BBA VI SEM E1 Brand Management Module 4 Brand Management - Anita Kurian

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Brand Management

• A Brand is a name, term, sign, symbol or

design or a combination of them, which is
intended to identify the goals or services of
one seller or another seller and differentiate
them from other manufacturers
Brand Management
• Brand management includes managing the
tangible and intangible characteristics of
brand. In case of product brands the tangibles
include the product itself, price, packaging etc.
While in case of service brands, the tangibles
include the customer’s experience. The
intangibles include emotional connections
with the product or service
Features of brand management
• Developing a promise, making that promise
and maintaining it
• Determining the brand, positioning the brand
and delivering the brand
• Ensures customers commitment
• Differentiates the product from its
• It enhances company image
• Assembling of various marketing mix medium
into a whole
• Captures the customers mind with a brand
• It gives an image of an experienced, huge and
reliable business
Elements of Brand
1. Brand name
• Logo
• Catch phrase
• Sound ( Ex: Intel, ESPN)
• Physical shape(Ex: Coca cola bottle, Volkswagen
• Graphics( Ex: Windows XP)
• Colour(UPS’s Brown trucks)
• Movement( Lamborghini's car doors, Apple’s
image zooming)
• Scent (Ex: Fragrance when you enter Samsung
Concepts of brand management
1) Brand building
• Brand Building is generating awareness,
establishing and promoting company using
strategies and tactics. In other words brand
building is enhancing brand equity using
advertising campaigns and promotional
2) Brand awareness
• It is the degree to which consumers precisely
associate the brand with specific product.

3) Brand recognition
Customer’s ability to recognize and differentiate
the brand from other brands based on previous
4. Brand associations
The attributes of brand that come into
customers mind when the brand is talked about
5. Brand personality
Assigning human personality characteristics to a
brand.( Ex: Woodland- ruggedness, adventurous;
Harley davidson- Rebel)
6. Brand stretch
Brand stretching refers to the process of using
established brand names to launch products in
an unrelated and different product category
Brand name
Brand name is one of the brand elements which
helps the customers to identify and
differentiate one product from another
Features of good brand name
• Unique
• Suggests product features(lipgaurd, swift)
• Must be capable of registration
• Must be legally protected
• Extendable
• Convertible into foreign languages
Process of selecting brand name
• Define the objectives of branding
• Generation of multiple names
• Screening of names
• Gathering more extensive details
• Conducting consumer research
• “The process of creating a relationship or a
connecting between a company’s product and
emotional perception of the customer for the
purpose of generation segregation among
competition and building loyalty among
Brand development
• The process of creating and strengthening the
professional services of the brand is called
brand development
Brand development process
• Establish the market opportunity
• Determining the target audience profile
• Identify the product benefits to consumers
• Decide on USPs
• Identify and develop brand values and
• Find a name
• Position the product
• Develop the market strategy
• Design product packaging
• Determine appropriate sales channels and
develop supporting material
Brand extension
• Brand extension is a marketing strategy in
which a firm marketing a product with a well-
developed image uses the same brand name
in a different product category.
• The existing brand is the parent brand and the
new brand is the sub-brand.
Advantages of brand extension
• Business growth
• Profitability
• Enhances brand power
• International visibility
• Helps to compete in less saturated markets
• Enhances brand value
• Creates positive attitudes towards brand
Brand rejuvenation
• Brand rejuvenation involves adding value to
an existing brand by improving product
attributes and enhancing its overall appeal
• It is intended to re-focus the attention of
consumers on an existing brand
• Brand rejuvenation helps overcome the
consumer’s boredom in seeing the same
product on the shelves year after year
Objectives of Brand Rejuvenation
• 1. Rejuvenation aims at revival of brand. The
intention is to breathe some new life into a brand
that may be showing signs of decline.
2. Even healthy, successful brands may need
occasional rejuvenation. Because of competition,
some re-formulation and refinement become
necessary from time to time. The brand has to be
updated. It ensures the steady success of the going
3. It helps keep the brand live and in focus.
• Example: VW Beetle, LEGO, Apple.
Need for brand rejuvenation
• Struggling to generate revenues
• Declining product
• To communicate new visual identity
• Enhance market share
• Lack of customer engagement
• Differentiate product
• Lack of customer experience
Brand re- launch
• Re-launching a brand means thinking beyond a
new design or a new name. It means, "going
• It could indicate product upgrade, packaging
changes or new positioning
• A successful example, they point out, is Lifebuoy.
• From being an economic and normal bathing
soap it was repositioned in the health and
wellness group
Reasons for re launch
• Innovation(technology upgrades)
• Target market
• Competition
• Mergers and acquisition
• Enhance morale
• Legal requirements
• Enhance growth
• Target markets
Distributor and retailer
Distributor Retailer

Supplies products Sells product

Relationship with manufacturers Relationship with customers

Supplies to retailers and others Sells to end users

Unaware of the needs of end users Aware of the needs of customers

Link between manufacturer and retailer Link between supplier and customers

Wholesale prices Sales with profit margins

Supply the product through chain No such system

management system
The role of organisation towards
brand management
• Enhance customer relationship
• Lowest manufacturing cost
• Quality enhancement
• Enhancing awareness
• Influence demographics
• Enhance demand
Brand challenges and opportunities
• Technology
• Globalisation
• Target audience
• Customer relationship
• Brand switching
• Competition
• Quality improvement
• Communication
• Competitive advantage
• Reduced search cost
• Ensures loyalty
• Provides identification
• Constant demand
• Enhances sales
• Eliminates middlemen
• Effective advertising campaign
Brand equity
• David Aaker defines brand equity as: “A set of
assets and liabilities linked to a brand's name
and symbol that adds to or subtracts from the
value provided by a product or service to a
firm and/or that firm's customers”
• Brand Equity is the value of a brand built up
over a period of time. It is composed of four
components namely Image, Perception,
Awareness and Loyalty.
Elements of brand equity
• 1. Awareness:
• The lowest level of awareness, aided recall,
 unaided recall, top-of-mind recall.
• 2. Brand associations:
• Anything that is connected to the customer’s
memory about the brand is an association.
• Company must avoid negative association 
• 3. Perceived quality:
• Quality is a perceptual entity, and consumer
judgments about quality vary. Quality
influences pricing decisions
• 4. Brand loyalty:
• Loyal customers act as positive advocates for
the brand. 
• 5. Other proprietary brand assets:
• Proprietary assets include patents, trademarks
and channel relationships.
Brand equity advantages
• Increased margins.
• Customer loyalty
• Expansion opportunities
• Negotiating power
• Competitive advantage.
Brand identity
• Brand identity stems from an organization, i.e., an
organization is responsible for creating a distinguished
product with unique characteristics. It is how an
organization seeks to identify itself. It represents how
an organization wants to be perceived in the market. An
organization communicates its identity to the consumers
through its branding and marketing strategies. A brand is
unique due to its identity. Brand identity includes
following elements - Brand vision, brand culture,
positioning, personality, relationships, and
Sources of brand identity
• Symbols(Picture)
• Logos(Wordmarks)
• Trademarks(Protection)
Brand identity process
• Conducting review, research and analysis
• Define strategy
• Brand identity designing
• Creating touch points(initiate trademark
• Identity system and guidelines
Principles of brand identity
• 1. Vision
• 2. Value(Enhancing awareness)
• 3. Coherence(Must have desired effects in
consumers mind)
• 4. Differentiation
• 5. Authenticity
• 6. Sustainability
• 7. Flexibility
• 8. Commitment
Brand image
• Brand image is the current view of the
customers about a brand. It can be defined as
a unique bundle of associations within the
minds of target customers. It signifies what
the brand presently stands for. It is a set of
beliefs held about a specific brand. In short, it
is nothing but the consumers’ perception
about the product.
Meaning Brand identity is nothing Brand image refers to the
but the way the company way that the customers
wants the target audience actually perceive the
to perceive the brand. brand.
Nature Active Passive
Includes Visible elements of a brand. Both visual elements and
brand associations.
Indicates Firm's reality Perception of consumers
Depends on How the company presents What are the customers
itself? experiences with the
Focuses on Looking back Looking ahead
Role of a brand manager
• Right pricing
• Effective distribution channel
• Ensure consumer awareness
• Consumer satisfaction
• Appropriate budgeting
• Ensure optimum marketing mix
• Inventory management
• Positioning
• Manage brand portfolio
• Consumer relation

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