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Abhishek verma
M. Sc Nursing 2nd year
• Introduction
• Definition
• Types of Disability
• Conditions contributing to disability
• Objectives of rehabilitation
• Rehabilitation team
• Types of rehabilitation
• Assistive technologies
• Barriers
• Overcoming barriers
• Rehabilitation Council Of India
• Rehabilitation , commonly known as rehab is a
scientifically developed procedure for ensuring the
recovery from any kind of disability, injury or the habit.
• Rehabilitation is a slow but a steady process.
• Many of the rehabilitations have ongoing processes
involved in them i.e. some processes in it are
• Those are set of special instructions to be followed by
the patient in order to ensure that the malfunction does
not hit back again.
• Disability is the dysfunction of any part of the body or mind
leading to difficulty in performing one or more activities. When
a disease progresses to chronic stage leads to impairment of
certain functions.
• Any restriction or lack of an ability to perform an activity in the
manner or within the range considered normal for a human
• Impairment is any loss or abnormality of psychologic,
physical, or anatomic structure or function
• Handicap -A disadvantage for a given individual resulting
from an impairment or disability that limits or prevents
fulfillment of a role that is normal for that particular individual.
• The process of restoring the individual to the fullest physical,
mental, social, vocational, and economic capacity of which he
or she is capable
• Relearning of former skills; learning new skills necessary to
adapt and live fully in an altered lifestyle.
• It focuses on the existing capacities of the handicapped
individual, and brings him to the optimum level of his/her
functional ability by the combined and coordinated use of
medical, social, educational and vocational measures. –
• It must begin from the very onset of a traumatic event or
diagnosis of a chronic illness & every aspect of the individual’s
needs and care assessed and addressed
Types Of Disability
• Physical
• Neurological
• Mental
• Locomotor Disability
• Speech
• Visual
• Hearing
Conditions Contributing To Disability
• Physical: Polio, Amputation, Accidents.
• Hearing: Congenital, Otitis Media, Perforation,
Neuro Surgery, Acostic- Labrynthitis
• Visual: Cataract, Glaucoma, Trachoma, Vit ‘A’
• Speech: Congenital, Brain Damage
• Mental: Congenital, Cretinism, Depression,
• Neural: CVA, Hemiplegia, Quadriplegia,
• Psychiatric: Alcoholism- Schizophrenia
• Drug Abuse - -Drug Abuse- Mental Depression.
• Mal Nutrition -Protein Deficiency, Anaemia,
Vita A Deficiency
• Natural Calamities
• Trauma, Accidents
The basic objective of rehabilitation is
▫ To restore the physical, social and psychological
potential to a level, so that he can independently
function and carry on an independent life.
▫ To prevent disability and return to normalcy.
▫ To maximize level of restoration through different
▫ Training in vocational methods to suit working
with residual disability and earn a lively and
Rehabilitation Team
▫ Rehabilitation physician
▫ Specialized physician
▫ Behavioral psychologist
▫ Nurse
▫ Nutritionist
▫ Physical therapist
▫ Occupational therapist
▫ Speech therapist
▫ Dental hygienist
▫ Social worker
▫ Orthotic and prosthetics
▫ Rehabilitation engineers 
Types of Rehabilitation
There are different types of rehabilitation available for
different types of disabilities. Some of them are listed below
1. Neurological rehabilitation
2. Cardiac Rehabilitation
3. Drug rehabilitation
4. Alcohol rehabilitation
5. Physical rehabilitation
6. Medical rehabilitation
7. Vocational rehabilitation
8. Vestibular rehabilitation
9. Stroke Rehabilitation
Alcohol rehabilitation
• Program is designed to make an alcoholic free
from the addiction.
• It involves programs that will teach people the
various bad effects of consuming excess alcohol.
• Effective detox programs that will cleanse the
body from the various toxins of alcohol.
Neurological rehabilitation
• In this type of rehabilitation, patients suffering
from stroke, neuromuscular disease, certain
types of head trauma and spinal cord injury are
• It aims at making the patient self-dependent. It
helps create a positive thinking in patient.
• The patient is treated so that he leads a improved
life physically, emotionally, and socially.
Cardiac Rehabilitation
• Program is designed to help those people who have
heart problem. Heart patients are educated to live a
healthy life and reduce stress for the proper
functioning of the heart.
• It aims at educating people about the various risk
factors that contribute to developing a heart disease.
These risk factors include, high blood pressure, obesity,
smoking, drinking, drug abuse, lack of physical activity,
• Recovery programs from heart disease/surgery.
Educating people about improving their quality of life.
Drug rehabilitation
• Programs involve programs that are designed to
make an addict free from the addiction of
alcohol, prescription drug and street drugs
(cocaine, heroin etc.)
Physical rehabilitation
• It is for those people whose lifestyle has changed
after they have gone through a serious illness,
surgery, accident or illness.
• Here the therapist introduces programs to improve
the mobility and functioning of the injured body
part of the patient.
• Proper exercising program is designed to improve
the functioning often physical body. It includes
therapies that will help a patient re-learn the basic
physical and cognitive functioning.
Medical rehabilitation
• It includes treatment programs that help a
person perform better in all his daily physical
and mental activities.
• Medical rehabilitation is a follow up treatment
after any kind of treatment program.
• Programs focus on improving major and minor
skills that are required in the basic life. Also
assessing patient in every step to improve the
activities of basic living
Vocational rehabilitation
• Program is designed to help those people who
find it difficult to get employment or retain it
after they have gone through certain situation
that caused mental or physical disability in
• Providing physiological and medical assessment,
Job placement, job training and on job training.
Stroke Rehabilitation
• This treatment type helps to restore damage that
is caused after a stroke, which is the 3rd leading
cause for death worldwide.
• Stroke rehabilitation aims at helping people gain
maximum normal functioning after the
occurrence of a stroke.
• This also help the person to get back to normal
lifestyle and be independent in daily activities.
 Immunisation of pregnant mothers and infants
 Vit. A drops to children (1to 6 yrs) 6 doses at 6month
 Iron and folic acid tablets to pregnant mothers.
 Syrup iron-folic acid to children.
 These can be achieved through PHC and NRHM
 Health education regarding high risk pregnancy.
 Antenatal, natal and post natal care.
 Avoid early age or late pregnancy to avoid
 Avoid unconsanguinous marriages to prevent
thalasaemia. Rh incompatibility.
 Delivery by trained dai.
 Iodised salt for goiter prevention.
• Mile stone growth monitoring by field workers.
• Early detection of trachoma, night blindness and
• School health checkup programme.
• Mobile health checkup vans .
• Early detection of disease and prevent disability .
• Extensive IEC campaign to create favorable opinion
and attitude of people towards handicap.
• Create mass and community efforts to limit
• Schools for blinds, dumb and deaf, and mentally
retarded children.
• Physiotherapy and occupational therapy training
• Grant in aid to voluntary organisations forhandicap
Assistive technologies
An assistive technology device can be defined as
“any item, piece of equipment, or product, whether
it is acquired commercially, modified, or
customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or
improve the functional capabilities of individuals
with disabilities”.
Common examples of assistive devices follows-
Assistive devices –
▫ crutches,
▫ prostheses,
▫ orthoses,
• wheelchairs, and tricycles for people with mobility
▫ Jaipur foot
▫ Robotic arms
hearing aids and cochlear implants for those with
hearing impairments
▫ white canes,
▫ magnifiers,
▫ ocular devices,

▫ talking books, and software for screen

magnification and
▫ reading for people with visual impairments;
▫ communication boards and
▫ speech synthesizers for people with speech
▫ devices such as day calendars with symbol
pictures for people with cognitive impairment.
Barriers To Rehabilitation
Quality of Life versus Quantity of Life
• Rehabilitation focuses on continually improving
the quality of the person’s life, not merely
maintaining life itself.
Care versus Cure
• Many conditions are irreversible; therefore, the
focus of care is related to adaptation and
acceptance of an altered life rather than to
resolving an illness.
High Cost of Interdisciplinary Care versus
Long-term Care
• Rehabilitation is expensive. Success is
sometimes seen as a return to productive
employment; may be if the individual becomes
sufficiently independent that no caregiver is
Overcoming barriers
• The barriers to rehabilitation service provision can be overcome
through a series of actions, including:
▫ reforming policies, laws, and delivery systems, including
development or revision of national rehabilitation plans;
▫ developing funding mechanisms to address barriers related to
financing of rehabilitation;
▫ increasing human resources for rehabilitation, including training
and retention of rehabilitation personnel;
▫ expanding and decentralizing service delivery;
▫ increasing the use and affordability of technology and assistive
▫ expanding research programmes, including improving information
and access to good practice guidelines.
Legislations Protecting Disables In India
• The Constitution of India applies uniformly to all citizens of
India irrespective of their religion, caste, gender, creed etc.
"Disability" has not been defined in the Constitution.
• Govt. of India has enacted the following legislations for
empowering the persons with disability:
• Indian Lunacy act, (1912)
• Mental health act, (1987)
• Rehabilitation council of India act, (1992)
• Persons with disability act, (1995)
• The National Trust for Welfare of Persons with Autism, Cerebral
Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities Act, 1999
• Right to education act, (2010)
Legal rights of the disabled in India
• General legal provisions relating to the disabled lies in
▫ The disabled and the constitution
▫ Education Law for the Disabled
▫ Health Laws
▫ Family Laws
▫ Succession Laws for the Disabled
▫ Labour Laws for the Disabled
▫ Judicial procedures for the disabled
▫ Income Tax Concessions
▫ Relief for Handicapped
▫ Main Provisions of the Act
 Prevention and early detection of disabilities
 Education
 Employment
 Affirmative Action
 Non-Discrimination
 Research and Manpower Development
 Social Security
 Grievance Redressal
 The Mental Health Act, 1987
 The Rehabilitation Council of India Act, 1992
 The national trust for welfare of persons with
autism, cerebral palsy, mental retardation and
multiple disabilities act, 1999
 UN Declaration on the Rights of Mentally Retarded

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