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Sexual Reproduction

In Humans
Learning Objectives
• Know what a chromosome is and its role in the inheritance of traits
• Know how the features of sperm cell help fulfill its function of
• Know how the features of egg cells help fulfill its function of
• What dictates how traits are inherited?
The size of DNA
Two general types of Genes
• Dominant Genes :
• These genes are displayed as traits in the offspring

• Recessive Genes
• These genes are hidden in the offspring if a dominant gene
is present
What we’ve learn so far
• Chromosome
• A condensed form of DNA
• Genetic information found inside the nucleus, contains genes which controls
our traits and how we function.
• Dominant Gene
• These genes are displayed as traits in offspring
• Recessive Gene
• The trait of these genes are hidden in offspring if a dominant gene is present
• What’s the difference between dominant and recessive genes?
• When will recessive traits be shown in an offspring
Activity – Popsicle Babies
Gamete cells
What is a Gamete cell?
• These are sex cells found inside our bodies that are used in
• Two types
• Sperm cell
• Egg cell
Where are the chromosomes found?
• Gamete cells have haploid nucleus which contain 23 chromosomes,
or half the amount found inside somatic cells. (non sex body cell)
Sperm Cell
What are the features of sperm cells?
• Acrosome
• Enzyme that help sperm dissolve membrane of egg cell and penetrate it.
• Haploid nucleus
• Contains half the amount of chromosomes inside the nucleus (23)
• Rich supply of mitochondria
• Supplies energy through respiration to power the tail
• Tail
• Helps sperm to swim
• Streamlined shape
• Helps sperm to move more easier through fluid. Conserves energy
Egg cell
What are the features of an Egg cell
• Size
• 20x larger than sperm
• Food storage
• Large amount of cytoplasm (yolk) that will feed embryo during the first stages
of reproduction
• Haploid nucleus
• Special cell membrane
• Only allows one sperm to enter, creates a barrier to block other sperm
What is fertilization?

The union of a gamete cell from a male and a female

What happens next?

• The embryo will rapidly divide into new cells as it
• Implant itself of uterus wall
• Grow into a fully formed baby over the course of 9
• What is a chromosome?
• Why are only some traits from a parent shown in an offspring?
• What is a haploid nucleus?
• Why do gamete cells have haploid nucleus?
• Under what circumstance are the traits of recessive genes shown in
the offspring?
• Explain how two features of a sperm assist it in reproduction.
• Explain how two features of egg cells assist it in reproduction.

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