Applied Linguistics Adi - Bagus - Endra

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Created by Adi, Bagus, Endra

Welcome to our presentation!
The material of this presentation will merely be about the general view of applied linguistics.

Before starting, I Wayan Endra Setiawan Suastika (1929081026)
this presentation is  I Gede Adiyana Putra (1929081028)
created by  Bagus Yuda Prawira (1929081038)

The Need for Linguistics &
1 4 Applied Linguistics
Applied Linguistics
A Difficult Relationship

Example &
Contents 2

The Scope of
Applied Linguistics

The Need
“Language becomes a cornerstone of human life. Without which,
many of our most important things are unfathomable.”
There are, of course, other important things that seem to occur without a
language. Sexual relations, preparing and eating food, manual labor and crafts, visual
arts, playing and listening to music, wondering about the natural world, or grieving at
its destruction. Even so, they are also formed or strengthened by language. We would
see them very completely different if we had never learned or addressed them. The
use of language is thus in many ways an unconsciously regulated natural
phenomenon. Nevertheless, we can also comment on issues of the use of languages
and thus take decisions on them. Numerous questions and related questions need to
be asked when taking these decisions, each with several different and opposite
responses. Take language in education, for instance. What linguistic skills are
children expected to acquire further than basic literacy? and what's basic literacy
after all? learning to read and write, or something else? Another question that might
arise to the service is should everyone learn foreign languages, and if so, which one?
Will there be an effective way to learn and teach?

That being said, these language issues are by no means
limited to school. Such educational dilemmas, on the opposite,
reflect those of society in general. Some of the languages are
perishing out. It's supposed to be deterred, but how? Should the
expansion of English as the international lingua franca be embraced
or deplored? All such questions, and many others like them, are
seeking answers. It seems sensible to respond to them that we
should set out to explore and know the facts of language use, to
coordinate and fully implement what we know, and to make our
knowledge amenable to rational consideration and critical analysis.
Only by doing so will we be able to recognize the possible courses
of action and the rationale next to them, as well as to debate the
alternatives explicitly and autonomously, in the most informed and
rational way possible. This is the aspiration and the focus of applied
linguistics, the academic discipline focused on the relationship
between language knowledge and decision-making in the real world.
Thus, we need applied linguistics to help us solve most of the

language-based issues we face in life

Applied Mathematics
Learns how mathematical models, principles
Groom& Littlemore (2011) state and methods can be used to address functional
that Applied linguistics in its application challenges in areas as diverse as engineering,
can be divided into two types. computer science and economics.

The first type

focuses on subjects Applied Geology
that are only in one discusses how empirical knowledge generated
branch of science. in the pure science field of geology can be
exploited in realistic fields including mineral
e.g. mining, environmental management and the
manufacturing industry.

The second type focuses
on an even more large
functional field. It has no
practical Equality.

Civil Engineering

focuses on challenges, conflicts and issues related to the

natural world, whereas education focuses on concerns,
challenges and matters relating to teaching and learning.
There is no mere civil engineering or theoretical learning
that could be compared with civil engineering or
education as practical subjects.

The Scope of
Applied Linguistics has rapidly
increased with a significant
enlargement of its scope and it
contributes through theoretical
perspectives to an assortment of
areas. The scope of applied As stated by Corder (1973)
linguistics have the precise that applied linguistics is
definitions made in specific areas.
about the output or target that is
It has a role to guide a situation in
without shape and therefore it
which there is no universal
makes sense to limit the area of
agreement regarding the
concern to one main object, that of
boundaries of topic areas. For
language teaching.
many people language teaching
and learning have always been
universally recognized as central of
applied linguistics. It can be
identified as an academic study of
second language learning and


First language education: When a child studies their home language or


General Second language education : When someone studies their society’s majority
or official language which is not their home language.

conceptual Foreign language education : When someone studies the language of

areas of study another country.

Clinical linguistics : The study and treatment of speech and communication

impairments, whether hereditary, developmental, or acquired (through injury,
stroke, illness, or age.

Language testing :The assessment and evaluation of language achievement

and proficiency, both in first and additional languages, and for both general
and specific purposes.

work, & the
law include

Workplace communication: The study

of how language is used in the work place
and how it contributes to the nature and

General power relations of different types of work.

conceptual Language planning: The making of

decisions, often supported by legislation,

areas of study about the official status of language and

their institutional use, including their use
in education.

Forensic linguistics: The development of

linguistics evidence in criminal and other
legal investigations, for example, to
establish the authorship of a document, or
a profile of a speaker from a tape-

Language, information,
& affect

Literary stylistics: The study of relationship between linguistics choice and effects in

Critical discourse analysis: The study of relationship between linguistics choice and
effects in persuasive uses of language, of how these indoctrinate or manipulate (for
example, in marketing and politics), and counteracting of this through analysis.

Translation and interpretation: The formulation of principles underlying the

perceived equivalence between a stretch of language and its translation, and the
practices of translating written text and interpreting spoken language.

Information design relates: The arrangement and presentation of written language,

including issues relating to Typography and layout , choices of medium, and
effective combination of language with other means of communication such as
pictures and diagrams.

Lexicography: The planning and compiling of both monolingual and bilingual

dictionaries, and other language reference works such as thesauri.

Linguistics &
• The empirical study of language.
• The academic discipline that generally
concerned with the study of language.
• The representation of language in mind
The difference of • A language used as a tools of

Linguistics communications.

Applied Linguistics
& • Interdisciplinary area of study and experience addressing

Applied Linguistics specific issues in language and communication.

• The study of language and linguistics in the context of
functional problems.
• Study results and theories of linguistics, selecting between
based on the theories of Groom & Littlemore various approaches and attempting to make this theory relevant
(2011); Cook (2003); Brown, Attardo, & to the problem faced.
Vigliotti (2014). • Evaluate the experience and interests of the population
concerned with the problem itself.
• Establish a mutual relationship among knowledge and

Applied linguistics is not, for that matter, a part of linguistics or
any other scientific discipline. It is an scholarly subject with its
own form, with its own range of questions, its own scientific
journals, its own professional societies, its own academic
credentials and its own technical paths.

Linguistics typically comprises of conceptual signs and symbols,
it's about everything that represents language, started with sounds
and moving on to larger pieces like term, phrase, sentence,
paragraphs, etc. whereas Applied Linguistics cooperates with
other fields, such as linguistics, education, psychology and the
like, to find answers to real-life language problems (Suparman,

“Linguistics is very much a science. It's a human science,
one of the human sciences. And it's one of the more
interesting human sciences.”

Samuel R. Delany
Brown, S., Alttardo, S., & Vigliotti, C.
(2014). Understanding language structure,
interaction, and variation: An introduction
to applied linguistics and sociolinguistics
for non specialists. 3rdedition. Michigan:
University of Michigan Press.

Cook, G. (2003). Applied linguistics. New

York: Oxford University Press.

Groom, A., & Littlemore, J. (2011). Doing

applied linguistic: A guide for students.
New York: Routledge.

Suparman. (2012). Applied Linguistic and

Language Teaching. GaneÇ Swara, 10(2).

Thank you!
Any questions?

Created by Adi, Bagus, Endra

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