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A Case Study- Motivation

Presented By (Group B):

-Anjali Shrestha
-Arun Rimal
-Mayaju Maharjan
-Shradha Shrestha
-Shrena Maharjan
-Swikriti Basnet
Motivation: Definition

Motivation is the degree to which individuals commit effort to achieve goals that they perceive as
being meaningful and worthwhile (Johnson, & Johnson, 2003).
Motivation: Importance

-Increased employee commitment

-Improved employee satisfaction
-Ongoing employee development
-High productivity
-Efficiency in work
-Reduce absenteeism
-Employees’ satisfaction
-Fewer disputes and strikes
-Organizational Goal Achievement
Analysis of Case

1.Ramesh: 2. Suresh: 3.Harish 4. Sweta

-Hard to understand -Dedicated towards company -Not loyal towards organization -Artistic
-high absenteeism -Obeys rule and regulations -Working only for money -Creative
-Family oriented -Lack of initiative towards work -Arrogant, argumentative -Attention seeker

-Dissatisfied with the company offer -Shy person, dependable on others -Moody
-Friendly and sociable
Q.2. After the following the above profiles, describe how
much you proceed further in your task of keeping them
highly motivated. -

-Flexible working
-Competitive salary
-Value them and their work
-Employee Reward
-Timely measuring job satisfaction
-Monetary benefits
-Recognition and status
Content Models Process Models

1. Maslow- Hierarchy of needs 1.Skinner’s Reinforcement Model Theory

2. Herzberg’s Motivation: Hygiene theory 2.Vroom’s Expectation Theory
3. Aldefer’s ERG theory 3.Adam’s Equity Theory
4.Locke’s Goal Setting Theory
Maslow-Heirarchy -

-According to Herztberg (1959), job satisfaction is

inherent to the job itself, and is positioned in a
double continuum composed of motivator and
hygiene factors.

The motivators are "job satisfiers" that fulfill the

psychological growth of a worker, and include
intrinsic factors, such as responsibility, recognition,
advancement, and opportunity for growth-Shweta
will be motivated.

Hygiene factors encompass extrinsic variables,

such as wages and salaries, work conditions,
supervision, organizational policies, relationships
with peers, and personal life (Castillo & Cano,
2004)- Ramesh and Harish will be motivated.
Aldefer’s ERG
Theory of Needs
Existence needs- Individual’s physiological and physical
safety needs-Harish will be motivated by this theory.

Relatedness needs- aspiration individual’s have for

maintaining significant interpersonal relationships (be it
with family, peers or superiors), component of esteem
needs fall under this class of need-Ramesh will be
motivated by this.

Growth needs- These include need for self-development

and personal growth and advancement. Maslow’s self-
actualization needs and intrinsic component of esteem
needs fall under this category-Shweta will be motivated.
hank You!

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