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Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi

Software Quality Assurance & Testing
Week 9
Session 1

Batch - 2017 Department of Computer Science 1

State Transition Testing
• State transition testing is used where some aspect of the system can be described
in what is called a 'finite state machine'.
• This simply means that the system can be in a (finite) number of different states,
and the transitions from one state to another are determined by the rules of the
• This is the model on which the system and the tests are based.
• Any system where you get a different output for the same input, depending on
what has happened before, is a finite state system.
• A finite state system is often shown as a state diagram

State Transition Testing …
• A state transition model has four basic parts:
– the states that the software may occupy (open/closed or funded/insufficient
– funds);
– the transitions from one state to another (not all transitions are allowed);
– the events that cause a transition (closing a file or withdrawing money);
– the actions that result from a transition (an error message or being given
– your cash).
• Note that in any given state, one event can cause only one action, but that the
same event - from a different state - may cause a different action and a different
end state.

State Transition Diagrams
• A state transition diagram is a representation of the behaviour of a system.
• It is made up from just two symbols.
• The first is which is the symbol for a state.

– A state is just what it says it is: the system is ‘static’, in a stable condition from
which it will only change if it is stimulated by an event of some kind.
– For example, a TV stays ‘on’ unless you turn it ‘off’; a multifunction watch tells
the time unless you change mode.
• The second is which is the symbol for a transition, i.e. a change
from one state to another.
• The state change will be triggered by an event (e.g. pressing a button or switching
a switch).
– The transition will be labelled with the event that caused it and any action that
arises from it.
– So we might have ‘mode button pressed’ as an event and ‘presentation
changes’ as the action.
– Usually (but not necessarily) the start state will have a double arrow head 4
… State Transition Diagrams
• If we have a state transition diagram representation of a system we can analyse
the behaviour in terms of what happens when a transition occurs.
• Transitions are caused by events and they may generate outputs and/or changes
of state.
• An event is anything that acts as a trigger for a change; it could be an input to the
system, or it could be something inside the system that changes for some reason,
such as a database field being updated.
– In some cases an event generates an output,
– in others the event changes the system’s internal state without generating
an output,
– and in still others an event may cause an output and a change of state.
• What happens for each change is always deducible from the state transition

… State Transition Diagrams – Example 1

… State Transition Diagrams – Deriving Test Cases
• this state diagram, even though it is incomplete, still gives us information on which
to design some useful tests and to explain the state transition technique.
• In deriving test cases, we may start with a typical scenario.
• A sensible first test case here would be the normal situation, where the correct PIN
is entered the first time.
• To be more thorough, we may want to make sure that we cover every state (i.e. at
least one test goes through each state) or we may want to cover every transition.
• A second test (to visit every state) would be to enter an incorrect PIN each time, so
that the system eats the card.
• We still haven't tested every transition yet. In order to do that, we would want a
test where the PIN was incorrect the first time but OK the second time, and
another test where the PIN was correct on the third try. These tests are probably
less important than the first two.
• Test conditions can be derived from the state graph in various ways.
• Each state can be noted as a test condition, as can each transition.

State Table (ST) - Deriving Negative Test cases ...
• State transition tables are useful because they force us—and the business analysts
and the system designers—to consider combinations of states with event/
condition combinations that they might have forgotten.
• To construct a state transition table, you first list all the states from the state
transition diagram.
• Next, you list all the event/condition combinations shown on the state transition
• Then, you create a table that has a row for each state with every event/condition
combination. Each row has four fields:
– ■ Current state ■ Event/condition ■ Action ■ New state
• For those rows where the state transition diagram specifies the action and new
state for the given combination of current state and event/condition, we can
populate those two fields from the state transition diagram.
• However, for the other rows in the table, we find undefined situations, i.e.,
situations where the behavior of the system is not specified.
• We can now go to the business analysts, system designers, and other such people
and ask, “So, what exactly should happen in each of these situations?”

... State Table (ST) - Deriving Negative Test cases
• Deriving tests only from a state graph (also known as a state chart) is very good for
seeing the valid transitions, but we may not easily see the negative tests, where
we try to generate invalid transitions. In order to see the total number of
combinations of states and transitions, both valid and invalid, a state table is
• The state table lists all the states down one side of the table and all the events
that cause transitions along the top (or vice versa).
• Each cell then represents a state-event pair. The content of each cell indicates
which state the system will move to, when the corresponding event occurs while
in the associated state.
• This will include possible erroneous events - events that are not expected to
happen in certain states.
• These are negative test conditions.

State Table (ST) - Example

State Table (ST) – Example
• Example lists the states in the first column and the possible inputs across the top
• So, for example, if the system is in State 1, inserting a card will take it to State 2.
• If we are in State 2, and a valid PIN is entered, we go to State 6 to access the
• In State 2 if we enter an invalid PIN, we go to State 3.
• We have put a dash in the cells that should be impossible, i.e. they represent
invalid transitions from that state.
• We have put a question mark for two cells, where we enter either a valid or invalid
PIN when we are accessing the account.
• Perhaps the system will take our PIN number as the amount of cash to withdraw?
It might be a good test!
• Most of the other invalid cells would be physically impossible in this example.
• Invalid (negative) tests will attempt to generate invalid transitions, transitions that
shouldn't be possible (but often make good tests when it turns out they are

Example 2
• A typical leave application process can be visualized as being made up of the
following steps.
– The employee fills up a leave application, giving his or her employee ID, and
start date and end date of leave required.
– This information then goes to an automated system which validates that the
employee is eligible for the requisite number of days of leave. If not, the
application is rejected; if the eligibility exists, then the control flow passes on
to the next step below.
– The information goes to the employee’s manager who validates that it is okay
for the employee to go on leave during that time (for example, there are no
critical deadlines coming up during the period of the requested leave).
– Having satisfied with the feasibility of leave, the manager gives the final
approval or rejection of the leave application.
a. Identify states and events.
b. Generate state transition diagram.
c. Draw state table.


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