Data Migration

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Data Migration Introductory Workshop

Introduction to data migration

Data Migration, introduction
• Master data - Data with “no” changes
- Examples - Materials
- Customers
- Vendors
- Profit Center/Cost center
- Employees
- Excise Master
• Open items - Transaction data
- Changes continuously
- Examples: - Open Sales orders
- Open Purchase orders
- A/R, A/P balances
- G/L balances.....
How is Data Migrated ?
• Many ways – depending on type, volume and source of data

• Different tools are used

• All migration includes basic steps
=> clean
=> extract
=> manipulate to make source file
=> approve source data
=> manipulate to load file
=> load data
=> approve loaded data

Data Migration Basic Process
Extract Data
Legacy Data Legacy
Download “Manipulate”
Source Approve
Legacy Source
File Source Data
Manual Data Program Data

Load Data

Prepare Source
Load File File BDC SAP R/3


Data migration preparation

Data Migration Overview

• Data migration preparation

- Preparation before “Cut Over”
- Preparation of legacy system(s)
- “Cut Over” test

• Data migration execution

- “Cut Over”, prepare/extract data
- “Cut Over”, enter/load data
- Reconcile and approve

Preparations before Cut Over
• Technical preparations (configuration, user IDs etc)
• Data migration spreadsheet and mapping
• Data migration strategies defined

• Master data - extract, legacy system(s)

- enter/load -
• Prepare legacy system(s)
• Communicate manual entries for “interim period”
• Cut Over test
Data migration strategies

• Purpose: Document, the strategy/approach on how

to migrate the open item objects

->How to migrate different types of an object

(PO can be for a Sales order, Non-business, Project…)

->How to migrate different statuses of an object

(ordered, partly delivered, partly invoiced etc)

->Document pre-requisites/issues/decisions for the data migration)

->Estimated time/resources needed (based on volume/complexity)

Data migration strategies
“Delivered and invoiced in in the same month”

“Calculation of moving average price for materials”

“Close existing projects , create new

projects for remaining

“How to handle Purchase orders and Sales Orders”

”How to do purchases before Cut over and Go-Live”

”Detailed financial data migration strategy”

” Detailed migration strategy for CIN ”

Data migration execution, “Cut Over”

Data migration execution, “Cut Over”

• “Cut Over”, prepare/extract data

• “Cut Over”, enter/load data

• Reconcile and approve

Data migration planning

Lessons Learned

• Start early
• Get business involvement – data is owned by business not
project team
• Clean data properly
– Complete, accurate, obsolete, low-value ….
• Avoid data migration if possible
– Do not migrate historical data…
• Test data migration techniques/strategies early
• Confirm approval procedures early
• Follow-up activities/due dates

Data Migration Tracking Sheet

• Data Migration Tracking Sheet.xls

– Shows all data objects, including volume
– Who is responsible for migration of each data object
– Due dates for main migration milestones

High Level Time Plan

• Data Migration High Level Time Plan.xls

– Shows main activities
– Shows who is involved
– Shows rough schedule for the work


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