EEB 3107: Computer Programming: Facilitator: Mr. Kyambille G

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EEB 3107: Computer Programming

Facilitator: Mr. Kyambille G

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An operator is a high-level computer language specifying an

operation to be performed that yields a value. An operand on the
other hand is an entity on which an operator acts. In an expression
A + B

The sign + is an operator specifying the operation of addition on

two operands A and B.

C++ language operators are classified into four types.

Arithmetic operators
Relational operators
Logical/Boolean operators
Assignment operators
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They can be further categorized as:

• Unary operator - Requiring one operand

• Binary operator - Requiring two operands

• Ternary operator - Requiring three operands

Operations associated with these operators are: increment,

decrement and conditional operators.

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Arithmetic Operators [1/3]
Arithmetic operators are those that perform an arithmetic
(numeric) operations.
Unary Operators
Unary arithmetic operators need only one operand for example +a,
–b, namely – (negative) or +(positive).
Binary Operators
Binary arithmetic operators requires two operands and these
+ (addition)
- (subtraction or minus)
+ (multiplication)
 / (division)
 % (modulus) - For reminder and it is applied only when
both operands are
 integers.
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Arithmetic Operators [2/3]

Ternary Operators

Ternary arithmetic operators take three operands. For example,

the assignment:
max = a > b ? a : b;
It means that if a > b then max is equal to a otherwise max is
equal to b

The hierarchy of arithmetic operators is such that

* / % are evaluated from left to right

+ - are evaluated from left to right

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Arithmetic Operators [3/3]

If parentheses are involved then, expression within parentheses

are evaluated first following the hierarchy given above. In the
event of nested parentheses, the C++ compiler will evaluate the
innermost parentheses first, then moving outwards and finally the
hierarchy given is followed

Example 3.1
1 + ((3 + 1) / (8 – 4) – 5)
1 + ((3 + 1) / (8 – 4) – 5)  1 + (4 / (8 – 4) – 5)
 1 + (4 / 4 – 5)
 1 + (1 – 5)
 1 + -4
 -3

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Relational Operators

Relational operators are used to test the relation between two

values. All C++ relational operators are binary operators and hence

require two operands. A relation expression is made up of two

arithmetic expressions connected by a relation operator. It

returns a zero when the relation is FALSE and a non-zero when a

relation is TRUE. The table below summarizes relational operators.

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Table: Relational operators

Operator Symbol Form Result

Grater than >  a>b 1 if a is grater than b, else 0

Less than <  a<b 1 if a is less than b, else 0

Greater than or equal to >= a >= b 1 if a is grater than or equal to b, else 0

Less than or equal to <= a <= b 1 if a is less than or equal to b, else 0

Equal to == a==b 1 if a is equal to b, else 0

Not equal to != a != b 1 if a is not equal to b, else 0

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Note that all relational operators have lower precedence than the
arithmetic operators.

EEB 3107_MUST 9

Given the following declarations:

int j = 0, m = 1, n = -1;
float x = 2.5, y = 0.0;

Evaluate the following expression


m/n<x  (m / n) < x
 -1 < 2.5
 T = 1
EEB 3107_MUST 10
Exercise 1

Given the declarations in example above, evaluate the following


j <= m >= n
j <= x == m
-x + j == y > n >= m
x += (y >= n)
++j == m != y * 2

EEB 3107_MUST 11
Logical or Boolean Operators

A logical operator combines the result of one or more expressions

and the resultant expression is called the logical expression. After
testing the condition, they return logical status TRUE or FALSE
as net result.

Logical operators are unary or binary operators. The operand may

be constants, variables or expressions. Table below gives logical

EEB 3107_MUST 12
Table: Boolean Operators

Operator Symbol Form Results

Logical AND && a && b 1 if a and b are non zero else


Logical OR ¦¦ a¦¦ b 1 if a or b is non zero else 0

Logical ! !a 1 if a is 0; else 0

EEB 3107_MUST 13
In algebra, the expression


it is true if y is greater x or less than z. In c++ however, the

expression has a different meaning since it is evaluated from left
to right as follows.

(x < y) < z

The result of x < y is either 0 or 1. The expression is therefore

true in c++ is x is less than y and z is greater 1, or if x not less
than y and z is greater than zero.

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Hierarchy of Logical Operators

The logical NOT has higher precedence than the others. The AND

operator (&&) has higher precedence than OR operator ( || ). Both

the logical AND and logical OR operators have lower precedence

than the relational and arithmetic operators.

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Exercises 2

Given the following declarations

int j = 0, m = 1, n = -1;
float x = 2.5, y = 0.0;
Evaluate the following expressions.
j && m
j < m && n < m
m + n || !j
x * 5 && 5 || m/n
j <= 10 && x >= 1 && m
!x || !n || m + n
x * y < j + m ||n
(x > y)| !j || n++
(j || m) + (x || ++n)

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Conditional Operator (?)

The conditional Operator: takes three operands. The value of an

expression using the conditional operator is the value of either the
second or the third operand, depending on the value of the first
operand. For example consider the following expression:
z = ((x < y) ? x : y);
This expression means that:

if (x < y)
z = x;
z = y;

Note that in the expression above, the first operand is the test
condition. The second and third operand represents the final value
of the expression. The condition operator can be summarized as
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shown in table. 17
Conditional Operator (?)

Table: Conditional Operators

Operator Symbol Form Results

Conditional ?: a?b:c 1 if a is non result is b:

otherwise result is C

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Precedence of Operators

All operators have two important properties called precedence and

associatively. Operators with higher precedence have their

operands bound, or grouped together before operators of lower

precedence regardless the order in which they appear. Table below

shows the precedence of deferent operators and their associatively.

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Table 7: Precedence of Operators…………..

Class of Operator Operation Associativity Precedence

Unary -+   Highest
Multiplicative * / % Left-to-right ^

Additive + - Left-to-right |

Relational < <= > >= Left-to-right |

Equality = = != Left-to-right |

Logical END && Left-to-right |

Logical OR ¦¦ Left-to-right |

conditional ?: right-to-left |
Assignment = += -= *= /= %= Right-to-left |

Comma , Left-to-right Lowest

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Precedence of Operators


Given the following declarations

int j = 0, m = 1, n = -1;
float x = 2.5, y = 0.0;

Evaluate the following expressions

j <= x == m

j <= x == m ((j <= x) == m)

((0 <= 2.5) == 1)
T == 1

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Precedence of Operators


Given declarations in example above, evaluate the following


Expression Possible
a) j>m 0

b) m/n<x 1
c) j <= m >= n 1
d) -x + j = = y > n >= m 0
e) x += (y >= n) 3.5
f) ++j = = m != y * 2 1
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Thank you for Listening!

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