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What is the difference between cement and concrete?

Although the terms cement and concrete often are used interchangeably, cement is actually
an ingredient of concrete. Concrete is a mixture of aggregates and paste. The aggregates are
sand and gravel or crushed stone; the paste is water and portland cement.

Cement comprises from 10 to 15 percent of the concrete mix, by volume. Through a process
called hydration, the cement and water harden and bind the aggregates into a rocklike mass.
This hardening process continues for years meaning that concrete gets stronger as it gets

Portland cement is not a brand name, but the generic term for the type of cement used in
virtually all concrete, just as stainless is a type of steel and sterling a type of silver.
Therefore, there is no such thing as a cement sidewalk, or a cement mixer; the proper terms
are concrete sidewalk and concrete mixer.
Generally we use well graded aggregate or continuous graded aggregate, which means
representation of all the standard particle sizes in certain proportion. Assumption made in
well gradation is that voids created by the higher size of aggregate will be filled-up by
immediate next lower size of aggregate and again some smaller voids will be left out which
will again be filled-up by next lower size aggregates.

Aggregate gradation
Practically it has been found that voids created by a particular size may be too small to
accommodate the very next lower size. Therefore the next lower size may not be
accommodated in the available gap without lifting the upper layer of the existing size.
Therefore, Particle Size Interference is created which disturbs the very process of
achieving the maximum density.

In fact the size of voids created by a particular size of aggregate can accommodate the
second or third lower size aggregates only i.e. voids created by 40 mm will be able to
accommodate size equal to 10 mm or 4.75 mm but not 20 mm. This concept is called Gap

1. Requirements of sand is reduced by 26 to 40%.

2. Specific area of area of total aggregates will be reduced due to less use of sand..
3. Point contact between various size fractions is maintained, thus reducing the dying
4. It requires less cement as the net volume of voids to a greater extent.

A word of caution while using gap grading is that, sometimes it may lead to segregation
and may even alter the anticipated workability. Therefore tests must be conducted before
adopting this gradation.
Continuous Graded Concrete

A particle-size distribution for material such as an aggregate in which all intermediate-

size fractions are present, as opposed to gap grading.


A particle size distribution in which intermediate size fractions are present as opposed
to gap-grading.
Lightweight Concrete
Reason behind lightweight
Other Methods

This form of lightweight concrete is produced using porous and lightweight aggregates
including Clay, Shale, Slate, Volcanic Pumice, Ash, or Perlite. Weaker aggregates may also
be added to the mixture, which has an impact on its thermal conductivity; however, doing so
may reduce its strength.

Lightweight aggregate is perfect for pre-cast concrete blocks or steel reinforcements.

However, denser varieties show better bonding results between steel and concrete, along
with enhanced protection from steel corrosion.

This type of lightweight concrete is also known as gas concrete or foamed concrete, since it
is developed by introducing large voids into the mortar mass or concrete. Voids are
typically injected through a chemical reaction, or with the use of an air entraining agent.

Aerated or foamed concrete does not require flattening, exhibits appropriate thermal
insulation, and is self-compacting. This makes it ideal for use in hard to reach spaces and
sewer systems.

This form of concrete is developed by eliminating fine aggregates from the

mixture; resulting in concrete which comprises of only large voids and coarse
aggregates. This is why No-Fines concrete has better insulation and relatively
reduced drying shrinkage.

No-Fines concrete is best-suited for load bearing walls and can be used for both
indoor and outdoor constructions. However, this type of lightweight concrete
should not be used with reinforced concrete, especially due to its lower density and
cement content.
Normal Concrete

1. The concrete in which common ingredients i.e. aggregate, water, cement are used is
known as normal concrete. It is also called normal weight concrete or normal strength

2. It has a setting time of 30 - 90 minutes depending upon moisture in atmosphere,

fineness of cement etc.

3. The development of the strength starts after 7 days the common strength values is 10
MPa (1450 psi) to 40 MPa (5800 psi). At about 28 days 75 - 80% of the total strength
is attained.

4. Almost at 90 days 95% of the strength is achieved.

Properties of Normal Concrete

1. Its slump varies from 1 - 4 inches.

2. Density ranges from 140 pcf to 175 pcf.

3. It is strong in compression and weak in tension.

4. Air content 1 - 2 %.

5. Normal concrete is not durable against severe conditions e.g. freezing and
Heavyweight concrete
Heavyweight concrete uses heavy natural aggregates such as barites or magnetite or manufactured
aggregates such as iron or lead shot. The main land-based application is for radiation shielding
(medical or nuclear). Offshore, heavyweight concrete is used for ballasting for pipelines and similar
structures. EN 206:2013 defines heavyweight concrete as having an oven dry density greater than

The density achieved will depend on the type of aggregate used. Typically using barites the density will
be in the region of 3,500kg/m3, which is 45% greater than that of normal concrete, while with magnetite
the density will be 3,900kg/m3, or 60% greater than normal concrete. Very heavy concretes can be
achieved with iron or lead shot as aggregate, 5,900kg/m3 and 8,900kg/m3 respectively.

Cement contents and water/cement ratios are similar to those for normal concretes, but the
aggregate/cement ratios will be significantly higher, because of the higher density of the aggregates.
Heavyweight concrete can be batched, transported and placed using conventional equipment, though
there are obviously certain aspects, such as the amount that can be carried by a ready-mixed truck or
handled in a skip, that will be limited by the density. Because of the higher density, formwork pressures
will be increased. The rate of wear of mixers and pumps will also be increased. Compaction will require
more energy than normal concrete and poker vibrators will have to be inserted at closer centres. There
may be a greater tendency for the mix to bleed.
Concrete: Types
 Normal Strength Concrete
 High-Strength Concrete
 Plain or Ordinary Concrete
 High-Performance Concrete
 Reinforced Concrete
 Self – Consolidated Concrete
 Prestressed Concrete
 Shotcrete Concrete
 Precast Concrete
 Pervious Concrete
 Light – Weight Concrete
 Vacuum Concrete
 High-Density Concrete
 Pumped Concrete
 Air Entrained Concrete
 Stamped Concrete
 Ready Mix Concrete
 Limecrete
 Polymer Concrete-
 Asphalt Concrete
 Roller Compacted Concrete
I. Polymer concrete
 Rapid Strength Concrete
II. Polymer cement concrete
 Glass Concrete
III.Polymer impregnated concrete
NOTE: At least memorize two different applications for each type
Pre-cast Concrete

The form of construction where concrete is casted in a re-usable mould and then cured
in a controlled environment (precast plant) is called precast concrete. The casted
structural member is then transported to the construction site and then erected.
Structural members such as concrete frame, concrete wall and concrete floors etc. can
be constructed using precast concrete.
Prestressed Concrete
Prestressed concrete is a form of concrete used in construction. It is substantially
"prestressed" (compressed) during production, in a manner that strengthens it against
tensile forces which will exist when in service.

This compression is produced by the tensioning of high-strength "tendons" located within

or adjacent to the concrete and is done to improve the performance of the concrete in
service. Tendons may consist of single wires, multi-wire strands or threaded bars that are
most commonly made from high-tensile steels, carbon fiber or aramid fiber. The essence
of prestressed concrete is that once the initial compression has been applied, the resulting
material has the characteristics of high-strength concrete when subject to any subsequent
compression forces and of ductile high-strength steel when subject to tension forces. This
can result in improved structural capacity and/or serviceability compared with
conventionally reinforced concrete in many situations. In a prestressed concrete member,
the internal stresses are introduced in a planned manner so that the stresses resulting from
the superimposed loads are counteracted to the desired degree.
1.Difference between Normal and
Light weight concrete.

2.Normal vs High strength concrete

3. Installation technique of
4. How does prestressed Concrete
work ?

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