The Church

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The Church

 Introduction

 First, this chapter takes up the Nature

of the Church-“What the church is” –
as mystery and sacrament. This
developed through scriptural images,
particularly the “kingdom of God”,
“People of God”, and “Body of Christ”.
The Church
 Second, the section describes the
Characteristics of the life of the
Church. These are what
distinguish the Church, its
“marks” it’s “being one, holy,
catholic and apostolic.
The Church
 Third,
the next section explained
What the Church is for and how it
operates, its Mission and Ministry.

 Fourth,it concludes with a brief

section on the supporting themes
of “Communion of Saints” and
“Mary, Mother of the Church”.
1- Nature of the Church
 Definition of Terms: “Church”

 Origin-OT-Qahal Yahweh; NT-Ekklesia=means “the

people of God called together”, or “An assembly
convoked by God”.

 Stress= action, initiative of God in calling his people

together; salvation is the work of God alone.

 NB: The Church is a faith assembly whose root cause is

God’s free call to all, to share His divine goodness and
love in Christ.
A-The Church as Mystery
 Mystery defines:
 *The term mystery is understood as reality we
can never fully grasp because there is always
more to learn.

 *Reality explain through calling to mind Sunday

experienced (the process of assembling and the
Actual assembly - for Eucharistic celebration)

 *Reality imbued with the hidden presence of

God: Father, Son, Holy Spirit (Trinity)
Church related to the Father:
 The Father resolved to assemble all those who
believe in Christ in the Holy Church. Thus in His
divine plan the Church was:
 Prefigured from the beginning of the world—he
created one perfect community
 Prepared wonderfully in the history of Israel—
gradually, patiently calling his people towards him
 Instituted in the final moment—messianic ERA
 Manifested in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit—
 To be brought to completion at the end of time---
Union with the Alpha & Omega
Church related to the Son:
1. Jesus Christ established and ceaselessly sustains here
on earth his holy Church. --How? What did Christ do?
2. The Church originated and grew from the side of Jesus.
-- (Explain water in baptism)
3. Divine Son—Church divine source of salvation, obtain
the fullness of saving grace---Presence of God
4. Incarnate, Human Flesh --- Church hierarchy (dynamic
5. Liberator-like Jesus who welcomed both sinners and
righteous: the Church composed of Sinner and holy
Church related to the Holy Spirit:
1. Dwells in the Church and in the hearts of the
faithful as in the temple (1Cor3:16)
2. Bears witness to their adoptive Son/daughter
ship (Gal4:6)
3. Guides the Church into the fullness of truth
4. Guides the Church in unity of fellowship and
service, and constantly renews and leads her
to perfect union with her Spouse: Christ
(through the sacraments)
The Church in the image of the
Trinity both in its nature and
1. Origin – it arose from the saving design of the Father, the
redemptive mission of the Son and the sanctifying work of the
Holy Spirit.

2. Structure – just as the Trinity is a communion of love of the

Father, Son and Holy Spirit; the Church is a communion of
believers drawn together by Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit.

3. Mission – its mission originates “from the mission of the Son and
the Holy Spirit, in accordance with the wisdom (decree) of the

4. Destiny – the full realization of this communion in the kingdom of

B-The Church as Sacrament
 The Church is both a sacramental sign and
an instrument of intimate union with God
and of the unity of all mankind (GS#42;
LG#1) The Church is an effective sign and
symbol of:
1. Our union with God
2. The unity among men
3. Of salvation
Something positive about the
idea of Sacrament
1. It unites inseparably the visible and invisible dimension
of the Church. The Church hierarchically structured
society (visible-humanity) making present the
Spiritual community (Invisible - Trinity)
2. It directly relates the Church to non-Catholics. Its an
instrument for the redemption of all, and sent forth
into the whole world as the light of the world and salt
of the earth. (Mt5:14-16)
3. It is the tangible sign of Christ’s presence in the world
visible to all drawing people in the power of the Spirit
to communion with God and with one another in
Christ. (Acts 13:47; Mt5:14-16)
4. It unites the Church closely with
the Eucharist. Similarities between the Church the
 Eucharist  Church
 Bread & wine  Men & women called
 Makes present the together
risen Lord BW=BB =  Sign of presence of
words of Christ the Risen Lord in HS
 Ex opere operato  Church can be
understood = words
of Christ Mt 28:20
 Ex opere operato
5. It fosters strong loyalty and
personal sense of belongingness to
the Church
 We come to love the Church as our Spiritual
Mother and home where we find acceptance,
love and support as we fail by reason of our
human limitation.

 As our Mother, the Church ceaselessly exhorts

her sons and daughters to continuous process
of purification and renewal so that the sign of
Christ may shine more brightly over the face of
the earth (GS# 43; LG# 8).
2- Images of the Church
(Helpful for understanding the reality of the Church today )

1. Kingdom of God

 The reign of God who is sensitive to the needs and

suffering of every human being; the offer of pardon to
sinners, the banquet of table – fellowship and joyful
communion with the Lord and our fellow men and
women, the gift of salvation, eternal life.

 It is a gift (already here) that we must seek,

demanding vigilance and active use of talents; yet it is
also a task, a responsibility, a project, a mission
and a process (to be brought to its final fulfillment in
glory) Mt13:44ff; Heb12:22ff.
Images of the Church

2. People of God
God has willed to make humanity Holy
and save them, not merely as individual
without any mutual bonds; but by
making them into a single people which
acknowledges Him in truth and serve
him in holiness (LG#9).
Distinguishing characteristics as a
 Cause by God – 1Pt 2:9ff
 Headed by Christ - Rom4:25
 Members: baptized Christian believers – Jn3:3-5
 Condition: Acquired New dignity – Sons and
daughters of God: PPK
 Law: New law of love – Jn13:34; Roman 8:2
 Mission: to be a sacrament of salvation –
 Destiny: Final glory in union with God – LG # 9
Images of the Church

3. Body of Christ-1Cor6:15-20
 Distinguishing marks as Body of Christ
 Called to follow and share Christ life and
mission –Lk10:16
 Christ identify himself with them – Mt.25:40
 Christ spoke of an intimate communion with
them – Jn15:4-5
 Christ gave the means to that communion –
Jn 6:56
 Christ promise them his constant presence –
Jn 14:18; Mt 28:20
Images of the Church

4. Temple of the Holy Spirit

“Christ has shared with us his Spirit who,
being one and the same in head and
members, gives life to, unifies and
moves the whole body. Consequently,
the Spirit’s work could be compared to
the function which the soul, the principle
of life, fulfills in human body”.
(1Cor3:16; LG#7)
3- Essential Characteristics of
the Church’s life
 The Church as One: source & founder

 The Church as Holy: Bride/Spouse of

Christ and grace with the means of the
fullness of salvation (HS) == GT;RMPP
3- Essential Characteristics of
the Church’s life
 The Church as catholic: Universal,
complete, all-embracing:
 World-wide: sent to all people Mt28:19-
20;Acts 1:8; Mk16:15
 Blessed with the fullness of the means of
salvation/ all saving truths- Jn 16:13
 Heals all kinds of sins –Jn 20:23
 Abound in every kind of virtue and spiritual
gift==GT: RMPP
4- Mission of the Church:
In Northern Mindanao, in the Philippines, in
Asia and in the World

 Mission :
 To help build a community of faith whose
resources is directed towards total human
development; the establishment of peace,
justice and national reconciliation.
4- Mission of the Church:
In Northern Mindanao, in the Philippines, in Asia
and in the World

 To help build a community of faith whose

resources are directed toward total
human development; the establishment of
peace. Justice and national reconciliation.
 Ministries: Apostolate, Service, ---
Charisms (e.g. Mnsgr. Hayes. SJ; xu @75)
5 - Supporting Themes
 A – Communion of Saints
 In Holy things
 In the faith received from the Apostles (Sacred
 In the fellowship with the Lord, supported by the
charisms of the HS (life)
 In the communion with the sacraments –(Baptism &
 In the possession material things – Sacred Scripture
 In charity –shared meals – Acts 2:24
5 - Supporting Themes
 A – Communion of Saints
 In Holy People
 Those who are still pilgrim on earth
 Those who are being purified
 Those who are already in glory 2Macc12:46

 (Loving the same God and neighbor, being

disciples of the same Lord, animated by
the same Spirit)
5 - Supporting Themes
 B. Mary: Daughter and Model of the Church

 Mary, Daughter of the church - First to be redeemed -

Immaculate Conception

 Mary, Mother of the Church - First to be evangelizer –

grew up from the side of Jesus

 Mary, Model of the Church - First to be evangelized –

Docility to the Holy Spirit

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