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Training and Developing Employees

Chapter 8
Training and development help new employees
adapt to their organizations and work
Designed to help newcomers to fully understand
what working is about and help them become fully
productive as soon as possible
The Outsider-Insider Passage
Socialization is a process of
The Outsider-Insider Passage: A time
of adjusting to the organization and
learning what to do and what not to do
 it is the most profound adjustment that
occurs when one first moves into an
 the move from being an outsider to
being an insider.
Assumptions of Employee Socialization
 Socialization Strongly influences
Employee Performance and
Organizational Stability
 Understanding the right way to do the
job indicates proper socialization
 Appraisal of performance includes
how well you fit into the organization
 If jobs are filled and vacated with
minimum disruption, the organization
will be more stable
Assumptions of Employee Socialization
 New Members Suffer from Anxiety
 Loneliness and feeling of isolation not unusual
 May feel a lack of identification
 Will need special attention to put them at ease
 Provide adequate information to reduce confusion
 Tension can be positive as this motivates individuals
to learn quickly
Assumptions of Employee Socialization
 Socialization Does Not Occur in a Vacuum
 Influenced by subtle and not-so-subtle statements
and behaviors offered by colleagues, management
 Individuals Adjust to Situations in Remarkably
Similar Ways
 Anxiety is high at entry and new members want to
reduce anxiety quickly
 Every new member goes through a settling-in period
The Socialization Process
Three Stages of Socialization:
 Prearrival stage
 Recognizes that each individual arrives
with a set of organizational values,
attitudes, cultures and expectations
 Encounter stage
 gains clearer understanding of the
organization and deals with the realization
that expectations and reality may differ
 must be socialized to detach themselves
from previous assumptions and replace
them with the organizations standards
The Socialization Process
Metamorphosis stage
 Must work out inconsistencies
discovered in the encounter stage
 Employees become fully trained in
their jobs, perform successfully and
fit in with the values and norms of
 Metamorphosis is complete when
individual becomes comfortable
with the organization and work
The Socialization Process
A Socialization Process

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 8e,

DeCenzo and Robbins
The Purpose of New Employee
It includes activities that introduce new employees to the
organization and their work units. Provides information
about the organization and helps reduce initial anxiety.
Orientation may be done by the supervisor, the HRM staff
or some combination.
Covers topics like:
The organization’s objectives
HRM policies and benefits
Fellow employees
Learning the Organization’s Culture
Organization culture is the system
of sharing meaning within the
organization that determines how
employees act.
Culture includes long-standing,
often unwritten rules about what is
appropriate behavior.
Socialized employees know how
things are done, what matters, and
which behaviors and perspectives
are acceptable.
The CEOs Role in Orientation
Senior management are often visible
during the new employee orientation
CEOs can:
Welcome employees.
Provide a vision for the company.
Introduce company culture -- what matters.
Convey that the company cares about
Allay some new employee anxieties and
help them to feel good about their job
HRMs role in Orientation
Coordinating Role: HRM
instructs new employees when and
where to report; provides
information about benefits
Participant Role: HRM offers its
assistance for future employee
needs (career guidance, training,
Employee Training
Employee Training
Employee Training is present-oriented
training that focuses on individuals’
current jobs.
Employee training is a learning
experience: it seeks a relatively
permanent change in employees that
improves job performance.
It involves changing skills, attitudes
and behaviors.
Determining Training Needs
Specific training goals should be
based on:
 organization’s needs
 type of work to be done
 skills necessary to complete the work
Indicators of need for more training:
 drops in productivity
 increased scrap or rejection rates
 inadequate job performance
 rise in the number of accidents
Training Methods
On-the-job training methods
Job Rotation
Off-the-job training methods
Classroom lectures
Multimedia learning
Simulation exercises
Vestibule training
Employee Development
Generally focuses on future jobs in the organization.
Although training and development are both similar in
learning methods, their time frames differ.
Once an employee is groomed for positions of greater
responsibility, employee development efforts can help
him/her prepare for that day
Employee Development Methods
On-the-job Techniques
Job Rotation- Excellent method for broadening the
individual’s exposure to company operations.
Assistant-to Positions- Employees with demonstrated
potential sometimes work under a successful manager,
often in different areas of an organization
Committee Assignment- Allows employees to share in
decision making, to learn by watching others, and to
investigate specific organizational problems. Creates a
taskforce to identify problems and solve them.
Employee Development Methods
Off- the- job Techniques
Lecture Courses and Seminars- Help individuals acquire
knowledge and develop their conceptual and analytical abilities.
Simulations- Any artificial environment that attempts to closely
mirror an actual condition. E.g. case studies or role playing. This
helps create am environment similar to real situations , without
high costs of poor outcomes.
Adventure training- the primary focus of such training is to
teach trainees the importance of working together as a team.
Involves major physical and emotional challenges. E.g. survive a
week in the wilderness. The purpose of this test is to see how
they react to difficulties.
The End 

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