Introduction To ICT

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Empowerment Technologies

Lesson 1- I ntr o duct i o n to I n f ormat i o n and Communi c a t i o n Technol o g i es

Presented by : Miche l l e M. F a ina
A t the end o f t h i s l e s s o n , the
students should be able t o :
• Improve their knowledge on how ICT affects their everyday lives and the state of
our nation;
• Compare and contrast the differences between online platform, sites and
• Understand the features of Web 2.0
• Understand the future of the WWW through Web 3.0; and
• Learn the different trends in ICT and use them to their advantage.

A web page that allows interaction from the user

This refers to the feature where users are able to categorize and locate information through tagging.

3. A feature of dynamic website that allows users to put their own content

4. It provides a common framework to allow data to be shared and reused across platform, enterprise, and
community boundaries.
5. According to the magazine, the two Philippine cities are part of the top 10 in their research about “ The selfiest
Cities around the World”

6. This operating system for blackberry phones.

7. Pinterest is a social media website that can be classified as

8. Currently, this is the fastest mobile network.

9. This media is designed to help people who have visual and reading impairment

10. This type of social media website focuses on short updates posted by the user.
Lesson Motiva tion
• Answer the ff. honestly:
1. How many time have you checked your phone this morning?
2. How many status updates have you posted in Facebook or Twitter today?
3. Did you use the internet for an hour after you woke up this morning?
4. Do you follow a celebrity via his/her social media account?

 Guilty as charged? You are a digital native 

• Information and Communication Technologies ( ICT)
 Deals with the use of different communication technologies such as mobile
phones, telephone, Internet to locate, save, send and edit information.
 Has saved companies a lot of resources( time & money).
 We spend less because……
ICT i n the P h i l i p p i n e s
• Several companies dub the Philippines as the “ ICT hub of Asia”. - Call Centers-
• 2013 edition of Measuring the Information by the International
Telecommunication Union - 106.8 cellphones per 100 Filipino in 2012
• 7 of them have 2 cellphones
• Annual Survey of the Philippine Business and Industries, NSO in 2010, the ICT
industry shares 19.3% of the total employment population.
• Time magazines “The selfiest Cities around the world” 2013 the study was
conducted through Instagram using photo sharing application.
I C T, M and M Community
E y
• To fully understand the importance of ICT, let us first look at our community. Look for
a small business around your community then conduct a short interview.
Company Name:_ Nature of
1. What are the different ways for customers and/or suppliers to contact you?
2. How often do you use phone of cellular phone for business? Estimate only.
3. Does your establishment have internet connection? If yes, what is its purpose? If
no, would you consider having it in the future? Why or why not?
4. Does your business have a website? If yes, how does it help the company? If no,
would you consider having it in the future? Why or why not?
5. Would you consider giving free Wi-Fi access in the future? If you already have it,
does it help boost sales?
Web 2 . 0 : Dynamic Web Pages
World Wide Web was invented , most web pages were static. Static in the sense
that the page is “as is” and cannot be manipulated by the user ( flat page or
stationary) Web 1.0 is an example of static web.
Web 2.0 is a term coined by Darcy DiNucci on January 1999. In her article titled,
“ Fragmented Future.
Web 2.o is the evolution of Web 1.0 by adding dynamic web pages- the user is
able to see a website differently than other.
EXAMPLE: Social networking sites, blogs, wikis, video sharing sites,
hosted services and web applications.
Web 2.0 allows users to interact with the page ( comment and create a user
Web 2.0 also allows users to use web browsers instead of just using their
operating system.
Most website we visit today are Web 2.0
Website URL Static Dynamic Reason
The f o l l o w i n g 7 a re the key f e a t u r e s
o f web 2 . 0

1. Folksonomy : Free Classification of Information

2. Rich User Experience
3. User as a Contributor
4. Long Tail
5. User Participation
6. Basic Trust
7. Dispersion
Traditional Web like Yahoo Directory and DMOZ uses a pre-defined classification
of Information like category & sub category. Allows users to categorize and classify/
arrange information using freely chosen keywords. This is also referred to as hashtag
For example , the photo sharing site Flickr and Social Bookmarking of
Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
Rich Us e r Experi e n ce
Traditional web are built with
static 、 CGI
CSSpage . Onand
thehad been
other offered
hand Web
as uses Ajax (Asynchronous
JavaScript + X HTML (for
interactive M 5
and audio)
presenting dynamicL), , rich user
experience to
video users. These
technologies substitute old fashioned
SW Flash media and provide
webmasters with ability to insert
dynamic video right into HTML code.
For example, Google Provided Google
Maps and Google Suggest.
User As C o n t ri b ut o r
In tradition web, the information is
often provided by the site owner
and the user is always the receiver.
The information model was One
Way . On the other hand Web 2.0
user also contributes to the content
by means of Evaluation, Review &

example – customer

review section & Google’s Page
Rank mechanism
Long Ta i l
The traditional web was like a
retail business the product is
sold directly to user and the
revenue generated. But in
web 2.0 the niche product is
not sold directly but offered
as a service on demand basis
and income is generated as
monthly fee and pay per
example is sales force CRM
services and Google Apps
User P a r t i c i p a t i o n
In traditional web the
contents are solely
provider by the web site
owner /company, but in
web 2.0 the users
participate in content
sourcing. This is also known
as Crowd sourcing.
examples : Wikipedia &

B a s i c Tr u s t
In traditional web the contents
are protected under Intellectual
Property Rights but on the other
hand, in web 2.0 the contents are
made available to share, reuse,
redistribute and edit.

examples : Wikipedia & Creative

D i s p e r s i o n / Mass p a r t i c i p a t i o n

In traditional web, the

contents were delivered as
direct site to home. But in
web 2.0, the content
delivery uses multiple
channel include file sharing
& permalinks.
Examples: Bit Torrent and
Web 3 . 0 & the Semantic Web
• “Semantic Web” refers to W3C's vision of the Web of
linked data. Semantic Web technologies enable people
to create data stores on the Web, build vocabularies,
and write rules for handling data.
• Was coined by the inventor of WWW, Tim Berners- Lee
• Provide framework that allows data to be shared and
reused application, enterprise, community boundaries.
S i x Types o f S o c i a l Media
1. Social networks- A social network site is a
social media site that allows users to connect
and share with people who have similar
interests and backgrounds.
S i x Types o f S o c i a l Media
2. Bookmarking sites
These sites allow users to save
and organize links to any
number of online resources and
websites. A great feature of
these services is the ability for
the user to “tag” links, which
makes them easier to search,
and invariably, share with their
followers.StumbleUpon is a
popular example of a
bookmarking site.
S i x Types o f S o c i a l Media
3. Social news
This is a social news site that
allows its users to post news links
and other items to outside
articles. Users then vot on said
items, and the itemse with the
highest number of votes are most
prominently displayed. A good
example of a social news site is
S i x Types o f S o c i a l Media
4. Media sharing
Media sharing websites allow
users to share different types of
media, such as pictures and video.
Most of these sites also offer
social features, like the ability to
create profiles and the option of
commenting on the uploaded
images. YouTube is the most well-
known media sharing site in the
S i x Types o f S o c i a l Media
5. Microblogging
These are just what they sound like,
sites that allow the users to submit
short written entries, which can
include links to product and service
sites, as well as links to other social
media sites. These are then posted
on the ‘walls’ of everyone who has
subscribed to that user’s account.
The most commonly used
microblogging website is Twitter.
S i x Types o f S o c i a l Media
6. Blog comments and forums
An online forum is a site that
lets users engage in
conversations by posting and
responding to community
Several of these devices
are capable of using
high- speed internet.
Today, the latest mobile
devices use 4G
Networking LTE, which
currently the fastest
mobile network.
9 Popular Mob i l e Systems
Opera t i ng
1. Android OS (Google 6. Palm OS (Garnet OS)
2. Bada (Samsung Electronics) 7. Symbian OS (Nokia)

3. BlackBerry OS (Research In 8. webOS (Palm/HP)

9. Windows Mobile (Windows
4. iPhone OS / iOS Phone)
5. MeeGo OS (Nokia and Intel)
4. Assistive Media- Non
Profit service designed to
help people who have a
visual and reading
impairments. A database
of audio recording is
used to read to the user.
E x p l o r a t i o n 1 . 2 I d e n t i f y i n g the C o r r e c t
Web Platform f o r S o c i a l Change
1. Identify a problem in your community( e.g
littering, garbage disposal, blocked drainages and
2. Imagine that you are going to create a website to
persuade both community leaders and members to
solve this problem.
3. Fill out the form below. You may refer to the
sample provided after the form.
Your t u r n to shi n e
1. Why do you think microblogging
platforms have becom popular when
regular blogging platform
e exist.
2. What do you think of Web 3.0? Do you
think it will be realized someday in the
Research on one momentous
event in the Philippine history
wherein IC played a huge role
in makingTit a success.
Web 1.0- static websites without interactivity
Web 2.0 - websites that contain dynamic content
Web 3.0-a concept of the World Wide Web that is designed to cater to the
individual user
Static -refers to web pages that are the same regardless of the user
Dynamic-refers to web pages that are affected by user input or preference
Folksonomy - allows users to categorize and classify/arrange information
Hashtag - used to categorize" posts in website
Convergence - the synergy of technological advancements to work on a
similar goal or task
Social media websites, applications, or online channels that enable users
to create, co-create, discuss, modify, and exchange user-generated

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