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Demonstrative Speech

• A demonstrative speech explains how to do
• As the speaker, you take them through a process of
“show and tell.”
• A good demonstration speech teaches.
How to Decide on a Topic
• Who is your audience?
• Ask yourself, “Why does my audience need to listen

to my speech? What will they gain from it?”

• If you were a member of the audience, would your
topic appeal to you?
Planning, Preparation, and Delivery
• Planning and Preparation: The goal is to successfully
teach a process or skill.
• For every good speech, you will have an introduction
in which you tell the audience what they are going to
learn, why they will benefit from learning it, and why
you chose the topic.
• You will have the body of your speech which is the
actual demonstration.
• You will also have the conclusion where you
summarize what it is that has been learned, and you
reinforce its benefits (what was learned).
Practice Putting the Speech Together
• Choose a process you know well.
• Name the steps and arrange them in the right
• Now add information about each of the steps;
expand each step into a sentence, a paragraph or a
few paragraphs.
• After you have done this, add an introduction and a
• Become familiar with what you have written and
then demonstrate the information to a classmate.
Remember this!
• Do not write your speech out word for word!
• Practice, practice, and practice! Practice helps you
identify your problems and fix them before you
• Prepare a demonstrative speech of 5 – 7 minutes.
• Prepare an outline before you present your speech.

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