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Employees Health and Safety

Safety of workers refers to the provision of a safe working

environment, safe equipment, policies, and procedures in order to ensure
workers' health and safety. it is part and parcel of being a good employer to
make sure your staff aren’t at risk of any injury as a result of the work they
do for the organization.
Importance of safety workplace

• Employee retention
• Employee productivity
•  Employee satisfaction

• Create a safe, productive work environment

Occupational Hazards are risks of illnesses or accidents in the
workplace, that workers experience in their place of work, and
something unpleasant that a person experiences or suffers as a
result of doing their job.

How to Prevent Occupational Hazards

1.Identify the risks at your workplace.

2.Reduce Noise at Your Workplace.
3.Try to Reduce Environmental Stress.
4.Conduct Regular Checks and Mock Drills.
Prevention of work hazards
Focuses on steps that will help prevent or
control workplace hazards. It includes how to work safely with
families of chemicals, ventilation, inspections, personal
protective equipment, etc.

Develop and update Hazard Control Plan

• Assign responsibility for installing or implementing the controls
to a specific person or persons with the power or ability to
implement the controls.
• List the hazards needing controls in order of priority.
• Establish a target completion date.
• Plan how you will track progress toward completion.
• Plan how you will verify the effectiveness of controls after they
are installed or implemented.
First Aid
is an important tool in quickly responding to accidents to
ensure that injuries can be efficiently and promptly dealt with
before a trained medical professional arrives to administer more
specialized treatment. The purpose of first aid is to minimize
injury and future disability. In serious cases, first aid may be
necessary to keep the victim alive.
Emergency Plan
 Specifies procedures for handling sudden or unexpected
situations. The objective is to be prepared to: Prevent fatalities
and injuries. Reduce damage to buildings, stock, and
equipment. Protect the environment and the organization.
set of instructions that outlines what workers and others at
the workplace should do in an emergency.

An emergency plan must provide for the following:

• Emergency Procedures
• Testing of the Emergency
• Information, training and instruction to relevant workers
in relation to implementing the emergency procedures.

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