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Understanding the Recruiting

Process: Techniques for Success

Actual Job Interviews!

• “Wore a walkman and said she could listen to me

and the music at the same time.”
• “Asked to see my resume to see if I (the executive)
was qualified to judge him as a candidate.”
• “Said he was so well qualified that if he didn’t get the
job, it would prove that the company’s management
was incompetent.”
• “Announced she hadn’t had lunch and proceeded to
eat a hamburger and fries in my office.”
• “Took a Polaroid photo of me and said that he takes
a picture of all interviewers for his collection.”

Typical Interview Process

• Initial on-campus interview(s)

• Site interview/Office Visit
• Job offer decision made by company
• Job accept/reject decision made by candidate

Preparing for the Interview

• Know yourself and your resume

• Research the field/employer/position
• Practice answering questions out loud
• Know the interview process
• Prepare questions

Typical Interview Structure

• Ice Breaker “Small Talk”/Introductions

• Description of interview format
• Employer Assessment/Questions
• Candidate Q&A
• Closing/Next Steps
• Follow-Up

During the Interview

• Follow appropriate etiquette

• Watch your style/presentation
• Communicate knowledgeably/positively
• Be yourself
• Prepare a game plan and know what you want to
highlight about yourself
• Keep to the point
• Remember you are always being assessed
• Do not expect an offer on the spot
• Close on an upbeat note

Types of Interviews

• Informational
• Traditional/Resume-based
• Behavioral/Directed
• Case

Traditional/Resume-Based Interviews

• “Tell me about yourself…”

• Decisions: school, major, field of interest
• Academics: grades as indicator of ability
• Extracurricular: roles, what you learned
• Strengths/Weaknesses/Goals
• Previous employment
• Knowledge of company/position

Behavioral Interviews

• Know specific examples of when you demonstrated your

• Be prepared to tell “stories”
• Listen carefully to each question - don’t rush
• Give specific responses highlighting your role - avoid using
• Avoid extremely personal examples
• Answer what is asked, not what you rehearsed
• Interviewer really gets to know you
• Provides interviewer with concrete, consistent and objective

Candidate - Questions to Ask

• Company culture
• Commitment to employee development
• Career progression
• Company’s strategic direction
• Professional concerns

Candidate - Questions Not to Ask

• Salary and benefits related questions

• “What are my chances?”
• “What do you look for?”
• “How did I do?”

Site Interview/Office Visit

• Interview(s) at company site

• Opportunity to see office environment and
gauge company culture
• Interact with other students
• Learn about roles and responsibilities of a
new hire in order to make a good decision
• Learn about benefits and ask questions
• Do not expect an offer on the spot
After the Interview or Office Visit

• Document/Evaluate the interview

• Send thank you letter
• Follow-up /Keep in touch
• Continue your job search

Reasons People Are Not Hired

• Lack of career focus/goals

• Lack of interest or enthusiasm
• Improper appearance
• Overly aggressive, conceited
• Poor communication skills (grammar, diction)
• No self-confidence
• Overemphasis on money
• Poor scholastic record
• Expecting too much too soon
• Failure to prepare

Making Your Decision

• Identify factors that are important to you and

rank them
• Evaluate the pros/cons of each offer
• How does offer fit into your short-term and
long-term goals?
• Ask additional questions
• Do not feel locked in forever
• Offers are confidential!
Multiple Offers

• You do not have to say “yes” to an offer

• Wait to receive offer in writing
• Contact employers in whom you still have an
• Make your decision based on the factors that
are most important to you


• DO • DON’T
– call your primary contact – keep interviewing after
– be enthusiastic you have accepted
– negotiate, if appropriate – let anyone try to change
– complete all required your mind after you have
paperwork on time accepted
– make sure you – renege
understand the offer
– complete any surveys
– write thank you notes
and notify companies
with outstanding offers


• DO • DON’T
– call your primary – let anyone change
contact on time your mind after you
– be honest regarding have made your
your reasons decision
– be firm – say your decision was
– complete all surveys based on a “gut”
– send thank you notes




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