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Absolute value Increase Descending

Direction Minus order
Greater than Compare Evaluate

Less than Equal Inverse number

Ascending order Integer Sign
Rule 1 :
 If the integers are like signs (+,+) or (-, -) add the number and follow the sign.

a. 15 + 7 = 22
b. 10 + 13 = 23
c. (-8) + (-5) = -13
d. (-7) + (-12) = -19
e. (-14) + (-7) = -21

Addition of Integers
Rule 2 :
 If the integers are unlike signs ( -, +) or ( +, -), subtract the number and follow the
sign of the bigger number.
a. -18 + 7 = -11
b. 23 + (-6) = 17
c. (-12) + 5 = -7
d. 8 + (-17) = -9
e. (-4) + 17 = 13

Addition of Integers
Rule 3 :
 If the integers are more than two, add first the integers that have the same signs ,
then subtract the integers.
a. (-18) + 7 + (-4) = (-22) + 7
= -15

b. 9 + (-6) + (-12) = (-18) + 9

= -9

Addition of Integers
Rule 3 :
 If the integers are more than two, add first the integers that have the same signs ,
then subtract the integers.
c. 15 + 9 + (-9) = 24 + (-9)
= 15

b. 6 + (-6) + 14 = 20 + (-6)
= 14

Addition of Integers
Subtraction using inverse number :

-3 is the inverse number of 3

3 is the inverse number of -3 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
3 - (-3) = 3 + (3) 6 – (5) = 6 + (-5)
(-4) - 4 = (-4) + (-4)
(-15) – (-10) = (-15) + (10)
5 – (-3) = 5 + (3)
* The inverse number of zero is zero.

Subtraction of Integers
Subtraction using inverse number :
Evaluate :
a) 5 – 13 = 5 + (-13) c) (-4) – 9 = (-4) + (-9)
= -8 = -13
b) 6 – (+5) = 6 + (-5) d) (-15) – (-10) = (-15) + (10)
= 1 = -5

Subtraction of Integers
Exercises 2E:
Write the following terms in addition form.

a. 8 – 10 = 8 + (-10) b. 3 – 7 = 3 + (-7)
c. 0 – 30 = 0 + (-30) d. (-28) – 19 = (-28) + (-19)
e. (-9) – 75 = (-9) + (-75) f. 100 – (-42) = 100 + 42
g. (-80) – (-75) = (-80) + 75 h. (-54) – (-400) = (-54) + 400

Subtraction of Integers
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