Fluid Mechanics: By: Engr. Ejay P. Marasigan

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Mass and Density
Mass Density is the mass per unit volume.
m = mass (kg, g, lbm)
V = Volume (m3, cm3, ft3, L)
ρ = density (kg/ m3 , g/cm3, lbm/ft3)

Weight Density is the mass per unit volume.

m = mass (kg, g, lbm)
V = Volume (m3, cm3, ft3, L)
ρ = density (kg/ m3 , g/cm3, lbm/ft3)
λ= ρg
g = Gravitational acceleration
Specific Gravity
Is the ratio the fluid density to the density of a certain standard
reference. The standard reference used for liquid is WATER. It can
also be called relative density.


Specific Volume
Specific Volume (v) is the volume occupied by a unit mass of fluid. It
is the reciprocal of density.

 ν=  ν=

ν = specific volume (m3 /kg, cm3 / g, ft3 / lbm)

• A reservoir of carbon tetrachloride has a mass of 500 kg and a
volume of 0.315 m3. Find the carbon tetrachloride's Mass density in

ρ = 1587
Specific Weigth in kN/m3

λ = 15.57

Specific Gravity

S.G. = 1.59
  is the measure of the fluid’s resistance to flow when acted
upon by an external force. For Newtonian fluids, (τ) the shear stress,
Abs0lute/Dynamic Viscosity
(pa-s, , poise)

Kinetic Viscosity
(, , stoke)   ν=
Benzene at 20°C has a viscosity of 0.000651 Pa-s. What shear stress
is required to deform this fluid at a strain of 4900 s-1?

3.19 Pa

An oil at 20°C with absolute (dynamic) viscosity of 0.0017 lb-s/ft2 is

sheared between two parallel plates 0.02 in apart with the lower fix
and the upper plate moving at 15 ft/s. Compute the shear stress, in
the oil.

15.3 lb/ft3
Surface Tension
Surface tension is the property of fluid which offers resistance at the
membrane or skin the forms on the free surface of the fluid which is
due to the intermolecular cohesion
Soap Bubble   σ=
Liquid Droplets

Liquid Jet
If a bubble is equivalent to air water interface with a surface tension
of 0.0051b/ft. What is the pressure difference inside and outside of a
bubble of diameter 0.003in?

163.2 psf
What will be the diameter (in mm) of a water droplet, the pressure
inside which is 0.05 N/cm2 greater than the outside pressure? (Take
surface tension as 0.075 Nm)

A liquid jet of 5 cm diameter has a pressure difference of N/m2. (Take
surface tension as 0.075 N/m)

3 N/m2
Capillary action is the phenomenon wherein the level of the liquid is
lower or higher than the general level of the liquid.
This is caused by surface tension

Estimate the height to which water at 21°C will rise in a capillary
tube of diameter 3.05 mm. Assume it is a clean glass of theta = 0' and
surface tension = 0.0729 Nm.

9.75 mm

A capillary tube of internal radius 0.25 mm is dipped into water of

surface tension 72dynes/cm. How high does the water rise in the

Bulk Modulus


Compressibility is the reciprocal of Bulk modulus .
Velocity of Sound


A liquid compressed in a cylinder has a volume of 1500 cm3 at 1
MN/m2 and a volume of 1495 cm, at 2 MN/m2. Determine the bulk
modulus of elasticity?

300 Mpa
A 4.9 ft3 of water are compressed to 5000 psig. What is the volume
decrease if the temperature is 60*F? Assume the average bulk
modulus of elasticity of 311000.

0.079 ft3
What is the velocity of sound in 150*F water? The density is 61.2
Ibm/ft^3 and the bulk modulus is 328000 psi

4985.06 ft/s
P=ρgh P= λh

P1-P2=ρgh P1-P2= λh
Take sea water to be 3% heavier than fresh water and assume it is
incompressible. What is the pressure, in metric ton per square meter.
at 3.22 km below the surface of the ocean if fresh water weighs 9.79
kN/ m3.

3309.84 MT/m2

What height of mercury column will cause a pressure of 680 kPa?

What is the equivalent height of water column?

5.10 m
The manometer reads 4in Hg when the atmospheric pressure is
14.7psia, If the absolute pressure of the system is doubled, what is
the new manometer reading? 

38 in
An open tank contains 5.7m of water covered with 2.8m of kerosene
(weight density=8kN/m^3). Find the pressure at the bottom of the

78.32 kPa
Assuming normal barometric pressure, how deep in the ocean is the
point where an air bubble is the point where an air buble, upon
reaching the surface, has six times its volume than it had at the

50.13 m
Ordinarily, it is easier to work in units of pressure
head rather than pressure for solving any
manometer problem.

1. Draw a sketch of the manometer

approximately to scale.
2. Decide on the fluid of which head are to be
expressed. Water is more desirable. In most
cases, we suggest to use head in water even if
there is no water in the system.
3. Starting at a point of know pressure head,
number in order the levels of contact of fluids
of different specific gravities.
4. Proceed from level to level, add pressure head
in going down and subtract pressure head in
going up with due regard to the specific gravity
of the fluids.
The right limb of a simple U-tube manometer containing mercury is
open to the atmosphere while the left limb is connected to a pipe in
which a fluid of specific gravity 0.85 is flowing. The center of the pipe
is 14 cm below the level of mercury in the right limb. Evaluate the
pressure of fluid flowing in the pipe if the difference of mercury level
in the two limbs is 22 cm

2.86 N/cm2
Pascal Principle
A hydraulic system is used to lift a 2000-kg vehicle in an auto garage.
If the vehicle sits on a piston of area 0.5 square meter, and a force is
applied to a piston of area 0.03 square meters, what is the minimum
force that must be applied to lift the vehicle? 

1177.2 N
Buoyancy (Archimedes Principle)
Any body immersed in a fluid is subjected to an upward force called
buoyant force equal to the weight of the displaced fluid.


 V = VT

 h = hT
The weight of a certain crown in air was found to be 14N and its
weight in water is 12.7N. Compute its specific gravity.

An iceberg in the ocean floats with one-eight of its volume above the
surface. What is its specific gravity relative to ocean water, which
weighs 641b/ft3. What portion of its volume would be above the
surface if the ice were floating in pure water.

0.875, 10.26%
A block of wood placed in water has 5 cm protruding above the
surface. When placed in glycerin, sg = 1.26, 8 cm of its length is seen
above the liquid surface. How high is the block?

An ice berg has a density of 57.1 lb/ft3. If it floats fresh water, what
percent of the iceberg's volume will be visible?

Hydrostatic Forces

F=λ h A

 e =

cp=e + cg

 y =
A circular area of diameter "d" is vertical and submerged in a liquid.
Its upper edge is coincident with the liquid surface. Derive an
expression for the depth to its center of pressure

How far below the water surface should a vertical square 1 m on a
side with two sides horizontal to be immersed so that the center of
pressure will be 70 mm below the center of gravity?

 A 0.50 m diameter window has its center three meters below the
water surface. Determine the force acting on the window
considering the window is submerged vertically.

Fluid in Motion
• Continuity Equation

Q=A1v1=A2v2=A3v3= constant
M=ρ1A1v1=ρ2A2v2=ρ3A3v3= constant
Water flows through a pipe of radius 8.0 cm with a speed of 10.0 m/s.
It then enters a smaller pipe of radius 3.0 cm. What is the speed of
the water as it flows through the smaller pipe? Assume that the
water is incompressible. 
From the Problem above, compute the (a) volume flow rate, (b) mass
flow rate, and (c) weight flow rate of water in the pipe.

71.11 m/s

0.20 m3/s
201.06 kg/s
1972.42 N/s
Bernoulli’s Equation
Applying the law of conservation of energy to fluids that may be
considered incompressible, Bernoulli’s theorem may be stated as

+ +z1= + +z2
+ +z1 + Ha= + +z2 + HL(1-2)
+ +z1 = + +z2 + HL(1-2) + HE
What is the theoretical velocity generated by a 10 foot hydraulic

25.38 ft/s
 A hose lying on the ground has water coming out of it at a speed of
5.4 meters per second. You lift the nozzle of the hose to a height of
1.3 meters above the ground. At what speed does the water now
come out of the hose?

1.91 m/s
A cylindrical pipe with water flowing downward at 0.02 m^3/s having
top diameter of 0.08, bottom diameter of 0.04m and height of 1.5m,
Find the pressure between the pipe.

104.02 kpa
Torricelli’s Theorem
Torricelli’s theorem, also called
Torricelli’s law, Torricelli’s
principle, or Torricelli’s equation,
statement that the speed, v, of a
liquid flowing under the force of
gravity out of an opening in a
tank is proportional jointly to
the square root of the vertical
distance, h, between the liquid
surface and the centre of the
opening and to the square root
of twice the acceleration caused
by gravity, 2g, or simply v =
V = Cv √2gh Cv = Coefficient of Velocity
Cd = Coefficient of Discharge
Q = AV
Ao = Area of the orifice
H = Elevation head
V = CdAo √2gh
Given is an orifice with coefficient of velocity Cv=0.6. If the head
above the orifice is 4 m, the actual velocity of the jet Issuing from the
orifice in m/s is nearest to 

5.32 m/s
The discharge through a 75-mm diameter orifice at the bottom of a
large tank was measured be 1734 liters in 1 minute. If the head over
the orifice remains constant at 5.5m, compute the coefficient of

Reynolds Number
Reynolds Number is a dimensionless parameter equal to the ratio of
the inertia forces to the friction forces.

  Re =
Re < 2000 (Laminar Flow)
Re = 2000-4000
  Re = (Transitional Flow)
Re > 4000 (Turbulent Flow)

  f= Re = 2000 (Critical Flow)

A 70.874 Ls (150 ft^3/min) of water is flowing in a round pipe such
that the flow remains laminar. Considering that the critical Reynold's
number to be 2000, what is the diameter of the pipe to ensure
laminar flow? (Note: kinematic viscosity of water is 4.75 X 10^-5

What is the friction factor for fully developed flow in a circular pipe
where Reynolds number is 1000?


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