Introduction To VB

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Introduction to vb

What is vb?
vb is a user friendly event driven and partly objected oriented programming
language using which we can develop:
1. database application.
2. web enabled application.
3. variety of other window based application.

Who developed vb? history of Vb

 vb is developed by Microsoft in 1991 as Visual Basic 1.0
 Visual Basic 1.0 for DOS was released in September 1992. The language itself
was not quite compatible with Visual Basic for Windows, as it was the next
version of Microsoft's DOS-based BASIC compilers.
 Visual Basic 2.0 was released in November 1992. The programming
environment was easier to use, and its speed was improved.
 Visual Basic 3.0 was released in the summer of 1993 and came in Standard and
Professional versions.
 Visual Basic 4.0 (August 1995) was the first version that could create 32-bit as
well as 16-bit Windows programs. It has three editions; Standard, Professional,
and Enterprise.
 With version 5.0 (February 1997), Microsoft released Visual Basic exclusively
for 32-bit versions of Windows. . Visual Basic 5.0 also introduced the ability to
create custom user controls, as well as the ability to compile to native Windows
executable code, speeding up calculation-intensive code execution.
 Visual Basic 6.0 (Mid-1998) improved in a number of areas including the ability
to create web-based applications.

What are the hardware requirement to use vb?

the hardware requirement are as follows:
• cd-rom drive
• cd-rom (1 to 7 cds). (rst cd rom contains compilers for various languages like
vb,vc++, visual foxpro, visual internet developer etc. remaining cds contains
help, client server tools, samples etc.
• windows 9x Os.
 80 to 120 mb for installaon of vb.
 40 mb free hard disk space for user generated program. 16 mb ram minimum ( 32
mb ram recommended)
 80486 based micro processor ( Pentium 166 mhz recommended).

What is Event Driven programming?

• when a program consists of one or more than one event procedures and those
procedures accomplish the task to be done by program it is know as event driven

What is event?
• Event is any action performed by either performed by user or performed by
program itself. for example mouse-click, key press, window resize etc.
What is the difference between structured/procedure
oriented and event driven programming
Structured/Procedure Oriented Event Driven Programming
Program consists of one or more procedure. Program consists of one or more event
Programming task is completed by Programming task is completed by
procedure. event procedure.
The order of execution of procedure is more The order of execution of event procedure
or less predictable. depends on user performed action.
Procedure oriented programming is not Event driven programming is suitable
suitable for window based application. for window based application.
What do you mean by IDE ?
• Ide stands for integrated development environment. it is collection of program
allowing to compose and edit the program, test the program, run the program
and debug the program.

Describe working environment of vb?

Working environment of vb is composed of many elements:
• title bar: where program title, project name and program mode is displayed.
• menu bar: contains menu and related commands.
• tool bar: consists of icons which are short cuts to frequently used commands
some toolbars are : standard, forma: ng etc.
• toolbox: on the le side toolbox appears which contains controls.
• form designer: appears in middle where graphical user interface
element(controls) are placed
• properties window: using this we can set properties of controls.
• form layout window: displays form-icon used to set start up positon of form.
• project explorer window: displays (les which make up the project.
What are the different modes of vb program?
there are three modes of vb program:
1. design: ( when designing form and wring code)
2. run : when a program is running
3. break: when any occurred in program.
What is project 1le? why it is needed?
project (le contains information about all those (le which make the project. it
stores location of individual. when we open project it automatically opens all
(les which are part of project we need not to open each.
What is executable 1le. how it is made?
• to make executable (le (exe) we have to go to (le menu and have to select make
exe. copying of exe (le to another computer and running the exe (le does not
guarantee that the executable (le will run there because a window based
program depends on many different (le. it better to run distributable package
using package and deployment wizard.

What is module?
• module is collection of procedures and functions
• it provides code reusability and shariblity, avoids code repetition.
• tesng and debugging becomes easier.

type of module:
• form module: normally contains event procedures, other procedure and
function which will be used inside the same form module. extension is .frm
• basic module: normally contains global variables, procedure and function which
can be accessed across other modules. extension is .bas
• class module: contains definition of class, member function and
propertites. extension is .cls
what is documentation? why it is needed?
• documentation of code is very necessary. using documentation we can
increase readability of our program.
• documentation makes the program easily untestable. in future if we are going
to make modification in program it will help greatly.
• using documentation we can store addition information like:
 date and time of program
 version no. of program
 Company for which it was created
 author of the code
 variables used and purpose
 algorithm of program
 explanation of statement
2. Creating programs
What is Object?
• object is class variable which is composition of properties, methods and data
• object is fundamental requirement of any object oriented language.
• object has three characteristics:
1. state: state of any object it defines identity of object
2. behaviour: behaviour of any object is decided by member functions(methods)
to which object can respond.
3. method: it is also known as member function it performs computation on data
member or any kind of action.
What is property?
• property of any object is actually member procedure which allows to set value
in data member ( working as mutator) or allows to retrieve value of data
member( working as accessor).

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