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1. Which of the following is the proper way to
collect and preserve garments [as evidence] with
wet bloodstains:
a. allow it to air-dry out of direct sunlight and pack
it with a paper container with a proper labeling
b. dry it directly under direct sunlight and place it in
a plastic bag
c. immediately place it in a plastic bag and seal it
d. cut the wet portion and place it in a plastic bag
2. Which of the following is the proper
procedure in the documentation of DNA
evidence at a crime scene:
a. photograph it before it is touched,
moved or collected
b. have a plastic container to place
collected materials
c. immediately collect and pact the
d. cordon the area
3. When collecting DNA sample
evidence, what do you do?
a. pick it up with your bare hands
b. wear gloves and mask every time this
specimen is handled
c. have the collected materials dried
immediately to prevent contamination
d. place the collected materials together
in a plastic container to avoid
4. What is the amount of DNA needed for
PCR based DNA analysis?
a. 15 ng c. 5 Nng
b. 10 ng d. 2 ng

5. This is a way for artificially aging a

a. immersing in boiling coffee c. immersing in
b. steaming the paper in boiling water
d. exposing to direct sunlight
6. This refers to the clumping of blood in the
test for blood:
a. contamination c. suspension
b. agglutination d. hardening

7. This test determines whether a blood is

human or animal:
a. precipitin test c. marquis test
b. benzedine test d. diphenylamine test
8. What do you call the fluid portion of blood?
a. cell c. erythrocyte
b. genes d. plasma

9. It was him who, in 1901, introduced blood

typing [earning him a Nobel Prize], which has
been the basis of the ABO system:
a. Karl Landsteiner c. Montgomer Mayer
b. Patrick Hayes d. Silvertone Keys
10. This discovery, which recognized that human
blood are distinguishable, has allowed [for the first
time] the transfusion of blood without disastrous
a. DNA c. blood typing
b. ABO system d. blood transfusion

11. The search for genetically controlled blood

factors in bloodstains has been disregarded in
favor of this approach by characterizing biological
a. DNA analysis c. blood typing
b. ABO system d. blood grouping
12. This is a substance, usually a protein, that
stimulates the body to produce antibodies
against it:
a. plasma c. antigen
b. serum d. erythrocyte

13. This protein that destroys or inactivates a

specific antigen can be found in the blood
a. antibody c. antigen
b. antiserum d. erythrocyte
14. This study involves a broad scope of
laboratory tests that use specific antigen and
serum antibody reactions:
a. serology c. bioengineering
b. immunoassy d. biochemistry

15. This is an antibody that reacts with its

corresponding antigen to form a precipitate:
a. enzyme c. polymorphism
b. precipitin d. chromosome
16. This is the cell arising from the union of
an egg and a sperm cell:
a. gene c. spermatozoa
b. sperm d. zygote

17. This is a rod-like structure in the cell

nucleus, along which the genes are located. It
is composed of DNA surrounded by other
material, mainly protein:
a. gene c. cell
b. chromosome d. enzyme
18. A unit of inheritance consisting of a
DNA segment located on a chromosome:
a. gene c. cell
b. chromosome d. enzyme

19. What is the constituent of blood, which

is responsible for the formation of
haemochromogen crystal?
a. red blood cell c. serum
b. white blood cell d. antibody
20. This is one of the active ingredients of
a. tetrahydrocannabinnol c. spheroidal cystolith
b. calcium carbonate d. amphetamine

21. These are drugs that can cause marked

alterations in normal thought processes,
perceptions, and moods:
a. stimulants c. hallucinogens
b. depressants d. narcotics
22. This is test to identify a specific drug or
substance by the color and morphology of the
crystals formed when the substance is mixed with
specific reagents:
a. reagent test c. microcrystalline test
b. microscopic test d. morphology test

23. This are synthetic compounds that are

chemically related to the male sex hormone
[testosterone], which promotes muscle growth:
a. pituitary hormone c. androgen gland
b. anabolic steroid d. testes
24. This is an extra-ordinary molecule skillfully
designed to carry out the task of controlling the
genetic traits of all living cells, plant and animals:
a. DNA c. polymer
b. chromosome d. nucleotide

25. This refers to the specific pairing of base A

with T and base C with G in double-stranded DNA:
a. representative pairing c. complementary base
b. compensatory pairing d. contemporary base
26.This is the unit of DNA consisting one of the four bases
[adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine], attached to a
phosphate-sugar group:
a. DNA c. polymer
b. chromosome d. nucleotide

27.The efforts of these researchers led to the discovery that

the DNA is actually composed of two DNA strands coiled
into a double helix, which resembles two wires twisted
around each other:
a. Watson and Crick c. Watson and Hayes
b. Watson and Gretel d. Watson and Meyer
28. This is the most suitable material for making
foot mark cast in soil:
a. plaster of paris c. shellac
b. paraffin wax d. glue

29. This test can determine whether a person has

fired a gun or not:
a. precipitin test c. agglutinin test
b. diphenylamine test d. benzedrine test
30. Under certain conditions, all types of serial
number on metals can be restored through:
a. density gradient test c. acid etching
b. benzedrine test d. comparison test

31. This refers to the science of drugs that deals

with their preparations, uses and effects:
a. pharmacy c. therapeutics
b. pharmacology d. drug therapy
32. This is the separation of the original strands of
DNA molecule and assembly or formation of two
new strands:
a. duplication c. multiplication
b. replication d. growth

33. It is the technique for copying a portion of a

DNA strand outside a living cell:
a. polymerase chain reaction c. transmitted chain
b. automatic chain reaction d. automated chain
34. A chemical that acts as scissor to cut DNA
molecules at specific locations:
a. restriction enzyme c. helix cut process
b. fragmentation enzyme d. hybridization

35. This refers to the process of joining two

complementary strands of DNA to form a double
stranded molecule:
a. restriction enzyme c. helix cut process
b. fragmentation enzyme d. hybridization
36. The structure of DNA requires the
pairing of base A to:
a. T c. G
b. C

37. The structure of DNA requires the

pairing of base G to:
a. T c. A
b. C
38. This is the structure covering the exterior
of the hair:
a. cortex c. medulla
b. cuticle d. root
39. It is the main body of the hair shaft:
a. cortex c. medulla
b. cuticle d. root
40. This is a cellular column running through
the center of the hair:
a. cortex c. medulla
b. cuticle d. root
41. This is an appendage of the skin that
grows out of an organ known as follicle:
a. pore c. hair
b. root d. furrow

42. This part of the hair explains why hair is

a good subject for establishing individual’s
identity due to its resistance to chemical
decomposition and also its keratinized or
hardened specialized cells:
a. cortex c. medulla
b. cuticle d. root
43. This part of the hair can be the subject of
DNA analysis due to its follicular tag:
a. cortex c. medulla
b. cuticle d. root

44. It was found out that this fiber adheres to a

rod in a beaker and forms a fine filament that
hardens up as soon as it enters the cool air:
a. natural fiber c. man-made fiber
b. synthetic fiber d. vegetable fiber
45. This is the basic unit of structure from which
a polymer is constructed:
a. monomer c. molecule
b. macromolecule d. nanometer

46. This refers to the method of observing and

evaluating physical evidences at the scene of the
crime, as well as the conduct of interviews of those
involved with the incident, for the purpose of
determining the true circumstances surrounding the
a. reconstruction c. evaluation
b. investigation d. analysis
47. This is the fundamental unit of heredity:
a. chromosome c. DNA
b. gene d. plasma

48. This is a molecule skillfully designed to

carry out the task of controlling the genetic
traits of all living cells, plants and animals.
a. chromosome c. DNA
b. gene d. nucleotide
49. This is a technique designed to copy or
multiply DNA strands.
a. Polymerase Chain Reaction c. Hybridization
b. Replication d. fragmentation

50. This pertains to the properties of evidence that

can be attributed to a common source with an
extremely high degree of certainty:
a. individual characteristics c. degree of reliability
b. class characteristics d. degree of certainty
51. What do you call the process of ascertaining
whether two or more objects have a common
a. description c. comparison
b. juxtaposition d. evaluation

52. This has reference to the properties of

evidence that can only be associated with a group
and never with a single source:
a. individual characteristics c. degree of reliability
b. class characteristics d. degree of certainty
53. A Frenchman who advocated that when a
criminal came in contact with an object of person, a
cross-transfer of evidence occurs:
a. Edmond Locard c. Hans Gross
b. Albert Osborn d. Calvin Goddard

54. An analytical technique for identifying

crystalline materials:
a. x-ray diffraction c. chromatography
b. spectrophotometry d. density gradient method
55. What do you call the process whereby organic
materials can be decomposed by heat -- for
example – paint chips, fibers, and plastics can be
heated to high temperatures (500 – 1000 Celsius):
a. burning c. melting
b. pyrolysis d. vaporization

56.The most reliable and delicate test for the

determination of the presence of blood by means of
an optical instrument.
a. Precipitin test c. Microscopic test
b. Spectroscopic test d. Florence test
57. It is used to characterize and locate seminal
a. Florence test c. Barberio’s test
b. Microscopic examination d. Acid Phosphate

58. A test used if the powder particles of nitrates

and nitrites are deeply embedded in the clothing,
the visible result of which is the fact that nitrates
are converted to a dye.
a. Walker’s test c. Microscopic test
b. Diphenylamine test d. Spectroscopic test
59.. An examination which is used to determine the
general group to which the fiber belongs.
a. Chemical test c. Fluorescence test
b. Florence test d. Burning or ignition test

60. A reliable test which is used to identify and

compare ballpoint pen ink.
a. Spot test c. Paper chromatography
b. Chemical test d. Dissolution test
61. A rapid and convenient method of determining
the density of small glass fragments.
a. Density gradient test c. Immersion method b.
Flotation method d. Polish mark examination

62. A test which shows the constituent elements of a

glass which is key to establish the origin of the glass
samples examined.
a. X-ray diffraction test c. Spectographic analysis

b. Ultra violet light examination d. Physical

property examination
63.. Simon’s reagent and shabu combined will
yield what visible result?
a. Yellow c. Green
b. Blue d. Red

64. Used to determine human semen under

microscopic examination.
a. Spermine nitrate c. Spermatozoa
b. Hemochromagen crystals
d. Choline periodic crystals
65.. Positive result of Marijuana if combined with
a. Yellow fluorescence c. Blue specks
b. Effervescence d. No reaction

66. A person who fired a gun would be positively

identified when DPA solution is used with the
visible result of:
a. Blue specks c. Orange brown specks
b. Bluish fluorescence d. Green specks
67. Fundamental unit of heredity.
a. Sperm cell c. Gene
b. Egg cell d. DNA

68. Which among the foregoing is not usually used

specimen in DNA typing?
a. Hair c. Blood
b. Bones d. Semen

69. A very large molecule made by linking together

a series of repeating units.
a. Gene c. Nucleotide
b. Polymer d. Double helix
70. The production of amino acid is controlled by a
sequence of how many bases on the DNA
a. Two c. Four
b. Three d. Five

71. The circulating tissue of the body.

a. Semen c. Cells
b. Blood d. Muscles

72. A man of average built would normally have

how many quarts of blood?
a. 6 quarts c. 8 quarts
73.. It is a stray yellow colored liquid, and
comprises about 65% of the blood.
a. Platelets c. Leucocytes
b. Fibrin d. Plasma

74. It is the oxygen carrier of the blood.

a. Plasma c. Erythrocytes
b. Hemoglobin d. Fibrin
75. Reliable and easy way to test blood even when it
is decomposed and stained with contamination.
a. Benzidine test c. Phenolphthalein test
b. Van Deen’s Test d. Precipitin test.

76. Stage of blood examination wherein the actual

proof that subject is definitely blood.
a. Preliminary test c. Precipitin test
b. Confirmatory test d. Blood typing and grouping
77. Test to determine whether blood is of human origin or
a. Preliminary test c. Precipitin test
b. Confirmatory test d. Blood typing and grouping

78. Positive result in the preliminary examination for semen

in Barberio’s test.
a. Picric acid c. Napthol diazonium
b. Spermine picrate d. Anthraquinous chloride

79. Coffee when given to drunken persons is what kind of

a. Cathartic c. Physiological
b. Chemical d. Demulcent
80. Animal fiber may be best described by:
a. It is composed of protein
b. Gives yellow fluorescence under u.v. light
c. It burns fast
d. It has acid like odor when burned

81. Restriction enzymes are used to cut out sequences of

DNA having different________.
a. Length c. Weight
b. Width d. Height

82. How may different bases are associated with the make-
up of DNA?
a. Two c. Four
b. Three d. Five
83. DNA requires the pairing of A (adenine) to ________.
a. C (cytosine) c. T (thymine)
b. G (guanine) d. A (adenine)

84. G (guanine) is to be paired with ______ in a double

helix configuration.
a. C (cytosine) c. T (thymine)
b. G (guanine) d. A (adenine)

85. The base sequence of T-G-C-A can be paired with the

base sequence of ________ to complete a double helix
a. A-C-G-T c. G-T-A-C
b. C-A-G-T d. A-T-G-C
86.. When gunpowder explodes, this would
determine the approximate time of firing the gun?
a. Soot c. Gases
b. Nitrates and nitrites d. Metallic fragments

87. In determining whether the hair is of human or

animal origin what should the chemist examine
under the microscope?
a. Parts of the shaft c. Parts of the hair
b. Parts of the tip d. Parts of the root
88. A fiber which burns rapidly and the fumes
turns blue litmus to red, it is:
a. Cotton c. Fiber glass
b. Silk d. Steel wool

89. It is the part of the hair which is referred

to as a race determinant?
a. Cortex c. Medulla
b. Cuticle d. Shaft
90. A test for fiber used in determining whether it is of
human or animal origin.
a. Ignition test or burning c. Chemical analysis
b. Fluorescence analysis d. Microscopic analysis

91. Kind of ink is wherein the use of chemical bleaches is

a. Carbon c. Nigrosine
b. Logwood d. Gallotanic

92. Refers to any agent which neutralizes poison and its

a. Emetics c. Alkaloids
b. Antidotes d. Tetanics
93. Which among the following exhibits bluish
fluorescence when exposed to u.v. light?
a. Blood c. Saliva
b. Semen d. Urine

94. Oldest known explosive.

a. Black powder c. Dynamite
b. Smoke powder d. TNT

95. Deals with the study and identification of body fluids.

a. Immunology c. Posology
b. Serology d. Pharmacology
96. Study which deals of poisons, their origin,
physical and chemical properties, physiological
action, treatment and method of detection.
a. Forensic Chemistry c. Posology
b. Toxicology d. Forensic Medicine

97. A substance which when introduced into the

body is absorbed in the blood stream and acting
chemically is capable of producing noxious effect.
a. Drugs c. Poison
b. Dangerous drugs d. Antidotes
98. Refers to poisons which produces inflammation
of the mucous membrane and characterized by
vomiting, pain in the abdomen and purging.
a. Corrosives c. Narcotics
b. Irritants d. Tetanics

99. When a substance acts directly upon the spinal

cord producing immobility or stiffness to the parts
to which they are attached, it is classified as:
a. Corrosives c. Narcotics
b. Irritants d. Tetanics
100. In criminal investigation metallurgy
plays an important application in:
a. Counterfeit coins
b. Theft and Robbery
c. Bombs and Explosives
d. Restoration of tampered serial numbers

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