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By: Lisa Rifka Amelia, S.Pd
Asking and Offering Help dalam situasi Formal dan Informal
Formal Informal
◦ Can you help me, please?
◦ Could you possibly help me?
◦ I can’t manage. Can you help?
◦ Could I possibly ask you to help me?
◦ Give me a hand with this, will you?
◦ Would you be willing to help me?
◦ Could you do me a favor, please? ◦ Lend me a hand with this, will you?
◦ Could you help me for a second? ◦ Let me give you my hand.
◦ I wonder if you could help me with this? ◦ Can you give me a hand with this?
◦ I could do with some help, please. ◦ Can I ask a favor?
◦ Could you spare a moment? ◦ Can you help me?
◦ I need some help, please. ◦ Help me, please.
◦ Could you give me a hand? ◦ I really need you to help
◦ Would you mind helping me out?
◦ Do me a favor, please
◦ Could you help me, please?
◦ I need some assistance, please.
◦ Would you help me?
Offering help Formal Offering help Informal

◦ Would you like some help? ◦ Can I help you?

◦ May I help you? ◦ Need any help?
◦ May I offer my assistance? ◦ Do you need a hand?
◦ Could I help you? ◦ Can I give you a hand?
◦ What can I do for you? ◦ Do you need any help?
◦ What shall I do for you? ◦ Can I do anything to help?
◦ I’ll be glad to help? ◦ Do you need any help?
Giving help Formal Giving help Informal

◦ I’d like to help you. ◦ I will do it for you.

◦ I’d be happy to help you. ◦ Let me help you.
◦ Sure. what can I do for you? ◦ Yes, I can help you
◦ Sure. I would be glad to help you ◦ Yes, no problem.
◦ Yes. How can I help you?
Jenis Ungkapan Asking and Offering Help
Asking for Help Offering Help

◦ Can you help me? ◦ Can I do for you?

Dapatkah kamu membantu saya? Dapatkah saya melakukan sesuatu untukmu?
◦ Can I use your dictionary? ◦ Can I help you?
Dapatkah saya menggunakan kamus kamu? Dapatkah saya membantu kamu?
◦ Can I borrow your ruler? ◦ Can I get you something to drink?
Dapatkah saya meminjam penggaris kamu? Dapatkah saya mengambilkanmu sesuatu untuk
◦ Can you open the window?
Dapatkah kamu membuka jendela itu? ◦ What can I do for you?
Apa yang bisa saya lakukan untuk Anda?
◦ Can you take a book for me?
Dapatkah kamu mengambilkanku sebuah buku ◦ How can I do for you?
untukku? Bagaimana saya bisa membantu Anda?
◦ Catatan:
Penggunaan W/H Question dapat diikutsertakan
untuk membuat ungkapan Offering Help
2. Menggunakan modal May
Asking for Help Offering Help

◦ May I ask something for you? ◦ May I help you?

Bolehkah saya bertanya sesuatu kepadamu?  Bolehkah saya membantu kamu?

◦ May I go home early? ◦ How may I help you?

Bolehkah saya pulang lebih awal? Apa yang bisa saya bantu?

◦ May I borrow your bicycle?

Bolehkah saya meminjam sepeda kamu?
◦ May I go to the movie?
Bolehkah saya pergi ke bioskop?
◦ May I call you?
Boleh aku menelponmu?
3. Menggunakan Would/ Could
4. Menggunakan Let
Asking for Help Offering Help

◦ Could you help me? ◦ Let me help you?

Dapatkah kamu memnatuku? Biar aku bantu?
◦ Could you show the best way? ◦ Let me open the door?
Dapatkah kamu menunjukkan jalan terbaik Biar aku yang buka pintu?
◦ Would you mind bring my bag?
Keberatankah kamu membawakan tas saya?
◦ Would you mind help my home work?
Keberatankah kamu untuk membantu
pekerjaan rumah saya?
Accepting/ Menerima (Asking for help) Accepting/ Menerima (Offering help)
◦ Ok ◦ Yes, please

◦ Sure ◦ Ok
◦ Certainly
◦ Certainly
◦ Thanks
◦ No problem
◦ Thank you
◦ My pleasure
◦ How kind of you! Thank you very much.
◦ It’s not a big deal ◦ That’s very good of you!
◦ Absolutely ◦ That’s terribly kind, Thank you very much.
◦ Yes, please do.
◦ What a good idea!
◦ Yes, please.
◦ Thanks. That would be excellent.
◦ Yes.
Declining/ Menolak (Asking for help) Declining/ Menolak (Offering help)

◦ Absolutely not ◦ No, Thanks

◦ Sorry, I can’t ◦ No, Thank you
◦ Sorry, I’m busy ◦ No, you don’t need to.
◦ I’m afraid I can’t do it ◦ Don’t bother yourself, thanks.
◦ I am sorry, I can’t help you now ◦ No, thank you.
◦ Sorry, I am busy right now ◦ That’s very kind, but I can manage myself.
◦ I wish I could help you but I have to do some ◦ That’s very kind of you, but I don’t think it’s
important tasks. necessary.

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