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World Religions


Buddhism & Christianity

By Malia Bateman and Josh Flores
Roles of Men vs Women
● Men were usually the head of the ● Household chores were split
household, but men and women evenly between husbands and
were considered equally wives.
important. ● Women were typically wives
and mothers.
● They had educational and
religious freedom.
● They were encouraged to
take on her husband’s role if
he were unable to work.
Rules / Laws
Five Precepts of Buddhism:

1. Refrain from taking life.

2. Refrain from taking what is not given.
3. Refrain from misuse of the senses.
4. Refrain from wrong speech.
5. Refrain from intoxications that cloud the mind.
Religious Beliefs
● Buddhists seek enlightenment, or nirvana, which is
freedom from suffering and being fully alive and present
● Three Universal Truths:
in one's life. This is done through meditation.
1. Everything in life is
impermanent and always ● The Eightfold Path
changing. 1. Right understanding
2. A life based on possessing 2. Right values
things or persons doesn't 3. Right speech
make you happy. 4. Right action
3. There is no eternal, 5. Right work
unchanging soul and "self" 6. Right effort
is just a collection of 7. Right mindfulness
changing characteristics or 8. Right meditation
Cultural Diffusion
● Founded in northern India by Buddha.
● Spread to Southeast Asia: Sri Lanka,
Myanmar, Thailand, and Indo-China.
● It followed the Silk Road and headed
north to places such as as Nepal and
● Buddhists merchants helped by
traveling to different lands.
● Emperor Asoka also helped spread its
● Today, the majority of Buddhists live in
Sri Lanka, East and Southeast Asia,
and Japan, but they are found all over
the world.
Roles Of Men Vs Women

Many christians see Roles Two different ways But some christians Believe God made men and
as both ways are supported in the bible. women equally and to have equal
Early christians lived In a Male dominated
society and women were to “Submit to your “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave
husbands as you would the lord”, And they nor free, nor is there male and female, for you
believed god made men and women differently. are all one in Christ Jesus.”

And women were in charge of Caring for the

child and being the “Helper” Of the husband.
Rules and Laws
Christians had the 10 Commandments:

● thou shalt not have strange Gods before me

● Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain
● Remember to keep holy the Lord's Day
● Honour thy father and thy mother
● Thou shalt not kill
● Thou shalt not commit adultery
● Thou shalt not steal
● Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour
● Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife
● Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's goods
Religious Beliefs
Christians believed that

● Their is only one god

● Jesus is the Messiah
● Jesus Died to save The world and was resurrected
● The second coming
● The Afterlife (Heaven and Hell)
● The Trinity
Cultural Diffusion
● It was founded in Judea.
● It quickly spread to the roman empire
● It later then spread into Northern Europe and
● Christianity spread through relocation
diffusion by missionaries and hierarchical
diffusion when the Roman Empire made it
its State Religion
● Jesus Teaching spread all throughout the
empire with jesus apostles
Slide 3:
● BBC. "Buddhist Attitudes to Family Life."
● Buddha Dharma Education Association. "Buddhism and Women." BuddhaNet, 2008.
Slide 4:
● BBC. "The Five Precepts." 9.
Slide 5:
● Saisuta, Ven. Phramaha Nopadol. "The Buddhist Core Values and Perspectives for Protection Challenges: Faith and Protection." 20 Nov.
● United Religions Initiative. "Buddhism: Basic Beliefs."
Slide 6:
● "Diffusion of Buddhism." Buddhism,
● The figure below maps the spread of Buddhism from the 4th century BC to the 6th century A.D. onto the three regions of modern Asia as
construed in Cornell's collections. 2017. Cornell University Library,
Slide 8:

● Lambrecht, Briana. “Man and Woman Roles.” WELS,

● “Roles of Men and Women - Gender Equality - GCSE Religious Studies Revision - WJEC - BBC Bitesize.” BBC News, BBC,

Slide 9:

● Bennett, Mike, and About the Author Mike Bennett Mike Bennett is editorial content manager for t. “10 Commandments List.” Life, Hope &
● What Does Christianity Say about Life after Death? - Life after Death - GCSE Religious Studies Revision - BBC Bitesize.
Sources (continued)
Slide 10:
● Ainsley, Rob. “Essentials of Three Faiths - Faith.” THE BRITISH LIBRARY, The British Library, 14 Feb. 2011,

Slide 11:
● “Diffusion of Religion and Language: Unit 3: Cultural Patterns & Processes - AP Human Geography.” Fiveable,

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