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Increasing Selling Efficiency

Sales Effectiveness & Efficiency

• Sales Effectiveness
– Output measure of a sales person’s selling efforts
– What you should be doing in terms of selling effort
– Doing the right things
• Sales Efficiency
– Input measure of a sales person’s assigned sales tasks
– How well you carry out your selling duties
– Doing the things right
The Self-Management Concept
• Self-Management: - is a combination of
– Time Management
– Self Motivation
• Importance of Self-Management
 Importance to the Salesperson
• Salesperson’s success & growth
• Salespeople work on their own
• Basis for self-discipline & self-motivation
 Importance to the Salesperson’s Employer
• Up-gradation of overall sales performance of company
• Decrease cost of supporting salespeople in the field
• Opportunities for other than traditional incentives
Time Management
• Sales Calls & Sales Expenses
• The Value of Time
• Analysis of Selling Activities
• Varying Potential of Time
• Account Classification
• Routing
• Reducing Travelling Cost
• Handling Paper Work
Time Management Contd.
• Sales Calls & Sales Expense
It depends on
• Nature of job
• Geographical area
• Individual productivity
• The Value of Time
• Time management is the study & effective use of time
• Time = money
Time Management Contd.
• Analysis of Selling Activities
– Productive Activities – Nonproductive Activities
• Making sales presentations • Driving an auto mobile
• Handling customer complaints • Waiting to see a customer
& Problems
• Engaging in general
• Taking inventory of the
customer’s stock conversation
• Setting up promotional • Completing paper work
displays • Conducting a broken interview
• Preparing for demonstrations • Calling on customers who are
• Studying product literature unavailable
• Maintaining contact with • Calling on someone who is not
existing customers a customer
• Making telephone calls
• Making collections &
adjustment of customer’s
Time Management Contd.
• How Effective and Efficient Salespeople Spend
their Time?
Time Management Contd.
• Varying Potential of Time
– Not all hours of the day have sales potential
– Important tasks are allocated to valuable time period
– Less important tasks to nonproductive time
• Account Classification
– Categorization of accounts by their relative sales potential
• Two way classification scheme (Good/Poor, Major/Minor)
• Three way classification scheme (A account, B account, C account)
– Selective Selling
– National Accounts (Firm’s biggest customers)
Time Management Contd.
• Routing
– Process of minimizing travel time for sales
– Sales call patterns
• Routine or Regular
• Variable or Irregular
• Reducing Traveling cost
– Substituting phone contacts for personal visits
Time Management Contd.
• Handling Paper Work
– Two Categories
• Required by the company (Call Reports)
• Needed by sales people for effective management of
their territories (Time Management Records)
– Call Reports (Summary of salesperson’s daily or weekly activities)
– Time Management Records (Information on the card include
best time for seeing customer, customer’s restricted time, length of
sales interviews and delays experienced in calling on customers)
– Other Reports (Reports on account status, dealer inventory, new
accounts and dealer termination)
Time Management Contd.
• Efficiency in Paper Work
– Think positively about paper work
– Do paper work now
– Set aside a block of unproductive time for working
on reports & records
– Set priorities on paper work
• Salesperson must concentrate on personal
characteristics such as attitude, appearance,
health and selling skills.
• The Truly self-motivated salesperson develops
– Proper Attitude
– Good Listening Habit
– Sound Mind & Body
Self-Motivation Contd.
• Proper Attitude
– Hard working
– Self-confident
– Self-disciplined
– Preserving
– Flexible
– Goals other than money
– Respect for buyer’s good sense
– Willingness to learn from others
– Ability to handle big money
– Perfectionist
Self-Motivation Contd.
• Good Listening Habit
Ten Keys to Effective Listening
Keys to Effective Listening The Bad Listener The Good Listener
Find areas of interest Tunes out dry subjects Looks for opportunities
Judge content, not delivery Tunes out if delivery is poor Judges content
Hold your fire Trends to enter into Doesn’t judge until
arguments comprehension is complete
Listen for ideas Listen for facts Listen for central themes
Be flexible Take intensive notes Takes fewer notes
Work at listening Shows no energy output Exhibits active body state
Resist distractions Distracted easily Fight or avoids distractions
Exercise your mind Resist difficult material Uses heavier material
Keep your mind open Reacts to emotional words Interprets color words
Capitalize on the fact that Trends to daydream with slow Challenges, anticipates,
thought is faster than speech speakers mentally summarizes
Self-Motivation Contd.
• Sound Mind & Body
– Ancient Greeks praised sound mind & body
– Americans realized the importance of good health
not only the physical exertion
– Physical fitness results in
• Better appearance
• Higher energy levels
• Better attitude

Note: - Being physically fit allows salespeople to accomplish more than they
would otherwise.

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