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Energy Saving

For the Home and Office

Energy Usage
 About 52% energy used in a household goes towards heating and cooling, 19% to
heating water and 29% to other household appliances
 In office buildings 34% of the energy used goes towards heating and cooling, 29%
lighting, 9% to heating water, 28% to office equipment, ventilation and other
miscellaneous uses.

Heating and cooling constitute the

largest energy use in both homes
and office
Energy Saving Tips
Heating and Cooling
 Invest in Programmable thermostats.
 In the summer, set the thermostats between 25°C to 26°C and close the window
shades ( to reduce ingress of solar heat).
 In the winter, set all thermostats between 20°C to 21°C and open the window
shades to direct sun light (which help to heat). Use a humidifier make lowering
the thermostat more comfortable.
 Run the fan instead of AC to circulate air.
 To maximize heating and cooling efficiency, clean air filters once a month and
keep air delivery and return vent clear of blockage.
 Thoroughly insulate your home or office building to minimize heat loss in winter
and heat gain in the summer.
Energy Saving Tips
Electricity and Lighting
 Turn off lights and appliances after use.
 Unplug appliances whenever possible to eliminate “Standby” electricity loss.
 Use LED lights in place of CFL (Compact Florescent Light) or incandescent lights
bulb. LED’s last longer and use less energy.
Energy Saving Tips
Kitchen Appliances
 Set refrigerator temperature between 2.5°C to 4°C and Freezer temp. at 0°F.
 Be sure to vacuum the condenser coils every 6 months.
 Do full loads when washing or drying clothes. Use only warm or cold water.
Drying loads consecutively saves energy so dryer does not have to heat up each
time. Be sure to clean the lint filter after each lead.
 When cooking try to use range rather than the oven as much as possible.
 Use pressure cooker and microwave oven to lower energy
 Buy energy star products for greater energy efficiency.
Energy Saving Tips
Water Heating
 Insulate water heater and surrounding pipes to reduce heat loss and water
 Set water heater thermostats to 49°C or 60°C if you have Dishwasher.
Water Saving Tips
Kitchen and Bathroom
 Check for and fix leaks. A leak from a worn faucet washer can waste 20 gallon of
water a day.
 Read you water meter after 2 hours of not using water . If the meter has
changed, there is a leak and it should be repaired.
 While waiting for a shower to heat up, capture cold water in a bucket or pan and
use is for watering plants or other household uses.
 Take shorter showers. A 4 minutes shower uses 20-40 gallon of water.
 Turn off the faucet when you brush your teeth, shave, wash your face or rinse
Water Saving Tips
Kitchen and Bathroom
 Invest in high efficiency toilet, or put a plastic bottle filled with sand in your toilet
tank to reduce the amount of water used per flush.
 Used aerators on all faucet and low flow shower heads for better water pressure
while using less water in total.
 Only wash full loads of clothes, and the same with dishes.
 Use a vegetable brush to clean food items to make washing/preparation quicker
and more efficient.
Water Saving Tips
Outdoor Water Uses
 When washing your car, don’t run the hose until you need to rinse. This can save
up to 150 gallons of water.
 Use a broom to clean your driveway, front stoop or porch, rather than a hose.
 When planting a garden, practice xeriscaping. Group plants according to their
water needs. Plant drought resistant plants and brushes.
 Add compose to your garden and laydown mulch to help soil retain moisture.
 Collect rain water in a rain barrel and use it to water plants.
 Be sure to follow watering restrictions specific to your local
 Position sprinkler to avoid watering the sidewalk, street or
Water Saving Tips
 If a faucet drips at a rate of 1 drop per second. You can waste 2700 gallon per
 The average daily indoor water use for a single family home with no water
conserving fixtures is 74 gallon

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