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Sexual Reproduction in

Fertilization and Seed Dispersal
• Page 187-188
• Fertilization
• Development of Embryo after fertilization
• Seed Dispersal
Seed Development
• After pollination Occurs ( Pollen grain lands on stigma)
• A pollen tube grows from the pollen grain, and grows down into the
style towards the Ovule.
• The Pollen tube enters the ovule from the micropyle
• The ovule has the female gamete inside of it.
• The pollen tube release a male nuclei into the ovule and it fuses with
egg cell creating a zygote.
• At this point Fertilization Occurs
Embryo Development
• The zygote goes through cell division and divides and creates a
embryo ( plumule and radicle) and a cotyledon.
• This Creates a Seed.
• In Dicot plants, two cotyledon are formed
• In monocot plants, one cotyledon is formed and an Endosperm.

• As the seed grows, food created by the leaves of the parent plants is
transferred to the seeds to be stored in the cotyledon (dicot) or
endosperm (monocots).
Embryo Developement
• As the seed grows the outer layer of the ovule becomes the seed coat
and the ovary swells and becomes the fruit.
• The petals, stigma and style of the original flower falls of leaving
behind the new Fruit ( initially the ovary) and Seed ( initial ovule).

Seed Dispersal
• Fruit: Seed bearing structure in flowering plant formed from the

• Function of a Fruit: To protect the seed and to disperse the seed.

• Seed dispersal helps by preventing overcrowding.

Types of Fruit
• Succulent Fruit (Fleshy Fruit)
Types of Fruit
• Dry fruits

• Two Types
• Dehiscent: These Fruits split after drying.
• This helps seeds to spread

• Indehiscent: These dry fruits do not split.

Indehiscent Fruits
Animal Dispersal
Water Dispersal
Mechanical Dispersal
Wind Dispersal
Fruit and Seed Dispersal

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