g. carbon-fiber, fiberglass). Early aircraft
such as the Wright Flyer were built with wood and fabric.
Water Wheel-
• The water wheel is an ancient device that uses flowing or falling water to
create power by means of paddles mounted around a wheel. The force of the
water moves the paddles, and the consequent rotation of the wheel is
transmitted to machinery via the shaft of the wheel. The first reference to a
water wheel dates back to around 4000 BCE. The wheels were used for crop
irrigation and grinding grains, as well as to supply drinking water to villages.
In later years, they drove sawmills, pumps, forge bellows, tilt-hammers, and
trip hammers, and even powered textile mills. The water wheel was likely the
first method of mechanical energy developed to replace the work of humans
and animals.
• Compass was invented by William Thomson .Compass is
an instrument that has magnetic needle that, when it is
positioned horizontally, can rotate freely around its
vertical axis and because the needle aligns with North-
South direction it is used for navigation and orientation.
The compass was invented more than 2000 years ago.
The first compasses were made of lodestone, a naturally
magnetized stone of iron, in Han dynasty China
• From glasses to microscopes and telescopes, optical
lenses have greatly expanded the possibilities of our
vision. They have a long history, first developed by
ancient Egyptians and Mesopotamians, with key
theories of light and vision contributed by Ancient
Greeks. Optical lenses were also instrumental
components in the creation of media technologies
involved in photography, film and television.

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