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CURSO: Inglés Técnico


14 DE JUNIO– 18 DE JUNIO– del 2021

“Nursing is the protection, promotion, and
optimization of health and abilities, prevention of
illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through
the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and
advocacy in the care of individuals, famillies,
communities and populations”
Nursing duties
Speaking 1 Work in pairs. Describe what you can see in the illustrations.

We use the present I’m (am) waiting for Nurse La

continuous to talk about Rosa
things that are happening He’s (is) helping a patient
now. We use the form We're (are) having lunch.
am/is/are + -ing The nurse is looking for a
thermometer. What is she
doing at the moment?
2. Look at the illustrations in 1. What is
each person doing? Use the correct
present continuous form of the verbs in
the box to write a sentence for each one.
eat fill in look at look for read
take talk (to)

Complete these conversations with

the correct present continuous form
of the verbs in brackets.
A: Lisa, I need some help. (1)_______ (you I
do) anything important? B:Yes, I'm sorry. I (2)
_______(change) Ms Bandine's IV.Is it urgent?
A:No, I can wait five minutes.

A: Mr Halpert's call light is on.

B: He (3) ______(probably I complain) about
pain again.
A: The poor guy (4) (have) trouble sleeping. I'll
go and give him some pain medication.

A: What (5)_______ (the nursing assistants I

B: They're with Ms Davis. I think they
(6)_________ (take) her temperature .
Present continuous is a tense in present, it puts
emphasis on the course of duration of an action.
Is used for actions going on in the moment of speaking
and for actions taking place only for a short period of
time. It is also used to express development and actions
that are arranged for the near future.
Present continuous is also know as present progressive,
we just add “ING” at the end of the verb.
5B present continuous: be + verb + -ing
 Mr.Gonzales is receiving an alternative treatment
for his syndrome.
 Oh no! The baby’s crying.
 The pain is getting worse.
A What are you doing?
B I’m waiting for my brother.
• We use the present continuous for things that
are happening now.

• We also use the present continuous with longer periods of time,

e.g., today, this week.
I’m working at home this week because my daughter’s not feeling

! What do you do? or What are you doing?

A What do you do? (= What’s your job?)
B I’m a nurse.
A What are you doing? (= now, at the moment)
B I’m waiting for a friend.
5B present continuous: be + verb + -ing

+ -
I’m I’m not
You’re You aren’t having a surgery
He / She / It’s He / She / It isn’t
We’re We aren’t
They’re They aren’t
5B present continuous: be + verb + -ing
5C simple present or present continuous?
simple present present continuous

My sister works in a bank. Today she’s working at home.

What do you usually wear to work? What are you wearing now?
It rains a lot here in the spring. Look! It’s raining.

• We use the simple present to say what we usually do, or things that are
normally true.

• We often use the simple present with adverbs and expressions of

frequency, e.g., always, often, once a week, etc.

• We use the present continuous to say what is happening now.

• We often use the present continuous with right now, today, this week.
Complete the next exercise using the grammar for present continuous.

1. The hospital has two nurses in geriatrics, they _________________

(work) on the night shift.
2. The nurse ___________ (inyect) the patient.
3. The patient _____________ (take) medicines as paracetamol and
4. Shhhhhhhh! Be quiet!!! Jorge (sleep)_____________
5. Don’t forget to take your medicines. If you ______________ (feel)
6. The surgeon __________ (Fix) the stretcher.
7. Nursing assistant _____________ (take) my blood pressure.
8. On sundays the ambulance _____________ (not work)
9. The doctor _____________ (Reading) a book.
1º. I am sick and i ____________ (feel) fever and sore throat.
11. My mom ____________ (visit) her Friends at the hospital.
12. I __________ (wash) my hands.
13. Sara ____________- (talk) to her doctor about who are allergic to
14 Look! Diana _____________ (work) in the ICU.
15. We are nursing student and we _____________- (speak) english at
this moment.
Jo is a nurse. Fill in the gaps in the description of a typical work day for
her by putting the verb in brackets into the correct present simple
tense form.
Jo 1._____ (be) a nurse. She 2. _____ (work) at a medical clinic near
her home in Ipswich. She 3. _____ (get) to work at 8 am every
weekday. She first 4. _____ (check) the phone for voice messages and
the fax machine for faxes. She then 5. _____ (talk) to the doctors about
the day’s appointments. At 8.30 she 6. _____ (make) sure that the
medical instruments 7. _____ (be) ready for use and that everything 8.
_____ (be) clean and tidy.
The doctors and nurses 9. _____ (start) seeing patients at 9.00. Jo10.
_____ (spend) a lot of time giving babies and children vaccinations.
She 11. _____ (talk) to their parents about any worries they 12. _____
(have). The doctors 13. _____ (call) her for help with bandaging or
tests. She 14. _____ (be) also available at all times for medical
At lunchtime Jo 15. _____ (answer) the phone while the receptionist
16. _____ (have) her lunch. It 17. _____ (be + not) a busy time so Jo
usually 18. _____ (have) a cup of tea. She 19. _____ (try) to do any
paperwork during this time too. The clinic 20. _____ (have + not) as
many patients in the afternoon unless it 21. _____ (be) a Friday.
At around 4.00 she 22. _____ (check) that her computer files 23. _____
(be) up-to-date. She 24. _____ (look) at the clinic’s stock of medical
supplies and 25. _____ (phone) the manufacturers to order more of
something, if necessary. Finally, Jo 26. _____ (talk) to the doctors and
other nurses about the day’s work. She 27. _____ (go) home around
5.00. She 28. _____ ( be) usually late leaving work. Jo 29. _____ (love)
her job but the pay 30. _____ (be + not) very good.
Dear Ruth
1 I. ____________ (write) this from my hospital bed.
Four weeks ago I broke my leg when I fell going to the
shops and I was brought here to St Kathryn's. At first I
felt very unwell but "now I 2._____(feel) much better.
The doctors 3. _____(try) to decide whether to send
me home soon, but there is no-one to look after me
there. I have a lovely room and am quite happy here.
The weather has been bad but today the sun 4._____
(shine). A cherry tree 5._____ (bloom) outside my
window and two children 6._____ (shake) the
blossoms off the tree. They are very naughty! I hope
you 7._____ (have) a wonderful holiday in Mallorca.
Please don't worry about me. I had better stop
writing. The nurse 8. ______ (come) to take my blood
pressure. Love

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