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136598 Makokha Caren

136385 Idude Ezra
132317 Mwangi Caroline
136393 Rayed Hussein
134426 Wambua Eva
Motivation in human resource management

Motivation refers to the process of stimulating and inducing positive attitude towards work
within employees to effect productive change in an organization.
Motivation majorly takes up two different forms in a workplace and these are;
Intrinsic motivation- This refers to the kind of motivation that comes from within rather than an
outside source. This is where workers are driven to complete their goals and tasks because they
find it self-rewarding
Extrinsic motivation- this refers to the kind of motivation that originates from an external source.
In an organization’s setting, employers can establish motivation amongst workers through
promising rewards such as bonuses or threatening of punishments such as demotion and
Difference between employee motivation and job satisfaction
However similar employee motivation and job satisfaction may sound, there is a huge difference
between the two.
Employee motivation refers to the level of commitment, devotion and driving force of an
organization’s workers to pursue the needs and goals of the organization.
While job satisfaction refers to the level of a worker’s contentedness and emotional reaction to his
or her current job basing on the nature of the job.
Reasons why the aspects of employee motivation and
job satisfaction are important to organizations
Employee motivation and job satisfaction lead to high level of productivity
through increased love and desire to carry out their work and do it even more
passionately which generates profits and returns for the organization.
Employee motivation and job satisfaction increases creativity and innovation at
a work-place due to the increased work drive of employees and this enables
production of high-quality goods and services establishing greater market for the
Employee motivation and job satisfaction reduces risks of job theft and
underperforming of employees and there is an established level of trust between
employees and employers of the organization due to the good relationship
Employee motivation and job satisfaction brings togetherness and establishes
healthy relations between employers and employees, and this is essential in the
growth and development of the organization as the whole group works
harmoniously together to achieve goals.
The theory was developed by an American psychologist known as Clayton Alderfer back in 1969.
Clayton Alderfer proposed the ERG Theory as a modification to Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs pyramid.
What does the theory state?
The theory states that humans have three core needs; Existence, Relatedness and Growth. In addition to this, individuals can be motivated by
multiples levels of need at the same time.
This basically means that the level which is most important to an individual can change over time.
ERG Theory ranks the human needs in a hierarchy of three levels which are as follows:
Concerned with the material aspect of an individual’s being. In the Maslow Hierarchy of needs, existence is the equivalent of the psychological
and safety related needs.
Examples of psychological needs are; water, shelter, and food.
Examples of safety-related needs are such as job security, insurance policies and property; just to name but a few.
Talks about the importance of maintaining interpersonal relationships(the social aspect of life)
The relatedness need aligns with Maslow’s belonging-related needs (such as friendship and family) and esteem-related needs (gaining the respect
of others.)
It centers on our innate desire for personal development. These needs align with the other portion of Maslow’s esteem-related needs(self-
confidence, self-esteem and achievement and self-actualization needs such as; problem-solving and finding one’s purpose.)
Frustration Regression Aspect of ERG Theory
The theory also shows that if the satisfaction of a higher-level need is restricted, there is an increase in desire for satisfying a lower-
level need. This concept is known as the Frustration Regression Aspect of ERG Theory.
In this way, the ERG Theory is seen to be more flexible when compared to Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

More qualified persons will value growth needs more than The ERG theory does not offer clear guidelines.
social or even existence needs. The qualified person already This theory says that an individual can satisfy any of
has the existence needs and all that he needs is growth of the three needs first. But it is difficult to determine
mind, status and mental growth in order to feel the self- which of the three needs is more important to the
actualization. person.
A person who belongs to a poor family will rate the existence The theory is a different concept to Maslow theory,
needs more important than the growth and social needs and it is too early to make judgments on overall
because a person from a very poor family can barely get food validity of the theory as the ERG theory does give
or any other necessities that can sustain his life comfortably. specific guidelines on the stages of achievement.
It is more consistent with our knowledge of theory among
people as everyone encounters all the three stages of
Existence, Relatedness and growth.

ERG theory recognizes that employees have multiple needs to satisfy simultaneously
ERG is mostly applied to the study of human motivation in the workplace as a tool for increasing morale and productivity.
The first need is existence which consists of basic needs like food, water, shelter which must be fulfilled first before
focusing on other high needs therefore the HR department will have to ensure that basic needs are first provided to
Relatedness is the second need which refers to the interpersonal relationships between employees hence the firm should
ensure that employees feel happy interacting with others.
 The theory also can account for employees that fall victim to the frustration –regression principle and become more
intent on fulfilling relatedness needs such as socializing more frequently with co-workers during work hours. When a
manager is able to recognize signs of regression, steps can be taken to concentrate on relatedness needs until the
employee is able to pursue growth again.
Growth being the final need relates to personal development whereby employees aim at being more creative and reach
their potentials, managers can apply this level of motivation by recognizing their work and efforts.
In conclusion, HR managers need to apply and focus on all three aspects of the theory to motivate the workforce.
Alderfer’s ERG Theory
Alderfer’s ERG Theory of Motivation: A Simple Summary(2019)
ERG Theory of Motivation
ERG Advantages and disadvantages

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