Darold Kelly Period 1B

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Darold Kelly

Period 1B
• Joaning is the communication between two or more people in which jokes or
insults are passed.

• You enter a match simply by talking about someone, or being talked about.
To win a joaning match, you must win at least 51% of the crowds interest in
your jokes or insults over your opponent’s.

• This leads to the question, so why win them at all?

• Since crowds tend to like jokes better, joaning is a lot more dependent upon
jokes than insults.

Purposes/Effects of Joaning
• Ranking System
• Increase Popularity
• Entertainment

• Effects:
• Ranking System
• Increase Popularity
• Entertainment
• Increased/Reduced self esteem & belligerency.

• [Presentation purpose]
Presentation Purpose
• Everyone has been, or will be talked about or
“joaned” on. Most people have tried to retaliate,
and a lot of us failed to win in atleast one of

This presentation is to explain what exactly is

joaning, what are the key roles to winning, to
explain why certain situations may have
occurred to you, and how exactly can you
retaliate properly.

[how to joan]
How to Joan 101
• So you wanna learn how to joan? You can start by memorizing the 5 major parts to joaning.

• Jokes
• Delivery
• Confidence
• Looks
• Crowd Connection

How to win a match:

- Crowd laughs and/or makes positive sounds at your jokes more than your opponent.
- You are a lot more likely to win if you make the second move, not the first.
- Ending the match before the opponent has a chance to comeback. (If they have a chance to


Joaning more so depends on who is telling the

jokes and/or insults, rather than the actual
jokes/insults themselves.

[what is funny]
What exactly is funny?
Since laughter seems to be the deciding factor of who wins most joaning matches, it would be proper to find out,
“What exactly is funny to most people?”

Some people may someone tripping and falling funny, while others may not. Some people may find someone being
clueless on an inside joke about them funny, while others may not. Some may find my personal favorite movie
“Booty Call” to be funny, while others may not.

The point is that not everyone finds a single joke funny. I’m sure most of you have noticed that the majority of one
persons jokes funny, while in most cases, the person the jokes are about doesn’t find it so funny. It ca be
understandable why the person being insulted doesn’t find it funny, but isn’t it ironic that everyone else does most
of the time?

Most of us can’t really explain exactly what we’d laugh at, however, most of us can tell when sometime is funny or not.
Most times its obvious that the person telling the jokes isn’t funny.

For instance, someone says “Aye you look like _____ off of that ______ movie!”
After a couple of interviews that will be provided later in this presentation, it was shown that most either don’t know
which movie the person is talking about, know about it but haven’t seen it, or missed it because it was said too
fast. However, these are the same people who laugh at the joke when they have no idea what has been said. This
leads to the belief that the joke doesn’t matter as much as something else. It’s pretty obvious that they don’t find
it funny.

Through careful observation, you may notice that the “fake laugh” dominates joaning matches. The crowd chooses
whom they want to win, and fake laugh until the match is over.

Obviously, something else is playing a key roll in producing their fake laugh. The question is, what it it?

• To isolate the causes of fake laughter, I’ve observed a few
situations in which identifies what triggers it.

The situations include the following:

The same jokes being told by different people.

The same jokes in different places by the same person.

The same jokes by different people, in different places.


• *Note to self…. tell the story about what happened in

10th grade.*

• Some of you may notice it happened before, and may

have even predicted that it would before I finished the

• [why did it happen?]

Why did it happen?
• Obviously, you can tell that since the other person whom
read the same jokes that I came up with was funny, that
there must have been a reason why he got the fake
laugh, whereas I didn’t.

• The question is, what?

You may noticed that this question was already answered.

[looks matter?]
Why looks matter?
• Females – imagine a guy that might be attractive to you
joaning on someone that may not be as attractive. Who
do you think will win?

• VS
Why looks matter (cont)

• Same for males. If they were to face off, I

know who’s jokes I’d be laughing at…

• VS
Crowd Connection
• Have you noticed your close friends find what you say a lot more funnier than
others? Have you ever noticed most that “can joan” travel in packs?
• Crowd connection is THEE most important aspect to joaning.

• Think about jokes that would be funny to the average African American
Teenager in Prince Georges County. Do you think the same jokes would work
in southern Texas? They have their own type of joaning there, and jokes like
“Well, atleast your mother isn’t dumb… oh wait…”. How well you connect with
the crowd is the most key factor in joaning. If you surround yourself with your
friends while your opponent doesn’t know your friends and vice versa, you
have a much higher chance of winning no matter what you say.

• [confidence and delivery]

Confidence and Delivery
• Although the best joke can be dry when delivered
poorly, the not so funny jokes can be the funniest
when said a certain way. Some jokes perform
better with physical movement and/or animations,
while others may perform better with a brief

• Looks, do play are part as well, but confidence

play more of a role than looks do. If someone is
confident in what they are saying.
• [jokes]
• Jokes to an extent does play a role in joaning.

• Things that make frequently make individual jokes funnier (besides

delivery) are as follows:

- Originality (Jokes you haven’t heard before)

- Creativity (Jokes that actually had some effort put into them – not “your
mom is so fat she eats a lot”. -.-’’)
- How difficulty it is to understand. (Ever laughed a something that it took
you an abnormal amount of time to understand? That normally helps in
- Quickness (how fast you can think up jokes.)

Based on the points made in the presentation, my thesis was
proven to be true not only through my experience, but yours as
well. Joaning does indeed depend more so on the person telling the
jokes more than the actual jokes being said.

Each of the key factors were proven to have an impact on winning


-Crowd Connection

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