Social Issues and The Environment: Wasteland Reclamation: Chintan Ashvin Surati

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Social issues and the environment:

wasteland reclamation

Chintan Ashvin Surati

Social issues and the environment
Social aspects, development and environment have a strong
Development aims at improving global economy and standard
of living yet leads to environmental degradation
Major factor is Unsustainable Resource Use And Unsustainable
Growth Practices
Environmental issues may present themselves as temporary or
permanent changes to the atmosphere, water, and land due to
human activities, which can result in impacts that may be
either reversible or irreversible.
Environment keeps changing over time naturally and it is also
amenable to changes by human beings.
Thanks to scientific and technological developments, our ability to
alter the environment has increased tremendously, whereas the
capacity of environment to cope with those alterations is limited.
Nature's bounty and abundance are disappearing at a rapid rate
now in many regions of the world including India due to the
human alterations of the environment.
All this has brought to the fore the need for protection and
preservation of environment and the urgency of developing
sound environmental policies and programs.
The challenge of creating and maintaining a sustainable
environment is probably the single most pressing issue
confronting us today and will remain so in the foreseeable future.
Wasteland reclamation
Reclaiming lands that have been laid waste in an
extraction or industrial process is "wasteland
Loss of vegetation cover leads to loss of soil through
erosion, which ultimately creates wastelands.
Loss of soil has already ruined a large amount of
cultivable land in our country. If it remains unchecked, it
will affect the remaining land.
We have to safeguard our ‘good’ lands.
Otherwise, we may eventually face a serious shortage of
food grains, vegetables, fruit, fodder and fuel wood.
Hence, conservation of soil, protecting the existing
cultivable land and reclaiming the already depleted
wastelands figures prominently among the priority tasks
of planning for the future
Classification of Wasteland
Wasteland can be classified into three forms:
(1) Easily reclaimable,
(2) Reclaimable with some difficulty,
(3) Reclaimable with extreme difficulty.
Easily reclaimable wastelands can be used for agricultural
 Those which can be reclaimed with some difficulty can be
utilized for agro forestry.
Wastelands that are reclaimed with extreme difficulty can
be used for forestry or to recreate natural ecosystems.
Wasteland can be reclaimed for agriculture by reducing
the salt content which can be done by leaching and
Gypsum, urea, potash and compost are added before
planting crops in such areas.
Agro forestry
This involves putting land to multiple uses.
Its main purpose is to have trees and crops inter- and /or
under planted to form an integrated system of biological
production within a certain area.
Thus, agro forestry implies integration of trees with
agricultural crops or livestock management
Attempts to grow trees in highly non alkaline saline soils have
been largely unsuccessful.
Field experiments have shown that species like Eucalyptus,
Prosopis and Acacia Nilotica could not be grown in highly
alkaline soil.
Studies have shown that if tree seedlings are planted with a
mixture of original soil, Gypsum, and manure, better growth
can be achieved.
It is however important to use indigenous species of trees so
that the program recreates the local ecosystem with all its
Need for wasteland development
Wasteland development provides a source of income for
the rural poor.
It ensures a constant supply of fuel, fodder and timber
for local use.
It makes the soil fertile by preventing soil erosion and
conserving moisture.
The program helps maintain an ecological balance in the
The increasing forest cover helps in maintaining local
climatic conditions.
Regenerated vegetation cover helps in attracting birds
which feed on pests in the surrounding fields and
function as natural pest controllers.
The trees help in holding back moisture and reduce
surface run off rates thus helping in the control of soil
Components of wasteland reclamation:
The first major task is the identification of the problem at the
micro level.
For this it is necessary to have District, Village and plot level
surveys of the wasteland. A profile of the maps indicating the
detailed distribution and information on the wasteland is essential.
With the help of local government institutions such as the village
Panchayats, along with Block Development Officers, Revenue
Department functionaries, a plan based on the community needs
must be produced.
A think-tank of administrators, ecologists, and local NGOs must
also be involved in the process.
The next step is to identify the factors that are
responsible for the formation of wastelands.
Based on these factors the wasteland is classified into:
marginally, partially or severely deteriorated lands.
Locale specific strategies for reclaiming the wasteland
must be worked out.
Government officials along with the local NGOs must
assist the farmers by demonstrating improved methods of
cultivation, arranging for loans for the small, marginal and
landless farmers and the people from the weaker sections
of the society.
Environmental scientists can help by suggesting the
necessary changes in cropping patterns particularly for
drought prone areas.
Other tasks that should be addressed include the selection
of appropriate crops for fodder and trees that provide local
people with non-wooded forest products according to the
nature of the wasteland.
Testing soil in laboratories provides guidance to the farmers
on the proper land management to be used.
Irrigation and other expertise needed for improving
productivity without creating unsustainable patterns of
development provide the local people with newer
technological advances
Guidelines regarding control of water logging must be
Collective efforts have to be made to check soil losses
through water and wind erosion to prevent the collapse
of the irrigation system through siltation.
Plans concerning wasteland reclamation and utilization
prepared at various stages must be properly integrated
for a successful long-term outcome.
The demands of our increasing human population for environmental
goods and services has imposed severe pressures on the available
land resources especially on the forests and green cover.
It has led to activities that are responsible for increasing
environmental degradation.
This is responsible for the extension of wastelands.
Thus the development of agro forestry based agriculture and forestry
has become the prime prerequisite for an overall development of the
economy in the country.
The pressure on land is already very high and the only hope of
increasing productivity lies in bringing appropriate improvement in
the various categories of wasteland spread over the country.
Thank You

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