Biomolecules: by Juana Mariana Carvajal Molina 10C

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By Juana Mariana Carvajal Molina

Week 1:
Pork loin
Quantity Calories Biomolecule

1 329 Protein

★ It is known that meats contain their main molecule which is

protein.This biomolecule works as enzymes in some
occasions in order to facilitate chemical reactions, and others
are carriers of nutrients such as lipids, in this way they are
called lipoproteins.

★ Lipoproteins are in charge of packing insoluble lipids in the

middle of the plasma and thus being transported from the
intestine and liver.
Quantity Calories Biomolecule

1 361 starch

★ Rice grains contain several carbohydrates and one of them is

starch, which is a polysaccharide biomolecule (glucosidic
bonds by which they are linked).
★ This biomolecule serves as a great energy supply for our
body, since it maintains adequate levels of glucose in the
blood and is responsible for generating between 50% and
70% of the body's energy.
★ This starch is digested in our small intestine and absorbed to
generate ATP in the form of calories.
Ice Cream
Quantity Calories Biomolecule

1 209 Proteins
Proteins of high biological value

★ The nutritional value of ice cream resides in the proteins of

high biological value that milk provides, such as vitamins B
and A. These proteins are considered for their quantity and
their content of essential amino acids.

★ The protein that is known in milk for this type of food is

casein protein, its function consists of the absorption of
calcium and phosphate in the intestine, it contains essential
amino acids and a high percentage of glutamine (which
keeps the cells in good condition condition and repairs
Week 2:
fried egg
Quantity Calories Biomolecule

1 155 Protein,
Albumin Protein

★ The main protein of the egg is albumin which is found in

egg white and this represents 88% of water. This protein is
the most important since in our body it is found in a large
proportion in blood plasma, representing the main protein in
the blood and in turn the most abundant in humans.

★ This protein is transformed into a powder and is used as a

nutritional supplement in order to facilitate the formation of
muscles and help in the synthesis of proteins in the body.
Orange juice
Quantity Calories Biomolecule

1 45 vitamins

★ The main vitamin in this food is vitamin C which is the most

found in this fruit, this vitamin is needed for the growth and
repair of tissues in all parts of the body, especially it is used
to form an important protein (collagen) , The formation of
this is catalyzed and used to produce the skin, tendons,
ligaments and blood vessels and in the same way heal

★ This vitamin is an antioxidant which consists of the transfer

of electrons from a molecule to another oxidizing agent and
in this way protects cells against effects such as molecules
generated when the body breaks down food.
Quantity Calories (Kcal) Biomolecule

2 100 Glucose

★ In this case I ate 2 chocoramo so it is necessary to make a

multiplication between the calories and the quantity:
100*2=200 Kcal

★ The glucose molecule is responsible for producing energy to

our body, this in our body passes into the blood which
transports glucose to the cells to create energy, in this way it
performs a process called glycolysis in the cytoplasm and
after this Two pyruvates leave which will enter the krebs
cycle and in this way they will be able to carry out cellular
respiration to create ATP.
★ The chemical process carried out in our body is when it is
oxidized, known as the metabolism process, where glucose
will produce CO2, H2O and some N compounds and during
this process the energy will be used for the cells.
Week 3:
Quantity Calories (Kcal) Biomolecule

1 236 Lipids
Cheese lipids

★ These types of fats are saturated, which means that they are
double bonds.
★ The function of these saturated fats found in this type of
food is that they are necessary for the functioning of the
nervous system, kidneys and the production of hormones.
★ In this case the stomach intervenes in the process of
digestion of fats due to its agitation agitation which helps to
create emulsions. These fats enter our intestine, they mix
with the bile and after this they are emulsified, and these will
be treated by the lipases secreted by the pancreas.
Quantity Calories (Kcal) Biomolecule

1 121 Protein
Igy (Inmunoglobulina Y)

★ These proteins circulate in the bloodstream, which influence

the balance of our immune system.
★ This is one of the most important chicken proteins which are
responsible for identifying and neutralizing harmful
substances for example this protect our organism from the
virus or the bacterias that can be penetrated.
★ These proteins are chemically made up of polypeptide
chains which are one or more groups of amino acids that are
linked by a chemical bond.
Quantity Calories (Kcal) Biomolecule

1 14 Vitamins

★ In this case I took the calories of

the tomate that I ate.
Vitamin B

★ Mushrooms in general contain this type of vitamin B (niacin,

thiamine, riboflavin and folic acid), and some minerals such
as potassium, phosphorus and calcium. The mushroom also
contains selenium which acts as an antioxidant helping to
prevent certain types of cancer and thanks to this it is
because the brain works.

★ Selenium is an important nutrient for reproduction as it also

supports the thyroid gland, the production of DNA and
protects the body against infection.

★ Lycopene is a chemical molecule that tomato contains in this

case, it contains approximately 80% -90% of the total
content of carotenoids (color sources).It is in charge of
giving the color of the pigment to the tomato or to other
foods, this does not become vitamin A.

★ This molecule is an antioxidant that helps lower blood

pressure and high cholesterol in our body, in order to treat
heart disease.
Week 4:
Quantity Calories (Kcal) Biomolecule

1 13 Vitamin B

★ In this case I took the calorie of the

mushroom because I ate a mushroom
Quantity Calories (Kcal) Biomolecule

1 373 carbohydrates

★ For this type of food, this biomolecule contains a maximum

of 75 g of carbohydrates, which provide approximately 300

★ These carbohydrates in our body act as an energy reserve so

that in this way they have the ability to mobilize quickly to
produce glucose.

★ In this case, when exercising such as swimming, it is very

important to eat a good amount of pasta at the time of
training since it contains a greater amount of carbohydrates
that will help to be more concentrated when training.
Quantity Calories (Kcal) Biomolecule

30 61 Minerals

★ In this case I ate 30 grapes so we need to multiply the

quantity between calories:
30*61= 1830 Kcal
Minerals (Potassium)

★ In this type of food, the element of potassium is the most

abundant found in grapes, which has the function of helping
the nerves and the contraction of the muscles, as well as
keeping the heart rate constant. It allows nutrients to flow
into the cells and expels waste from them in an easier way.

★ This important mineral also allows the regulation of water

inside and outside the cells, it is fundamental for the
synthesis of the muscles (process by which the construction
of proteins from the 20 amino acids occurs), and is part of
the bones.
It was possible to show how each amount of biomolecules can provide
several important nutrients to each part of our body, also maintaining a
healthy and balanced diet will help us in our immune system, to be
against diseases that arise, where we will have greater defenses and we
will avoid being overweight or any type of difficulty in our body.
In the case of my diet, taking into account my height and how thin I
am, I must be consuming between 1500 and 2000 calories, which
making an average between the days the result obtained is equivalent
to 1054 calories, with this it is possible to say that I am maintaining a
healthy and balanced diet; However, when doing my training I must
increase this diet since swimming for 30 min will burn between 400-
550 calories according to my weight. In this way I must consume a
little more of these biomolecules at each meal.
■ Brandan, N. (2006). Lipoproteinas. Recover from Universidad Nacional del nordeste:
■ Carvajal, C. (Diciembre de 2014). Lipoproteínas: metabolismo y lipoproteínas aterogénicas. Recover from
Medicina legal de costa rica:
■ Anonimo. (S.f). Tabla de Alimentos e Información Nutricional. Recover from Medicinal Información:
■ Ortiz, A. (1 de Junio de 2019). ¿Qué son las proteínas y para qué sirven? Recover from
■ Anónimo. (S.f). Composición Nutricional Del Huevo. Recover from Instituto de estudios del huevo:
■ Zanin, T. (Julio de 2020). Albúmina de huevo: qué es, para qué sirve y cómo tomarla. Obtenido de Tuasaúde:,de
Recover From Health keeper:

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