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through Satellite


Edusat is the combination of two words : Education & Satellite .

In its broad sense mean education through satellite .

Education is an important tool which is very useful in

everyday’s life. It makes man the smartest creature on earth . In
general sense education is the process of facilitating learning or
the acquisition of knowledge , skills, values, beliefs, critical
thinking , problem solving, creativity and habits .
What is Satellite

A satellite is an object that moves in a curved path around planet.

The moon is earth’s original satellite and there are many man-
made (artificial) satellites, usually closer to earth . The path a
satellite follows in an orbit( কক্ষপথ ), which sometimes takes the
shape of a circle .

Just like the moon revolves (আবর্তি ত হওয়া) around the earth, satellite
are man-made objects that revolve around the earth utilizing its
gravitational(মহাকর্ষীয় ) attraction .
What is EDUSAT
Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam, the then president of India said,
“Democratization of knowledge indicates knowledge for
everyone,any time,any place,EDUSAT will be extremely useful in
decreasing the digital divide .”

Edusat is India’s first full fledged exclusive educational satellite .

It is a communication satellite, also known as GSAT-3, is meant
for distant classroom education from school level to higher
education .
The Govt. of India with the co-operation of ISRO(Indian Space
Research Organization) launched the Educational Satellite on
20th September 2004 from the Sriharikota Satish Dawan Space
Research center, located in Andhra Pradesh, using a G.S.L.V
Rocket .
It is collaborative project of MHRD (Ministry of Human Resources
Development), IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University) and
ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization) .

It was launched into Geostationary Transfer Orbit (GTO). It is a

elliptical (উপবৃত্তাকার) orbit .

Mission Duration : It was planned for 7 years, but it achieved in 6

years. On 30th September 2010 it was deactivated .

EDUSAT is specially configured for an audio visual medium employing

a digital interactive classroom and multimedia multi centric system .

It is primarily meet for providing connectivity to the school, college

and higher levels of education and also support non formal education,
including developmental communication .
Aims & Objectives
The two main objectives of the Edusat programme are to provide
support education through the low cost ground segments and to
reach the unapproached people of India .

Edusat aims to connect urban and rural educational institutions

throughout India to provide a formal educational infrastructure
and also to help spread knowledge about health and other related
issues to more remote areas of the country .

To meet the demand for an interactive satellite based distance

education .

Primarily for providing connectivity to school, college and higher

level of education and also to support the non-formal education .
To assess the impact of the broadcast of the video programme on
students with respect the gain in the knowledge .

To get the feedback from the teachers on the quality of the

programme and is impact on teachers .

Increasing access to quality resources person .

Enhancing community participation .

Recruitment training of school teachers, continuous upgradation

of their reknowledge .

Support total literacy, adult education and compulsary education

for all in the age group of 6-14 years .
Functions Of Edusat
• It is a satellite fully dedicated to the cause of education .
• It covers all geographical area inside the country .
• It can provide interactive and cost effective education .
• It can provide consistency to information .

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