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Part 3
K U L I A H D A R I N G _ P R O D I T E K N I K A L AT B E R AT _ J U R U S A N T E K N I K M E S I N
Why do we measure?

Characteristics of Performance Metrics.

Uses of Performance Metrics.

Course Terminology of Mining Performance Metrics.

Outline Definitions for Mining Performance Metrics.

Calculation methodologies for Performance

Challenges & common problems.

Ukuran waktu kemampuan suatu machine untuk beroperasi, yg di

ekspresikan dalam persentase.

variasi: • Physical Availability

• Mechanical Availability
• Contractual Availability
• Availability Index >
Physical Availability:
• Ukuran waktu kemampuan suatu machine untuk beroperasi ditambahkan
dengan semua downtime, yg di ekspresikan dalam persentase. >

• A mine production / operations KPI.

• Target = ditentukan oleh by permintaan bagian produksi atau operation,
machine mix, etc.
Operating Hrs + Stand-by Hrs + Production Delay Hrs
Physical Availability =
Operating Hrs + Stand-by Hrs + Production Delay Hrs + Downtime

PD Hrs
Op Hrs
SB Hrs
PD Hrs
Op Hrs DT Hrs
SB Hrs
Mechanical Availability:
Ukuran waktu kemampuan suatu machine untuk beroperasi dibagi dgn kemampuan suatu
machine untuk beroperasi di tambah dengan mechanical downtime hours, yg
diexpresikan dengan persentase.

(Downtime hours associated with issues such as communications radios, dispatch system, FSS,
etc. are not included as mechanical downtime.)
Operating Hrs + Stand-by Hrs + Production Delay Hrs
Mechanical Availability =
Operating Hrs + Stand-by Hrs + Production Delay Hrs + Mech DT

PD Hrs
Op Hrs
SB Hrs
PD Hrs
Op Hrs DT Hrs
SB Hrs
Contractual Availability:
Ukuran waktu kemampuan suatu machine untuk beroperasi dibagi dengan
waktu kemampuan suatu machine untuk beroperasi di tambah dengan
mechanical downtime hours yg tersebut kontrak (downtime diluar kontrak
tidak dihitung), yg diekspresikan dengan persentase. >
(Downtime hours associated with issues such as communications radios, dispatch system, FSS,
and specific, contractual exclusions, e.g. tires, bodies, welding, are not included as downtime.)

Operating Hrs + Stand-by Hrs + Production Delay Hrs

Contractual Availability =
Operating Hrs + Stand-by Hrs + Production Delay Hrs + DT

PD Hrs
Op Hrs
SB Hrs
PD Hrs
Op Hrs DT Hrs
SB Hrs
Availability Index:
• Perbandingan MTBS dengan jumlah MTBS + MTTR, yg diekspresikan dengan
• Sama bentuknya seperti Physical Availability hanya mengindahkan affects of
Utilization (stand-by hours). >
• An equipment maintenance management KPI.
•Benchmark = 92% for new machines & 88% for mature machines.
(Applies to large Off Highway Trucks in the 785 – 793 size range)
MTBS ( = operating hours / no. of stops)
Availability Index =
MTBS ( = operating hours / no. of stops) + MTTR ( = downtime hours / no. of stops)

PD Hrs
Op Hrs

PD Hrs
Op Hrs DT Hrs
Ukuran waktu sesungguhnya machine beroperasi, yg diekspresikan
dengan persentase.

variasi: • Utilization of Availability

• Asset Utilization (Utilization of the Asset)
• Usage >
Utilization of Availability:
• Ukuran waktu machine beroperasi dibagi dgn waktu kemampuan machine
beroperasi, yg diekspresikan dengan persentase. >

• An application / operational KPI.

Operating Hrs + Production Delay Hrs
Utilization of Availability =
Operating Hrs + Stand-by Hrs + Production Delay Hrs

PD Hrs
Op Hrs

PD Hrs
Op Hrs
SB Hrs
Asset Utilization (Utilization of the Asset):
• Ukuran waktu machine beroperasi dibagi dgn total waktu calender dalam
satu periode, di ekspresikan dengan persentase. >
• Mine owner / Purchasing Department & MARC Financial KPI.
• NOTE: KPIs & Performance Metrics can mean different things to different
• Benchmark = 90% Asset Utilization
Operating Hrs + Production Delay Hrs
Asset Utilization =
Total Calendar Hrs

PD Hrs
Op Hrs

TC Hrs
• Ukuran waktu sesungguhnya machine berfungsi beroperasi sesuai yg
diharapkan dibagi dgn waktu kemampuan machine berfungsi sesuai operasi
yg diharapkan, diekspresikan dalam persentase. >
• A mine production/operations KPI.

Operating Hrs
Usage =
Operating Hrs + Stand-by Hrs + Production Delay Hrs + Operational Delay Hrs

Op Hrs

PD Hrs
Op Hrs OD Hrs
SB Hrs
% Scheduled Maintenance:
• Persentase total downtime hours yg dicapai pada periode yg ditetapkan
direncanakan / di schedulekan.
• Suatu indikasi siapa (management?) atau apakah (Sources?) terkontrol.

• An equipment maintenance management KPI.

• Benchmark = 80% scheduled (by downtime hours)

Scheduled Downtime Hrs

% Scheduled Maintenance =
Total Downtime Hrs

NOTE: Simple test to determine if a repair is truly planned and scheduled: “Are the parts
and necessary resources allocated in the shop bay before the machine stops”.
Maintenance Ratio:
• Suatu perbandingan antara maintenance dan repair man-hours pada
machine operating hours.
variations: • “Charged” Maintenance Ratio
• “Overall” Maintenance Ratio
• “Charged” MR hanya pada workorder man-hours (direct labor); tidak
termasuk repair shop (CRC) labor.
• “Overall” MR includes staff, supervision & idle time. >
• An equipment maintenance management KPI.
• Benchmark = 0.20 -0.30 “charged” MR
= 0.50 “overall” MR
• NOTE: Benchmarks apply to large Off Highway Trucks in the 785 – 793 size
range and 992 & 994 Loaders.
Maintenance & Repair Man-Hours
Maintenance Ratio =
Operating Hrs + Production Delay Hrs
Top Problem Summary:

• Setiap komponen / system / event, berdasarkan pada Pareto analysis atas

jumlah shutdowns (frequency of MTBS), durasi shutdowns (MTTR),
pengaruhnya pada availability (total downtime) dan costs.
• Informasi harus diukur dan dibandingkan dengan performance hystory dan
menetapkan target.
• Kegunaan: memungkinkan Project Management focus pada resources
atas masukan-masukan yg penting; sebagai input untuk Continuous
Improvement process. >
• An equipment maintenance management KPI. >
PIP / PSP Completion Summary:
• Suatu tracking tool digunakan untuk monitor status implementation program
PIP & PSP factory.
• Harus berisi program ID number, tanggal mulai dan berakhir, Jenis program
(safety, priority, before / after failure, containment, unpublished, etc.), dan
graphical display of completion status.
• Kegunaan: Memungkinkan Project Management untuk melakukan status
execution dari program factory untuk memastikan selesai tepat waktu dan
untuk mem-verifikasi bahwa program sesuai dgn masukan-masukan yg
teridentifikasi sebagai “Top Problems” dalam Pareto analysis. Dapat dibuat
sebagai input untuk Backlog Mgmt system. >
• An equipment maintenance management KPI. >
Challenges & Common Problems
• Catatan tidak lengkap & detail tidak cukup.
• Berubahnya Methodology penghitungan; Panduan untuk evaluasi tidak
dilampirkan ………….perhitungan shutdown salah!!! Dll.
• Informasi yg diberikan bentuknya tidak dikenal … sulit untuk di mengerti / tidak
ada code / tidak masuk akal.
• Downtime labor tidak terdokumentasi dgn baik, tidak mungkin mengukur MR
• Kemampuan menganalisa & interpretasi informasi … mempengaruhi
pengambilan action yg tepat.
• Terabaikannya masalah yg tdk berhubungan dgn machine … catatan mengenai
production dan operational delays.
• Informasi yg terlambat … tidak dapat proactive bila informasi anda tidak
update/terlalu lama.
• Sources yg tertunda tidak terdokumentasi (atau tidak lengkap) … kesempatan
besar hilang untuk melakukan improvement! >

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