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Biodiesel derived from vegetable oil or animal fat by

transesterification with alcohol like methanol or
ethanol, is recommended for use as a substitute for
petroleum based diesel because biodiesel is
oxygenated, (the gasses released during combustion are
essentially the gasses absorbed from the atmosphere 

• It Starts with Used Cooking Oil

• The first step of our biodiesel process is the collection of used cooking oil . A large
amount of oil comes from commercial fryers at local restaurants, food processors, and
any business that serves food, as well as home kitchens. All kinds of cooking oil can
be used, including soy, vegetable, canola, and animal fats.

• Purification and Refinement

After used cooking oil is collected, the next step is refinement. Used oil is usually full of
impurities, such as meat scraps, water, crumbs of breading, and other leftovers. These
contaminants must be filtered out, so they don’t interfere with the conversion process.
Used cooking oil also contains a high amount of free fatty acids
When you use oil repeatedly, the high heat starts to break down the molecules. Fatty acid
particles detach from the rest of the molecule and start to float freely. These FFAs 

• Materials for Making Biodiesel

• 1 liter of new vegetable oil (canola oil, corn oil, soybean oil)
• 3.5 grams (0.12 ounces) sodium hydroxide  (also known as lye). Sodium hydroxide is used for some drain
cleaners. The label should state that the product contains sodium hydroxide (not calcium hypochlorite, which is
found in many other drain cleaners).
• 200 milliliters (6.8 fluid ounces) of methanol (methyl alcohol). Heet fuel treatment is methanol. Be sure the label
says the product contains methanol (Iso-Heet, for example, contains isopropyl alcohol and won't work).
• Blender with a low-speed option. The pitcher for the blender is to be used only for making biodiesel. You want to
use one made from glass, not plastic because the methanol you will use can react with plastic.
• Digital scale to accurately measure 3.5 grams, which equals 0.12 ounces


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