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1. The European Union needs to do

more to _____________
cement its
relationship with the old Eastern Bloc
2. He said the European Union had to
clean up its _____________.
3. The country now ___________over
its neighbours both in terms of
population and wealth.
4. There is no painless way to get
inflation down. We now have an
excellent _____________on which to
5. The prestigious title offered a _____________to
success in the highly competitive world of

6. Planning and prioritising are the

keys service improvement.

7. This event offers a _____________on

window the latest
green technology.
1. Why are you taking such a
low-paid job? I’m sure you
could find something better.
> I know, but it’s a good
company. I just want to get
_____________ and with any
a) against a brick wall luck I can work my way up.
b) on your doorstep 2. I think the business is ready
c) on the tiles to expand now.
d) laid the foundations > I agree, we’ve
e) a foot in the door _____________ and it’s time
to build on them.
f) hit the roof
3. Mary looks cross about
g) through the back door something. What’s
h) like a ton of bricks happened?
> I just asked if I could leave
early tonight and she came
down on me ___________
4. I’ve just told my dad
about my exam results.
He wasn’t very pleased.
> Neither was mine. He
_____________when I
told him I’d failed
hit the roof
5. I don’t know how you can
a) against a brick wall live in the middle of town.
b) on your doorstep It must be awful.
c) on the tiles > It’s all right once you’re
used to it. You’ve got
d) laid the foundations everything right
e) a foot in the door _____________
f) hit the roof 6. How did you manage to
get a job with the bank?
g) through the back > Well, I got in
door _____________ really.
h) like a ton of bricks My uncle plays tennis
with one of the directors.
7. You still haven’t got a
job, then?
> No, I’m afraid not. I’ve
applied for maybe
thirty and I haven’t
had one interview. I
a) against a brick wall feel as if I’m banging
b) on your doorstep my head
c) on the tiles _____________
d) laid the foundations 8. You look as if you
e) a foot in the door had a late night last
f) hit the roof night.
g) through the back door > Yes. It was my
h) like a ton of bricks brother’s birthday so
we went out for a
night _____________
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

The World Trade Organisation (WTO) (BE)

is an international organization that
(ESTABLISH) _____________
establishes rules for
international trade through consensus among its
member states. It also (RESOLVE) __________ resolves
disputes between the members, which (BE)
are all signatories to its set of trade
• The organization's headquarters (LOCATE)
are located in Geneva, Switzerland. There
(BE) _____________
are 153 member states in the
organization, the latest to join (BE) _____________
Cape Verde on July 23, 2008.
The Bretton Woods Conference of 1944 (PROPOSE)
proposed the creation of an International
Trade Organisation (ITO) to establish rules and
regulations for trade between countries. Members of
the UN Conference on Trade and Employment in
Havana (AGREE) _____________
agreed to the ITO charter
in March 1948, but ratification (BLOCK)
was blocked
_____________ by the U.S. Senate. Some historians
(ARGUE) _____________
have argued that the failure
(MAY/RESULT) _____________
may have resulted from fears within
the American business community that the
International Trade Organization (CAN/USE)
could be used to regulate big business.
Only one element of the ITO (SURVIVE)
survived the General Agreement on Tariffs
and Trade (GATT). Seven rounds of negotiations
(OCCUR) _____________
occurred under the GATT before
the eighth round - known as the Uruguay Round —
which (BEGIN) _____________
began in 1986 and
(CONCLUDE) _____________
concluded in 1995 with the
establishment of the WTO. The GATT principles
and agreements (ADOPT) _____________
were adopted by the
WTO, which (CHARGE) ____________
was charged with
administering and extending them and
approximately 30 other agreements and resolving
trade disputes between member countries.
The WTO (STATE) _____________ that its
aims (BE) _____________
are to increase
international trade by (PROMOTE)
promoting lower trade barriers and
(PROVIDE) _____________
providing a platform for the
negotiation of trade and to their business.
Fill in the blanks with a suitable preposition

The General Agreement __________ Trade
IN Services (GATS) is the first and
only set __________
OF multilateral rules governing
international trade __________
IN services.
Negotiated __________
IN the Uruguay Round, it
was developed __________
IN response
TO the huge growth __________
OF the
services economy __________
OVER the past 30
years and the greater potential __________
trading services brought __________
__________ the communications revolution.
Services represent the fastest growing sector __________
the global economy and account __________
FOR two thirds
OF global output, one third __________
global employment and nearly 20% __________ global
When the idea __________ ON
bringing rules __________
services __________
INTO the multilateral trading system was
floated __________
the early __________ mid 1980s, a
number __________ countries were sceptical and even
opposed. They believed such an agreement could
undermine governments’ ability to pursue national policy
objectives and constrain their regulatory powers. The
agreement that was developed, however, allows a high
degree __________ flexibility, both __________
framework __________ rules and also __________
IN terms
OF the market access commitments.
1. Any state or customs territory has full autonomy in the
conduct of its ______________
2. trade policies may join the WTO, but WTO members
must agreed ________________
3. on the terms. The application go through four stages:
First, the government _________
4. apply for membership has to describe all aspects of its
trade and __________________
5. economic politics that have a bearing on WTO
agreements. This is ________________
6. submit to the WTO in a memorandum which is examined
by the __________________
7. working party dealt with the country’s application.
Second, when the ______________
8. working party have made sufficient progress on principles
and policies, ____________
9. parallel bilateral talks beginning between the prospective
new member and _________BEGIN
10. individual countries. Third, once the working party had
completed its _____________
11. examination of the applicant’s trade regime, the working
party finalise ____________
12. the terms of accession. Finally, the package, consists of
the report, _______________
13. protocol and lists of commitments, are presented to the
WTO General ____________
14. Council or the Ministerial Conference. If a two-third
majority of WTO ___________
15. members vote for favour, the applicant is free to sign the
protocol and ____________ IN
to accede to the organisation. In many cases, the country’s own parliament or
legislature has to ratify the agreement before membership is complete.

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