Motor Bakar Torak: Lab Konversi Energi

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M Zachri Kadir


Jurusan Teknik Mesin Fak Teknik UNSRI
(Combustion Engine)





( 2 TAK )
External Combustion Engine
Turbin Gas
External Combustion Engine
Turbin Uap
External Combustion Engine
Mesin Uap

Internal Combustion Engine
Motor Bakar Torak
OTTO Engine ( Spark Ignition - 4 Strokes )
Diesel Engine ( Compression Ignition – 4 Strokes )
Four Stroke Engine
Intake Compression Power Exhaust

1. Intake Stroke piston moves from TDC to BDC,

drawing in fresh air-fuel mixture.
2. Compression Stroke piston moves from BDC to
TDC, compress air-fuel mixture.
3. Power Stroke piston at TDC, spark plug ignite
the air-fuel mixture. the combustion occur
very fast that, in theory, the piston still at
TDC. After that the piston is pushed to BDC.
4. Exhaust Stroke piston moves from BDC to TDC,
pushes the combustion gases out.
Intake &
Two Stroke Engine Compression Power Exhaust

1. Compression Stroke piston moves from

BDC to TDC, compress air-fuel
2. Power Stroke piston at TDC, spark plug
ignite the air-fuel mixture. After the
piston is pushed to BDC. Meanwhile,
about half way, combustion gases are
discharged and fresh air-fuel mixture
is drawing in .
Over View on Reciprocating Engines
Top Dead Center (TDC) : Upper most position

Intake Exhaust Bottom Dead Center (BDC) : Lower most position

valve valve
Stroke : Length of piston travel
TDC Bore : Diameter of the cylinder

Stroke Clearance Volume (Vc) : V where piston is at TDC


Displacement Volume (Vd) :Swept Volume (Vmax-Vmin)
Compression Ratio (rv) = (Vmax/Vmin) = (VBDC/VTDC)
Mean Effective Pressure (MEP) :
Wnet = (MEP) x (Displacement Volume)
Reciprocating Engine is INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE, and is Classified
into 2 types:
1. Spark Ignition: Gasoline Engine, Mixing air-fuel outside cylinder, ignites
by a spark plug
2. Compression Ignition: Diesel engine, fuel is injected into the cylinder,
self ignited as a result of compression.
Mean Effective Pressure, MEP Concept
Actual Processes
Equivalent by MEP


vmin vmax v vmin vmax v

Wnet = (MEP) x (Displacement Volume)
= (MEP) x (Vmax-Vmin)
Air Standard Otto Cycle
Ideal cycle of spark ignition engine, comprises of 4- Process:
Process 1-2 Isentropic Compression (piston moves from BDC to TDC)
Process 2-3 v = constant, heat added (piston stays still, represents combustion)
Process 3-4 Isentropic expansion (piston moves from TDC to BDC gives POWER)
Process 4-1 v = constant, heat rejection (piston stays still, represents EXHAUST and
INTAKE stroke)

There are only 2-stroke of all 4-

P processes,
T 3
Pv k
wout ns
2 2 4
Pv k
= c
win cons qout
1 1

v2=v3 v1=v4 v s1=s2 s3=s4 s

Analysis of Air Standard Otto Cycle
Review of equations used:
Constant volume heat transfer Thermal efficiency
1st law : closed system w
 th  net
2 q 3  u3  u 2  2 w 3
v  const. 2 w3  0 wnet 1 w 2  3 w 4
2 q3  u3  u 2 w   Pdv
Ideal gas : Pv  RT, du  Cv dT Cp
2 q3  Cv(T3  T2 )
Pv  c, k 

P2 v2  P1v1
Isentropic Process of Ideal gases w
1 2 
k k 1 k
Pv k  P1v1  P2 v2  constant R T2  T1 
1 w2 
k k
P2  v1   V1  1 k
and       .............(6.18) or ,
P1  v2   V2 
( k 1) / k k 1 q q
T2  P2   v1   th  1  L  1  4 1
      .....(6.19) qH 2 q3
T1  P1   v2  Mean Effective Pressure
wnet  MEP(v1  v2 )
Otto Thermal efficiency
 th  1  4 1
2 q3

4 q1  Cv(T4  T1 )

2 q3  Cv(T3  T2 )
1. The higher rv the higher thermal eff.
C (T  T )
 th  1  v 4 1 2. The higher rv cause Self-Ignition 
Cv(T3  T2 )
engine knock
(T  T ) 3. Higher Octane Number of fuel used retard
 1 4 1
(T3  T2 ) the self-ignition
T (T / T  1 ) 4. Typical rv of gasoline engine ~ 9.0 – 10.0
 1 1 4 1
T2(T3 / T2  1 ) 5. Thermal efficiency of actual spark
k 1 k 1 ignition engine ~ 25-30%
T1  v2  v  T4
     3  
T2  v1   v4  T3
 th,Otto  1 
rvk 1
Vmax V v
rv   1  1
Vmin V2 v2
1. What is the difference between the clearance volume and the
displacement volume of reciprocating engines?
2. Define the compression ratio for reciprocating engines.
3. How is the mean effective pressure for reciprocating engines
4. Can the mean effective pressure of an automobile engine in
operation be less than the atmospheric pressure?
5. As a car gets older, will its compression ratio change? How
about the mean effective pressure?
6. What is the difference between spark-ignition and
compression­ignition engines?
7. Define the following terms related to reciprocating engines:
stroke, bore, top dead center, and clearance volume.
Otto Cycle
1. What four processes make the ideal OTTO cycle?
2. How is the rpm (revolutions per minute) of an actual four-stroke.
gasoline engine related to the number of thermodynamic cycles?
What would your answer be for a two-stroke engine?
3.Are the processes which make up the Otto cycle analyzed as
closed-system or steady-flow processes? Why?
4. How does the thermal efficiency of an ideal Otto cycle change with
the compression ratio of the engine and the specific heat ratio of the
working fluid?
5. Why are high compression ratios not used in spark-ignition
6. An ideal Otto cycle with a specified compression ratio is executed
using (a) air, (b) argon, and (c) ethane as the working fluid. For which
case will the thermal efficiency be the highest? Why?
7. What is the difference between fuel-injected gasoline engines and
diesel engines?
1a. Indicated Power.
Indicated Power (IP) : Power obtained at the cylinder.
Obtained from the indicator diagram. Given by:
IP = PiLANn/60x in Watts
where Pi is the indicated mean effective pressure,
in N/m2,
L is the stroke length, in m
A is the area of cross section of the piston,
N is the engine speed in rev/min,
n is the number of cylinders and
x =1 for 2 stroke and 2 for 4 stroke engine.
1b. Brake Power
Brake Power (BP) : Power obtained at the shaft.
Obtained from the engine dynamometer.
Given by:
BP = 2NT/60 in Watts
where T is the brake torque, in Nm, given by
T = W.L
where W is the load applied on the shaft by the
dynamometer, in N and
L is the length of the arm where the load is
applied, in m
N is the engine speed, in rev/min
1c. Friction Power
Friction Power (FP) : Power dissipated as
friction. Obtained by various methods like
Morse test for multi-cylinder engine,
Willan’s line method for a diesel engine,
and Retardation test and Motoring test
for all types of engines. Given in terms of
IP and BP by:
FP = IP – BP in Watts
2. Mean Effective Pressure.
Indicated Mean Effective Pressure (IMEP). This is also
denoted by Pi and is given by
Pi = (Net work of cycle)/Swept Volume in N/m2
The net work of cycle is the area under the P-V diagram.
Brake Mean Effective Pressure (BMEP). This is also
denoted by Pb and is given by
Pb = 60.BPx/(LANn) N/m2
This is also the brake power per unit swept volume of the
Friction Mean Effective Pressure (FMEP). This is also
denoted by Pf and is given by
Pf = Pi - Pb N/m2
3. Efficiencies.
Indicated Thermal Efficiency (i) given by
i = IP/(mf . Qcv)
mf is the mass of fuel taken into the engine in kg/s
Qcv is the calorific value of the fuel in J/kg
Brake Thermal Efficiency (b) given by
b = BP/(mf . Qcv)
Indicated Relative Efficiency (i,r) given by
i,r = i/ASE
ASE is the efficiency of the corresponding air standard
Brake Relative Efficiency (b,r) given by
b,r = b/ASE
Mechanical Efficiency (m) given by
m = BP/IP = Pb/Pi = b/i = b,r/I,r
Specific Fuel Consumption (sfc or
This is the fuel consumed per unit power.
Brake Specific Fuel Consumption (bsfc). This is given by
bsfc = mf/BP kg/J
if BP is in W and mf is in kg/s
bsfc is usually quoted in kg/kWh. This is possible if BP is in kW and
mf is in kg/h.
Indicated Specific Fuel Consumption (isfc). This is given by
isfc = mf/IP kg/J
if IP is in W and mf is in kg/s
isfc is also usually quoted in kg/kWh. This is possible if IP is in kW
and mf is in kg/h.
Mechanical Efficiency in terms of the sfc values is given by
m = isfc/bsfc
Specific Energy Consumption (sec
or SEC).
This is the energy consumed per unit power.
Brake Specific Energy Consumption (bsec).
This is given by
bsec = bsfc.Qcv
We can similarly define indicated specific
energy consumption (isec) and based on
the two quantities also we can define
mechanical efficiency.
Air Capacity of Four-stroke cycle
• The power, P, developed by an engine is

P  M a  F Qc 
given by 

• Power will depend on air capacity if the

quantity in the bracket is maximized.
• Plot of power versus air flow rate is
normally a straight line.
Volumetric Efficiency
Indicates air capacity of a 4 stroke engine. Given by

M i
v 
Vs  i
2M 

 i Vs N
Mi is the mass flow rate of fresh mixture.
N is the engine speed in rev/unit time.
Vs is the piston displacement (swept volume).
ρi is the inlet density.
Volumetric Efficiency
Can be measured:
At the inlet port
Intake of the engine
Any suitable location in the intake manifold
If measured at the intake of the engine, it is
also called the overall volumetric
Volumetric Efficiency Based on
Dry Air
Since there is a linear relationship between
indicated output (power) and air capacity
(airflow rate), it is more appropriate to
express volumetric efficiency in terms of
airflow rate M (which is the mass of dry air
per unit time).
Since fuel, air and water vapor occupy the
same volume
Va = Vf = Vw = Vi
Thus we have:

M M
Va  M a va  a
 i  Vi
a i

Here ρa is the density of dry air or the mass of dry air per unit
volume of fresh mixture.
Thus, since 
M i
v 
Vd  i

M a
 v 
Vd  a
Also Vd = ApL
s = 2LN

L is the piston stroke and s is the piston



2M 4M
a a
v  
s a A ps
A p L a
Measurement of Volumetric
Efficiency in Engines
The volumetric efficiency of an engine can be
evaluated at any given. set of operating
conditions provided M a and ρa can be
accurately measured.
Measurement of Air Flow
Airflow into the engine can be measured with
the help of a suitable airflow meter. The
fluctuations in the airflow can be reduced
with the help of surge tanks placed
between the engine and the airflow meter.
Measurement of Inlet Air Density
By Dalton’s Law of partial pressures:
pi = pa + pf + pw
In this case pi is the total pressure of the fresh mixture,
pa is the partial pressure of air in the mixture,
pf is the partial pressure of fuel in the mixture,
pw is the partial pressure of water vapor in the
Since each constituent is assumed to behave as a perfect
gas, we can write p p
a a

pi pa  pf  p w
Ro M a
Since pa  Ta
29 Va

Ro Mf
pf  Tf
mf Vf

Ro Mw
pw  Tw
18 Vw

Now Ta  T f  Tw  Ti

Va  V f  V w
pa 29
Hence 
pi M a MwMf
 
29 m f 18

M indicates mass of the substance,

29 is the molecular weight of air,
mf is the molecular weight of the fuel, and
18 is the molecular weight of water vapor.
pa 1

pi M f 29 M w 29
1 
M a m f M a 18

 29 
1  Fi    1.6h
 mf 
Fi is the ratio of mass of fuel vapor to that of dry air and h is
the ratio of mass of water vapor to that of dry air at the
point where pi and Ti are measured.
pa 29 pa
Now  a  
Ro R T
Ta o i
 
 
29 pi  1 
a 
Ro Ti   29  
1  F    1.6h 
i 
  m  
 f 

This indicates that the density of air in the mixture is equal

to the density of air at pi and Ti multiplied by a correction
factor, that is, the quantity in the parentheses.
The value of h depends on the humidity ratio of the air and is
obtained from psychrometric charts.
For conventional hydrocarbon fuels, the correction factor is
usually around 0.98, which is within experimental error.
For diesel engines and GDI engines, Fi is zero.
In practice, with spark ignition engines using gasoline and
with diesel engines the volumetric efficiency, neglecting
the terms in the parentheses, is given by
v 
 29 p i  A p s 
  
 R o Ti  4 

  
If we do not neglect the terms in the parentheses we get
the following relation for volumetric efficiency:

M a
v 
 
 
 29 pi  Ap s   1 
  
 Ro Ti  4    29  
  1  Fi    1.6h 
 m  
  f  
If the humidity is high or a low molecular weight fuel is used
in a carbureted engine, the correction factor cannot be
For example, with methanol at stoichiometric conditions
and h = 0.02, the correction factor is 0.85.
Volumetric Efficiency, Power and
Mean Effective Pressure
Since  FQ 
PM a c
and 4M
v 
a A p s

 
 P  A p s   v  a   F Q c 
For an engine, the mean effective pressure, mep, is given by
mep  
V1  V2 V N

Ap s

   v  a   F Q c 
Ways to increase power and mep
• The mean effective pressure may be indicated
or brake, depending on whether η is indicated or
brake thermal efficiency. Thus, the mean
effective pressure is proportional to the product
of the inlet density and volumetric efficiency
when the product of the thermal efficiency, the
fuel-air ratio, and the heat of combustion of the
fuel is constant.
• From the preceding two expressions we can
figure out ways to increase the power and mep
of an engine.
Background on the Otto Cycle
• The Otto Cycle has four basic
steps or strokes:
– 1. An intake stroke that draws a
combustible mixture of fuel and
air into the cylinder
– 2. A compression stroke with the
valves closed which raises the
temperature of the mixture. A
spark ignites the mixture towards
the end of this stroke.
– 3. An expansion or power stroke.
Resulting from combustion.
– 4. An Exhaust stroke the pushes
the burned contents out of the
• To the right is an idealized
representation of the Otto cycle
on a PV diagram.
Comparing Engines….
• mep= work done per unit displacement volume
– Or average pressure that results in the same amount
of indicated or brake work produced by the engine
– Scales out effect of engine size
– Two useful types: imep and bmep
• imep: indicated mean effective pressure
– -the net work per unit displacement volume done by the gas during
compression and expansion
• bmep: brake mean effective pressure
– -the external shaft work per unit volume done by the engine
4   
bmep 

• Based on torque:

4   
bmep  (4 stroke)

2   
bmep  (2
• Brake specific fuel consumption (bsfc)
– Measure of engine efficiency
– They are in fact inversely related, so a lower
bsfc means a better engine
– Often used over thermal efficiency because
an accepted universal definition of thermal
efficiency does not exist
m f m f
bsfc  
Wb 2     N

m f m f
bsfc  
W b 2     N

• bsfc is the fuel flow rate divided by the
brake power
m f m f
bsfc  
W b 2     N
• We can also derive the brake thermal
efficiency if we give an energy to the fuel
called heat of combustion  or, qc
Wb 1
 
m f  qc bsfc  qc
• Volumetric Efficiency, ev
– The mass of fuel and air inducted into the cylinder
divided by the mass that would occupy the displaced
volume at the density ρi in the intake manifold
– Note it’s a mass ratio and for a 4 stroke engine

2(m a  m f )
ev 

m f  0
– For a direct injection engine
2-stroke premixed-charge engine
2-stroke premixed-charge engine

• 2-strokes gives ≈ 2x as much power since only 1

crankshaft revolution needed for 1 complete cycle (vs.
2 revolutions for 4-strokes)
• Since intake & exhaust ports are open at same time,
some fuel-air mixture flows directly out exhaust & some
exhaust gas gets mixed with fresh gas
• Since oil must be mixed with fuel, oil gets burned
• As a result of these factors, thermal efficiency is lower,
emissions are higher, and performance is near-optimal
for a narrower range of engine speeds compared to 4-
stroke engines
2-stroke Diesel engine
• Used in large engines, e.g. locomotives
• More differences between 2-stroke
gasoline vs. diesel engines than 4-
stroke gasoline vs. diesel
– Air comes in directly through intake ports,
not via crankcase
– Must be turbocharged or supercharged to
provide pressure to force air into cylinder
– No oil mixed with air - crankcase has
lubrication like 4-stroke
– Exhaust valves rather than ports - not
necessary to have intake & exhaust paths
open at same time (but may do this anyway)
– Because only air, not fuel/air mixture enters
through intake ports, “short circuit” of intake
gas out to exhaust is not a problem
– Because of the previous 3 points, 2-stroke
diesels have far fewer environmental
problems than 2-stroke gasoline engines
2-stroke Diesel engine
• Why can’t gasoline engines use concept similar to 2-stroke
Diesel? They can in principle but fuel must be injected &
fuel+air fully mixed after the intake ports are covered but before
spark is fired
• Also, difficult to control ratio of fuel/air/exhaust residual
precisely since relative amounts of exhaust & air leaving
exhaust ports varies from cycle to cycle (due to turbulence) -
ratio of fuel to (air + exhaust) critical to premixed-charge engine
performance (combustion in non-premixed charge engines
always occurs at stoichiometric surfaces in overall lean
mixtures anyway, so not an issue for non-premixed charge
• Some companies have tried to make 2-stroke premixed-charge
engines operating this way, e.g.,
but these engines have found only limited application
Engine design & performance
• See Heywood Chapter 2 for more details
• Compression ratio (rc)
maximum cylinder volume Vc  Vd
rc  
minimum cylinder volume Vc

Vd = displacement volume = volume of cylinder swept by piston (this is what

 auto manufacturers report, e.g. 5.2 liter engine means 5.2 liters is combined
displacement volume of ALL cylinders
Vc = clearance volume = volume of cylinder NOT swept by piston
• Bore (B) = cylinder diameter
• Stroke (L) = distance between maximum excursions of
• Displacment volume of 1 cylinder
N (revolutions = πBRPM)
per minute,
2L/4; if B = L
x  (in foot pounds)
P (in horsepower) 
(typical), 5.2 liter, 8-cylinder engine, 5252B = 9.4 cm
• Power = Angular speed (N) x Torque () = 2πN
Classification of unsteady-flow
volume Bore

Displacement Stroke

Piston at bottom Piston at top

of travel of travel
Engine design & performance
• Engine performanceparameters
is specified in both in terms of power
and engine torque - which is more important?
– Wheel torque = engine torque x gear ratio tells you whether you
can climb the hill
– Gear ratio in transmission typically 3:1 or 4:1 in 1st gear, 1:1 in
highest gear; gear ratio in differential typically 3:1
• Ratio of engine revolutions to wheel revolutions varies from 12:1 in lowest
gear to 3:1 in highest gear
– Power tells you how fast you can climb the hill
– Torque can be increased by transmission (e.g. 2:1 gear ratio
ideally multiplies torque by 2)
– Power can’t be increased by transmission; in fact because of
friction and other losses, power will decrease in transmission
– Power really tells how fast you can accelerate or how fast you can
climb a hill, but power to torque ratio ~ N tells you what gear ratios
you’ll need to do the job
Engine design & performance
• Indicated work - work doneparameters
for one cycle as determined by the cylinder P-V
diagram = work acting on piston face
Note: it’s called “indicated” power because historically (before
oscilloscopes) the P and V were recorded by a pen moving in the x
direction as V changed and moving in the y direction as P changed. The
P-V plot was recorded on a card and the area inside the P-V was the
“indicated” work (usually measured by cutting out the P-V and weighting
that part of the card!)
• Net indicated work = Wi,net = ∫ PdV over whole cycle = net area inside P-V
• Indicated work consists of 2 parts
– Gross indicated work Wi,gross - work done during power cycle
– Pumping work Wi,p - work done during intake/exhaust pumping cycle
• = Wi,gross - Wi,pump
• Indicated power = Wi,xN/n, where x could be net, gross, pumping and n = 2 for
4-stroke engine, n = 1 for 2 stroke engine (since 4-stroke needs 2 complete
revolutions of engine for one complete thermodynamic cycle as seen on P-V
diagram whereas 2-stroke needs only 1 revolution)
Engine design & performance
Animation: gross & net indicated work,
pumping work

ss ai te
(+) ddicwaoter
kd wo
(-)Pumping work
Engine design & performance
• Brake work (W ) or brake power (P ) = work power that appears at the
shaft at the back of the parameters
b b
• Historically called “brake” because a mechanical brake [like that on your
car wheels] was used in laboratory to simulate the “road load” that would
be placed on an engine in a vehicle)
• What’s the difference between brake and indicated work or power?
– Gross Indicated work = brake work + friction work (Wf)
Wi,g = Wb + Wf
– Note that this definition of friction work includes not only the “rubbing friction” but also
the pumping work; I prefer
Wi,g = Wb + Wf + Wp
which separates rubbing friction (which cannot be seen on a P-V diagram) from
pumping friction (which IS seen on the P-V)
– The latter definition makes friction the difference between your actual (brake)
work/power output and the work seen on the P-V
– Note the friction work also includes work/power needed to drive the cooling fan, water
pump, oil pump, generator, air conditioner, …
– Moral - know which definition you’re using
Engine design & performance
• Mechanical efficiency = (brake power) / (indicated power) -
measure of importance of friction
Power output (brake orloss
• Thermalefficiency
th  (th) = (what
mÝfuelQRyou get / what you pay for) =
(power ouput) / (fuel heating value input)

m Ýfuel
isfc  ;bsfc 
 indicated power brake power
• Specific fuel consumption (sfc) = (mdot fuel)/(Power)

1 1
th,i  ;th,b 
 (isfc)QR (bsfc)QR
units usually pounds of fuel per horsepower-hour (yuk!)
• Note also
Engine design & performance
Ý (measured)
v  (v) = (mass of air actually drawn into cylinder) /
• Volumetric efficiency
 could
(mass of air that ideally air
Vd N /n
be drawn into cylinder)

where air is at ambient conditions = Pambient/RTambient

• Volumetric efficiency indicates how well the engine “breathes” - what
lowers v below 100%?
– Pressure drops in intake system (e.g. throttling) & intake valves
– Temperature rise due to heating of air as it flows through intake system
– Volume occupied by fuel
– Non-ideal valve timing
– “Choking” (air flow reaching speed of sound) in part of intake system having
smallest area (passing intake valves)
• See figure on p. 217 of Heywood for good summary of all these effects
Engine design & performance
Work per cycle
 PdV
(Power)n /N (Power)n
Mean    
• MEP effective pressure (MEP)
Displacement volume Vd Vd Vd N
(Work per cycle)/m
MEP    intake (Work per cycle)/m
(Displacement volume)/m

• Power could be brake, indicated, friction or pumping power, leading to BMEP,

• Note Power = Torque x 2πN, thus
Brake torque = BMEP*Vd/2πn
• MEP can be interpreted as the first moment of pressure with respect to
cylinder volume, or average pressure, with volume as the weighting function
for the averaging process
Engine design & performance
• MEP is useful for 2 reasons
– Since it’s proportional to power or work, we can add and
subtract pressures just like we would power or work
– (More important) It normalizes out the effects of engine
size (Vd), speed (N) and 2-stroke vs. 4-stroke (n), so it
provides a way of comparing different engines and
operating conditions
• Typical 4-stroke engine, IMEP ≈ 120 lb/in2 ≈ 9 atm
- how to get more? Turbocharge - increase Pintake
above 1 atm, more fuel & air stuffed into cylinder,
more heat release, more power
Engine design & performance
• Pumping power = (pumping work)(N)/n = (P)(V)(N)/n
= (Pexhaust - Pintake)VdN/n

(Gross indicated power) n (th,i,g mÝfuel QR )n

but PMEP = (pumping power)n/(V dN), thus PMEP = (Pexhaust - Pintake)
IMEP  
(wasn’t that easy?) (this assumes “pumping loop” is a rectangle)
• Estimate of IMEP V N d Vd N
(th,i,g mÝair [ f /(1 f )]QR )n th,i,g (v  air,ambientVd N /n)QR n f
 
Vd N Vd N 1 f
 Pambient  f IMEPg th,i,gv fQR Pambient
 th,i,gv QR  (1 f )  
RTambient 1 f Pintake RTambient Pintake
• Typical engine at wide-open throttle (P intake = Pambient):
th,i,g ≈ 30%, v ≈ 85%, f = 0.068 (at stoichiometric),
QR = 4.5 x 107 J/kg, R = 287 J/kg-K, T intake = 300K
  IMEPg / Pintake ≈ 9.1
• In reality, we have to be more careful about accounting for the exhaust residual and the fact that its properties are
very different from the fresh gas, but this doesn’t change the results much
Engine design & performance
• Emissions performance usually reported in grams of pollutant
emitted per brake horsepower-hour (yuk!) or grams per kilowatt
hour (slightly less yuk), e.g.
Brake Specific NOx (BSNOx) = mdotNOx / (Brake power)
• One can also think of this as (mass/time) / (energy/time) = mass /
energy = grams of pollutant per Joule of work done
• …but Environmental Protection Agency standards (for passenger
vehicles) are in terms of grams per mile, not brake power hour,
thus smaller cars can have larger BSNOx (or BSCO, BSHC, etc.)
because (presumably) less horsepower (thus less fuel) is needed
to move the car a certain number of miles in a certain time
• Larger vehicles (and stationary engines for power generation) are
regulated based on brake specific emissions directly
Four-Stroke Diesel Engine
• Intake stroke
– Intake valve open, exhaust valve shut
– Piston travels from TDC to BDC
– Air drawn in
• Compression stroke
– Intake and exhaust valves shut
– Piston travels from BDC to TDC
– Temperature and pressure of air increase
Four-Stroke Diesel Engine
• Power stroke
– Intake and exhaust valves shut
– Fuel injected into cylinder and ignites
– Piston forced from TDC to BDC
• Exhaust stroke
– Intake valve shut, exhaust valve open
– Piston moves from BDC to TDC
– Combustion gases expelled
Four-Stroke Diesel Engine
• Strokes
– Intake
– Compression

– Power
– Exhaust
Two-Stroke Diesel Engine
• 1 power stroke every crankshaft revolution
(vice every two w/ 4-stroke)
• Uses pressurized air to simultaneously
supply new air and expel combustion gases
• Scavenging
– Exhaust valve open, inlet port exposed
– Pressurized air enters, expels combustion
– Piston near BDC
Two-Stroke Diesel Engine
• Compression
– Intake and exhaust valves shut
– Piston travels from BDC to TDC
– Temperature and pressure of air increase
• Power stroke
– Intake and exhaust valves shut
– Fuel injected into cylinder and ignites
– Piston forced from TDC to BDC
Two-Stroke Diesel Engine

• Strokes
– Compression

– Power
– (Intake/Exhaust)
Two vs. Four-Stroke Engines

• Two-stroke advantages
– Higher power to weight ratio
– Less complicated valve train
• Four-stroke advantages
– More efficient burning process
– As size increases, power-to-weight ratio
Gasoline vs. Diesel Engine

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