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Why Training??

Any organisation is run on three basic inputs:

 Man,

 Machine and

 Material.

Out of these three inputs which is the most

complex input?
Obviously ..Man….!
 Machine behaves consistently, runs on
artificial intelligence and lacks emotions.
 Money has no principle, attitude or belief
system and is merely a tool to make more of it
 So the most complex and at the same time
significant input is man.
 But why?
Because any organisation is superior by
the high merit of the excellence of its
man power or human resource.

So it is kind of obligatory to utilise and

chisel the most vital input in a proficient
manner to run an organisation
 When organisations go beyond striving for
surviving and stretch in pursuit of excellence,
Training becomes imperative.
Congruent Value Creation
 Training helps in optimizing the utilization of
human resource by bringing in synergy
between personal goals and professional goals.

 We can call this as a Congruent Value

Creation where an individual comes with own
skill set and the organization helps him to
grow in the corporate ladder by providing him
an opportunity to prove his mettle.
 Development of Human Resources – Training
and Development helps to provide an
opportunity and broad structure for the
development of human resources’ technical
and behavioural skills in an organization. It
also helps the employees in attaining personal
growth which supplements organisational
 Development of skills of employees – Training
and Development helps in increasing the job
knowledge and skills of employees at each
level. It helps to expand the horizons of human
intellect and an overall personality of the
 •Productivity – Training and Development
helps in increasing the productivity of the
employees that helps the organization further
to achieve its long-term goal.
 Team spirit – Training and Development helps
in inculcating the sense of team work, team
spirit, and inter-team collaborations. It helps in
inculcating the zeal to learn within the
 Organization Culture – Training and
Development helps to develop and improve
the organizational health culture and
effectiveness. It helps in creating the learning
culture within the organization.
 Organization Climate – Training and
Development helps building the positive
perception and feeling about the organization.
The employees get these feelings from leaders,
subordinates, and peers.
 Quality – Training and Development helps in
improving upon the quality of work and work-
 Healthy work-environment – Training and
Development helps in creating the healthy
working environment. It helps to build good
employee, relationship so that individual goals
aligns with organizational goal.
 Health and Safety – Training and
Development helps in improving the health
and safety of the organization thus preventing
 Morale – Training and Development helps in
improving the morale of the work force.
 Image – Training and Development helps in
creating a better corporate image.
 Training and Development aids in
organizational development i.e. Organization
gets more effective decision making and
problem solving. It helps in understanding and
carrying out organisational policies.
Why behavioural training?

To do a job successfully one requires:

 Knowledge

 Skill

 Attitude
 Skill training or technical training takes care of
knowledge as well as skill honing part. It is of
utmost importance to have a know how to
complete a job in a desired manner.
 But, no matter what degree or technical
expertise you have, the results will not be there
if the attitude is not just right.

 As one moves up in the corporate ladder the

organisational pyramid tends to get slender
and there may be chances that many people
with almost similar skill sets are contending
for a single position.
 There behavioural skills are the dexterity
which matter the most.
 Behavioural methods are more than theoretical
aspect of corporate education by giving exposure of
hands on sensible training to the trainees. The various
methods under Behavioural approach allow the
trainee to chisel ones behaviour in the desired
fashion. These methods supplement the technical skill
Apart from instructor lead training (through
power point/flip charts/white board) the various
methods that come under Behavioural approach

 Games and simulations

 Behavior-modeling
 Business games

 Case studies

 Role plays
So to sum it up….

Learning is indispensable….

And so is Training!
That’s It!

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