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What is Female Foeticide?
• Causes of Female Foeticide?
• Consequences of Female Foeticide?
• Female Foeticide in India
• Evil of Dowry
• Some Legal Initatives
• My Verdict
• The END
What Is Female Foeticide?
Causes of Female Foeticide
Consequences of Female Foeticide
 Decrease in the female population.

 Adverse effect on women's health physically , mentally

and emotionally.

 Women are abused and sexually exploited.

 Leads to women trafficking . Women are kidnapped

, bought and sold for marriage.

 Suicide rates in women will increase .

Female Foeticide In India
 The child sex ratio has dropped from 945 females
per 1000 males in 1991 to 927 females per 1000
males in 2001.

 Estimated that 50 million girls and women are

‘missing’ from India’s population because of
termination of the female foetus.

 Female foeticide in India increased by 49.2%.

 Dowry (known as Dahej ) is a payment of cash or gifts from
the bride's family to the bridegroom's family upon marriage.
 Groom demands the bride’s father to provide money
for his daughter’s maintenance as she is now a
financial ‘burden’ on him.
 When the dowry amount is not
considered s bride is often harassed ,
abused and even killed.
 It is estimated that a dowry death occurs in India

every 93 minutes.
 The Prenatal Diagnostic Test Act (PNDT

 The Medical Termination Of Pregnancy


 The Dowry Prohibition Act

We as well educated and aware citizens can bring a change.
 The government should implement stern policies against this by removing the
child sex recognizing centers and banning their licenses.

 The family who are involved in this act sholud be fined with some cash amount and
sent to the jail for a minimum of 2 years.

 Higher status should be provided to women by involving them in the high profile
jobs and including special reservation policies for women.

 Higher education should be provided to women so that they can take decisions for
A Presentation By:-
Siddharth Panwar
Class:- VIIth
Roll No:-24

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