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Early 19th Century

HST 210: The US Experience

Washington's Farewell Address

• 1792 - Washington won unanimous reelection

• 1794 - Washington retires from  political office
• Washington's Farewell Address
o defended his administraton
o warned against party spirit
o avoid permanent alliances with foreign world
John Adams Administration

• 1796 election was highly contested

• John Adams won presidency - he was a Federalist
• Adams administration was plagued by crisis
• greated crisis =  Alien and Sedition Acts (1798)
o Naturalization Act  
o Alien Act
o Sedition Act
• main target was the republican press
• Jefferson called it "reign of witches"
• failed 
• freedom of expression at center stage
"The Revolution of 1800"

• 1800 election Adams v. Jefferson

• Republicans good at voter mobilization
• Federalists had a had time because of elitism
• not a landslide victory
o Jefferson  -  73 electoral votes
o Adams - 65 electoral votes
Summing up the 1790s

• Two important changes in AMerican plitcial culture during

this period:
o party politics in Washington
o democratic participation in politics and shifting visions of
the meaning of liberty for ordinary citizens
Slavery and Politics

• divisive issue of slavery always there

• Jefferson's victoy not possible without slavery
• issue of slavery would not dissappear
• continued petitions for emacipation
• most agreed to set the issue aside and keep it out of
national politics because it presented the possibility of civil
Gabriel's Rebellion
• b. 1776 Brookfield Plantation in VA
• educated 
• blacksmith 
• minimal white pupervision
• earned small wage and greater freedom of movment
• influenced by the Haitian Revolution
• planned attack with bother
• Plan  = Aug 30 1800
o kill plantation owners
o proceed to Richmond
o capture Govenor
o thunderstorm foils plans
o  discovered by whites
o trial in days - 27 executed
Jefferson In Power
• March 01, 1801
• planned to undo Federalist system
Louisiana Purchase
• Mississippi River waswestern border up to MN
• by 1800 more settlers moving west via Mississippi
• New Orleans key port city
• French territory
• 1802 - FR. prevent Us from storing goods
• Jefferson purchases land
• April 30, 1803
Jefferson In Power cont...

Lewis and Clark Expedition

• 1803-1805
• Merriweather Lewis and William Clark 
• traveled to the Pacific
• collected information on peoples, soils, plants, animals and
geography of the west
Jefferson in Power cont...

Impressment of American Soldiers

• British sailors deserting due to poor conditions 

• end up on American ships
• Br. go on US ships to take sailors back
• included those suspected of being British deserter
• some were Americans
• interpreted as disregard for independence
Jefferson in Power cont...

Embargo Act of 1807

• American ships will not trade with other nation
• to make Britian suffer
• negatively affected US
• unemplyment rises 
•  smuggling explodes
• not lifted until Jefferson's final day in office
Shawnee Resistance

• Two key Native  American leaders:

o Tenskwatawa
 cultural resistance  - preserve culture
o Tecumseh
 practical resistance - fight if necessary
• Tippacanoe - Nov 7, 1811  - symbolic victory for Americans
over natives
War of 1812
• impressment of American sailors
• interference in neutral commerce
• BR. alliance with Natives
• American expansion interests in Canada
• Br. refusal to abandon old outposts
• supposed to be short (4 weeks) but lasted 2.5 years
• British set fire to Washington in August 1814
• Treaty of Ghent
o did not address causes
o restored status quo
o reaffirmed American independence
o destroyed Indian ability to resist Americans
o US to stay out of European affairs
o stronger US army and more outposts

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