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Mujahidul islam Tazmun naher Srikanto Chandra

Id-173022001 Id-173022009 Das

Feni university Feni university Id-173022002
Civil Department Feni university
Civil Department
Civil Department
What is Project?
Project management
Measuring project Success
Who uses project management
Project initiation
Project characteristic
Why is project management important
Why do project fail?
What is a Project ?
A Project is an activity that:

Is temporary having a start and end date.

Is Unique.
Brings about change
Has Unknown elements, which therefore create risk
 A project is an activity to meet the creation of a
unique product ,service or result .Another
definition is a management created for the
purpose of delivering one or more business
products according to a specified business case.
 Project management is the practice of initiating,
planning , executing, controlling and closing
the work of a team to achieve specified time .
 Planning: is the most critical and gets the
least amount of our time

 Organizing: Orderly fashion

 Controlling: is critical if we are to use our
limited resources wisely
 Measuring: To determine if we accomplished
the goal or met the target?
 We measure the success of a project using 4
major project constraints , specifically:
 -Scope.
 -Cost.
 -Schedule (Time)
 -Customer satisfaction ? ( quality &
If you can’t plan it, You can’t do it
If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it
 Constrains
 Coast/Budget
 Resources
 Deliverables
 Phase & time Scales
 Strategy
 Risks
 Roles & Responsibilities
A project contains a well defined objective.
The project objective is defined terms of …
scope, schedule, and cost.
A project is carried out via a set of
interdependent tasks.
A project uses various resources to carry out
these tasks.
A project has a definite start date & an
expected completion date
 Enables us to map out a course of action or work
 Helps us to think systematically and thoroughly
 Unique Task
 Specific Objective
 Variety of Resources
 Time bound
 At first Planning
 Timely & Efficient Goals Setting
 Improved Communication
 In built Monitoring/ Sequencing
 Creator Customer Satisfaction.
 Easy and Early Identification of Bottlenecks
 Activity based costing
 Preempting Unnecessary activity/expenditure
 Timely Completion
 Assigning tasks
 Reporting
 Select the right person for the job
 Get team buy-in
 Reduce work in progress..
 Regular Monitoring
 Resource Support
 Critical issues discussed and solution
 Schedule regular meetings and actually hold

 Track the progress against the plan
1. Poor project & program management discipline
2. Lake of executive-level support
3. Wrong team members
4. Poor communication
5. No measures for evaluating the success of the
6. No risk management
7. Inability to manage change


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